Unable to login after update and/or maintenance. Thank you for an enjoyable game, but i will not buy a new device to continue to play.. tis like buying a Console for one game. Was able to play fine with my connection. Now, unfortunately not.
The game is a wonderful take on brothers Grimm fairy tales , but the game has a very steep , learning curve , and a very very large pay to stay competitive scale , u could spend thousands in less than an hr , now the game is fun but very hard to follow what to do , needs a better walk trough , and less contesting pay us now mess , but all in all I am very much enjoying the game , but the best advice I can offer , is please make the units more definable as to which are strong and which are not.
Legend City
5.0Unable to login after update and/or maintenance. Thank you for an enjoyable game, but i will not buy a new device to continue to play.. tis like buying a Console for one game. Was able to play fine with my connection. Now, unfortunately not.