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just an Lazy gamer
Shiro Mirai 9554334 Game Hunter

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just an Lazy gamer
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another ponix game this time mining the game still at early stage so dont expect much you can clear it in few hrs but fully gearing needs time max gold stats is 30 same with accessories 30 for now
save your star stone never use it if you gonna enchant allways do get many copy of any gears then enchant 1 time and destruction it then put that enchant you want in you gear 2x of same type to save most of stone before progressing for next one

HeavenBurnsRed | English


good fun comedy doomsday game its nice that keys dint go bad in story writing which made me able to enjoy it
gameplay wise you need to manual to do unit rolls well but auto can works to the game rules mostly break and deley before you burst out damage
most keypoint of the game is story while battle is sideline which you can leave afk for 8hrs or leave phone on at night

Last Walpurgis


good gameplay since you need to mix witches well to finish the game story only decent since you only got last 2 chapter for rest of the unit to be seen except side story

Radiant Frontier


here i though it be nikke x survivor io(vampire survival) theme but nope just pure idle with cloth destroy stuff

RPG Party!


a good concept gameplay but the concept it self got killed by skillpoint limitations which dont allow unit to have multi high jobs and leveling takes to long while you cant repeat farm the gold only exp on stage you cleared



the gameplay is good for an card game just funny how the most easyest one is the hardest base on in game difficulty while only 1 out of all easy char is really easy to use



an old style rpg grinding game which for afk farming when doing other stuff or split screen has a bit of disagea vibes only in grinding length where its takes 1k+hrs

basic rougelite dungeon explorer but to full of bugs and classes feels like pointless for example you got knight class who takes in hate meter then you fight boss its just ignore hate and do aoe which makes all those hate up pointless ps even scout who got hide in can be single targeted by enemy when your knight got taunt + hate 1 +2 etc

Edge of Chronicle


generic hack and slash game with dressup system
i cant think of reason why its not 18+ and got cencor when qoapp got some 18+ game lel

Love Idol Maker


idol raising game with full of many bug well still can be played for passtime just be ready on to many in game insult

Poor Princess


sad if i could read the story this would be good idle since no gacha

the graphics and sound are good but the gameplay it self is kinda crappy for action game there massive straggle rate to adjust your self cant switch while atking cant move while atking have cooldown in dodge
gacha it self is good whats good? begginer only cause that way you can reroll endlessly till you get what you need and plz do note dont bother trying to awakening a char you need 10 copy of it same with ur
ps.if you gonna focus on auto it better get defender character ur so that your char wont die while letting it auto

Newbie Life : Idle RPG


crash simulator

Dumb Ways to Climb


good copy of only up which now we got for mobile



Kinda good music game but bad idea to put those x near the tap button since almost small slide or the phone user got abit phone problem will touch it

Lilt Way


kinda weird rpg mixed with music

graphics it self is good
the map layout is nice
the gun and skill does not seem to fit well in there rolls
there no reroll system i guess except if you want to do the chapter 1 fully
ai mobs are to dumb its make it less trilling for an gun game fighting dumb ai
ps dont try mix english lang with japan VA XD

Kemono Friends:Kingdom


An cute animal morphed to an fury girl where unit rarity means alot
pretty much you need to do stage manually only when you clear it you able to farm it
an tactics game mixing old popular cannon aim along with tactical planning of your unit to maximize your damage and survival
sadly cant reroll qoapp ver
has some bug here and there but still fine

Now not worth playing saw the game greed is to high
3 coutinues event you got no time to saveup for any of the event cloths then the event force you to have event gears to finish the 1.3m score total in given time

Idoly Pride | English


The graphics and music are good just got nothing to say to gameplay

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Notes (211) More
finnaly got it this new weapon so hellish 1 run can only get 3 to 6 stone and the stone color is black on green tile whi h hard to find crafted so many only 1 now got good stats  Read Note
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