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Kazuky 9559898

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Game Comments (14) More

Panzer Waltz | Global


Old games for old people I guess 😂
If you like it please buy subscription, this was worth it for boosting your progress

UnderDark : Defense


Freemium typical games, to improve your progress you need watch ads to unlock 3x speed or you pay around 7 USD. I dunno why rougelike-defence had genre matched, remind me with arknights some how

Infinitode 2


Congratulations you find old style TD games, easy to learn and its fun

Warship Girls | Japanese


Kantai like games (grind hell too)
Sometimes you will miss it and download the games. On 2024 community was depleted but you can still find old wikis/guide and still relevan to use. Nothing special about this games except had ninche arts

Brown Dust 2


SRPG kental dengan nuansa jejepangan meski berat di handphone

Sisi baik dari game ini adalah rate 5% dan tidak terlalu menonjolkan gacha sehingga main story bisa sukses meski menggunakan sumber daya seadanya. Gameplay mengingatkan saya dengan adventure bar story dengan beberapa elemen yang dipakai, feel memainkan JRPG sangat kental di game ini.

Problem mungkin hadir di optimalisasi dan resolusi gambar yang membuat handphone(SD 732G) cukup panas dan sering throttle. Opini lain dari saya adalah mematikan fancy effect seperti kabut, kelip kelip glitter, dan atau effect lain yang membuat handphone bekerja lebih keras.

Kedepannya mungkin terdapat fitur yang menjual cerita menggunakan paid currency. hal ini saya apresiasi dengan adanya fitur tersebut saya bisa support pengarang cerita. Beberapa suara konten yang dijual di game ini tidak saya komentari lebih lanjut dikarenakan handphone tidak bisa memaksimalkan pengalaman yang ada. Saya cukupkan sampai disini.



Not bad

Seperti namanya Classic RPG. bisa dibilang graphic pixel art, sound medieval fantasy, gemplay layaknya FF1 disajikan dengan baik. Nostalgia zaman game java/gba lah. Paling kekurangannya mungkin cuman grinding layaknya game rpg pc zaman 2006 kebawah



Minecraft like survival games

Blue Archive | Global


I suggest y'all better not try too hard

If you newb, this link will help you

Mahjong Soul | English


Suck gacha

Stardew Valley


Harvest moon like and pixelate graphic
Dont rush this game, slow gameplay and you will had quality time
Note : this game had mod

The Wild Darkness


If you like rougelike/dungeon crawler games, you may love this game
Artifak will buff your caracter, But suck at artifak grind (gacha)
Suka dungeon crawler/rougelike, ente bakalan suka gem ini, cuman jng berharab banyak buat cari artifak.

Warship Girls | Global


Mainstream collective game, but graphics is not bad. Some Bug isn't fix yet, I predict it become Dead Game early

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Notes (5) More
Just wait and see This game has a lot problems that hurt our gaming experience. I argue this game is ready to launch Read Note
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