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hewwo?? hewwoooo???
phryyyyyyyyne 969031

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hewwo?? hewwoooo???
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Infinity Nikki | English


Like always, Nikki games show that 'mobile optimitzation' is not in their vocabulary. While the game is pretty good, and looks gorgeous on PC, it's mobile counterpart is... lackluster, and that's being kind. It looks like absolute crap, a mess of pixels and visual glitches that on top of it all, overheats the phone in three seconds.

It's also pretty okay-ish with the rest of it. The story isn't bad, but it's incredibly predictable if you know anything about past Nikki games or about the character types in L&D lol The gameplay is good, but clunky and way too over the top with a billion abilities from bug catching to fishing to floating to another type of floating (!?) to electrician to... uh, blowing heart shaped bubbles?

Crafting is also... a thing. All mat realms cost 40 Energy per run, which would be fine if there weren't five forms of each non-weekly boss, which means 10 different bosses that each give unique materials not obtainable from other bosses. Caged Greed can be skipped, but the Golem boss you will need to do time and time again, since most outfits require one of the 5 types of mats that boss gives. Then there's Eurekas, Insights, Threads, Bubbles, Blings, the Weekly Evolution boss... It's endless.

And have fun beating the 4 current Sovereings, if you can even reach them! Which is, btw, obligatory since you can't craft the MSQ required outfit 'Wishful Aurosa' without the unique materials you get from exchanging their Medals. The sudden difficulty spike from Breezy Meadows to Stoneville gave me whiplash, and it was even worse from Stoneville to the Wishing Woods... Though the Fresh Sovereing was decidedly easier than the Sexy one, if only because there's a great selection of Fresh clothes while Sexy has the least amount of clothes.

The sountrack is top tier, though.

Coffee Tales | English


Game EoS'd. Not surprising, since it's Space Leaper's company... a shame, both looked good.

鋼嵐 | 繁中版



It's just a re-branded game, the laziest of game types. Kinda sad, though, as the designs do look good.

Riichi City


its cute, its fun and none of my friends play it so i can go full stealth lol 10 out of 10

Tutorial is long as hell and in Chinese. Why the hell is language change not at the start...?

Matsuro Palette


What a demanding lady!!

This game was lovely. Gameplay wise, it was simple and easy to understand. It was very engaging and unique, though! Never got boring.

What really shone in this game, whoever, was the story and the art.

Starting with the later; Matsuro Palette has a really unique and beautiful art style, very reminiscent of Touhou. It's charming, and plays well in the game over scenes.The expressions the girl makes when angry also remind me of Umineko's Beato.

Now, the story... it was amazing. It was tragic and sad, and although it does have a Good End (and a bunch of Bad Ends) it feels... bittersweet. The girl in the painting never gets her true good end, forever trapped and with memories of the real girl and herself mixed. In the end she lost herself a long time ago, and the girl who she was is no more. No matter what you do, that will always be a fact. As will the end of the model for the painting, stripped of her individuality and mistreated even in death by a man that couldn't move on.

All in all, it's a very beautiful, well done game and I absolutely adore it.

Okay, so. Alice Closet is a really really good game. But this Global version has some very visible issues.

The first one would be the translation: It's FULL of typos, starting by how Seilan's name is not properly capitalized, how some names are not correctly formatted into the dialogue box (creating weird spaces between names and other words) and the english in some parts is... Questionable.

You CAN, and WILL be able to, understand the game and it's plot, but it will be really noticeable that some things are not properly done.

Secondly, if I remember correctly in the JP version you could choose your first Alice out of the main three. They gave you the option to get Sakura, Margaret (whom I believe was named Margherite) and Iris. The prologue was, iirc, playable. In this version, they default to Sakura AND the whole prologue is a video that goes *way too fast*. It's difficult to catch what they say, to be honest.

And finally, the last problem is... they added ads. Even though they are fully optional, some of the screens have got some very annoyingly placed "Ads" buttons, which honestly just... look ugly, out of place and annoy me www

But all in all, it does seem like a really good version, so I recommend wholly to give it a chance!!

This game is... bad. It's a walking ad. You change from dresses to hair? Ad. You want a locked item? Ad. You change a part's color? Ad. You look away one second? AD. It's just ads. every. damn. second. I couldn't complete one chara, had only put hair and dress and I got like 4 ads!!! I ended up uninstalling right that moment. Great potential wasted by ads every 5 seconds.

Escape!! Ghost School


Ah, such a soft game! It was heart warming, yet sad and melancholic. I recommend it greatly! It's short (took me aproximately >30 min) but it's very sweet and that makes up for it! All in all, try it! You wom't regret it!

SINoALICE | Global


Thank you Pokelabo for recovering this game from the depths of that company's hell [大哭] What to say that is not known? I mean, it's SINoALICE. Most of us have already played it. There are a few changes here and there,but it's still the same amazing game!!!

i★Chu Étoile Stage


Finally, I can see my babies again!! Kokoro, I missed you so much~ Wait for all your fans!! Waaah, we still can't play, but just knowing we'll soon see them all, it makes me happy!! Please, everyone, give IChu Etoile Stage a chance!!(≧∀≦)ゞ

This is one of the best games that has come out recently.

For starters, the rates are pretty good. All my initial rolls got the guaranteed ssr plus two to four sr cards! Of course, they could be better, but for 300 dia per 10roll, they are quite great.

The story is incredibly funny, and seeing fans translate it is really entertaining! Crowley's "how kind am I!" catch phrase is really funny, it makes me wanna punch him wwww The characters are also very cute and charming! The Deuce/Ace/Grim dynamic is very very fun, they are so so dumb wwww

The protagonist doesn't have pronouns, either, so you can really insert yourself in the story~ It's not centered on dating/otome mechanics, either, so it's quite more fun!

Gameplay wise, the rhythm part is real fun, and I love seeing Grim be dumb. The fighting part I haven't gotten the hang of it, but it is quite fun too~

As for music & art, both are SUPERB. The characters truly are made by Yana Toboso, and the music sets very well with the game's story.

All in all, not a game for all but a super great game nonetheless 💕💕

A good game ruined by the worst translation and optimitzation I've ever seen. Some sentences seem straight outta google translate, they dont introduce any chara so suddenly you are becas and there is some gal called guinevere and you've gotta fight with mechas? the gacha is... man. its shit. the art is pretty good but can be overshadowed by many other games lol sound is meh. gameplay could be better optimized but is not bad. all in all? this dnglish ver is awful.

its great, fun and grindy. just think of im@s shiny colors or im@s mobage, and thats exactly what you have here, only they include a simple rythm mini game. do not expect llsif, as this is a breeding + management game (shiny colors, enstars, dream!ing, cue!, engirls...) so yeah, if you go thinking its a rythm game you are gonna be very, very let down. if you do not think of this as sif or cgss... then you'll have fun. set your expectations right, and dont moan about it not being sif. it would be like shitting on shinymas for not being cgss, or shitting on ichu etoile for not being ichu. (tho truth be told, lantis and klab put waaaaaaay too much enphasis on the rythm part of the game, so its understandable ppl expected that wwwww)



Pretty good but also pretty... normal. Same as always: cute girls, meh gameplay and pretty easy storyline. Good to pass time, but it's not that much of a grand thing. EDIT: the summoning screen is straight up the fgo one and i just noticed 😂

Bullet Break


t's... something. The characters are incredibly cute but the 3d models are awfully laggy and move incredibly bad. The music is not bad and the gameplay is interesting. It's not the typical slingshot, and it can be irritating but it's nice. All in all, not too great lol

A super great game! Even tho I can't always play it (hello, low tier phone memory 😔✊) I absolutely ADORE it. It's fun, refreshing, and though the story ain't nothing out of this world, it's enough for a game that plays more with the short stories and the valkyries personalities. The gameplay is absurdly great, if you get the hang of it. Took some time, like at least ten tries, to get it but once I did? It was the best. Still a bit difficult to get the combos right, though. The character designs are also superb, and the quality of music is 👌👌👌 A bit on the expensive side, but most gachas are today. Anyways, all in all, super fun and great game!!!



i ADORE dream!ing. cute, casual and with a great story not based around a player character, but rather around the boys. the gacha is super fair, events are rewarding and quite easy. its just a really great and fun game!



I don't understand S***! But if smth were to happen to these cuties I would k*** everyone in this room and then myself! I hope Light gets a global release someday~ It's really cute! And I love the gameplay, and the characters~

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