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Jarred Killer 71146363

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i didn't like the new design of kurumi model live... main reason probably cause i have my home screen a kurumi live model i can interact with. that i im used to at... i might get used to it by time goes. but so don't worry about it👍

Ps. just some random dude. complaining or not. that something feels off about the kurumi live model and i didn't like that!

as sekai player myself. i forgot how to flick on sekai. cause in this game flicker. you can flick it to get perfect and you can just tap it instead to get great. and your fc still there... yup. kinda my fault just tapping the flicker and i forgot how to flick again💀

This game is rigged cause i I'm always first even though i want to be second to get more advantage to the enemy and if I I'm second finally for some reason my opponent surrender too quick even though the match hasn't even started yet!!!

ps. i had a worse bad luck and i will blame the game instead!!!
that's why i hate a game when it involves luck to win the game😭

i can't join in the multi anymore cause my weak wifi and data is way too weak and that's not my fault it take too long to load!!!

ps. some of the player wondering why they are stuck in the lobby and it's because of my weak wifi not me!!!

Crossing Void | Global


this game doesn't exist in the play store anymore... what happened after i leave the game for a couple of a year's... the only thing I I'm worried about is there will be a new update in the near future???

edited: okay after starting it... i find out there is a bug where you are stuck and the (network connection error) for some reason... so in other words i can't play this game anymore???

so why i can't play in multi and it always disconnected and it doesn't happened in the last time i played it cause it worked fine in the past???

edited: i hate it when i forgot how to flick and i subconscious just tap it by reflexes... WTF!!!

edited 2: No idea why i can't die when i losed all my hp probably because i was on milti app or is it a feature?! (bruh... i might not play the game if i can't see game over when i I'm supposed to die!)

I love it when there is anime song!!!!!!

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Live2D Kurumi that i can interact with! #ShareLockScreen  노트 열어보기
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