After i finish the tutorial i was gonna fight someone but it freezed
I was in my Aunt's house, it was night so i had to leave. Next Day i tried to play but it freezed again...
I had to clear all data and make the stupid download again,Oh well...if this update isn't good enough ill delete the gameive been wanting to play for month( ˘•ω•˘ ).oOஇ
일곱 개의 대죄: GRAND CROSS | 글로벌버전
4.0After i finish the tutorial i was gonna fight someone but it freezed
I was in my Aunt's house, it was night so i had to leave. Next Day i tried to play but it freezed again...
I had to clear all data and make the stupid download again,Oh well...if this update isn't good enough ill delete the gameive been wanting to play for month( ˘•ω•˘ ).oOஇ