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godofcows 9405307

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It is your generic mobile game garbage.

Ok this one's a keeper. The game i think is made with the same engine as brave frontier. modified to handle heavier 3d objects, visually the same parallax techniques, higher resolution. Could be wrong on this one as I haven't done any research yet. Everything is just on my observation on a first touch basis. Themesong takes it's piece from nier automata. I promise you, you can literally put the half the song and you will find it very familiar. Other than that, just like brave f, it really shines on whatever the gacha can offer and there is more customization. It is more modular. It has a very bright future ahead. what i do not like however is their linkage of the stamina unit/currency/value to upgrades. This is a very obvious drain. Units can be somewhat difficult to obtain since arks share the same gacha pool. Yes, arks are important and units are secondary bla bla bla but let me be blunt. I want my waifus. Unique units are always a selling point.

i uninstalled this game around 3 days upon release. it was a waste of space. it's a valkyrie profile wrapper on...something not valkyrie profile. in other words, it was trying too hard at pretending. it was absolute trash. compare it to the original which was made decades ago on an inferior platform i dare you. Being a mobile game is no excuse given how powerful phone specs can be nowadays and considering the kind readily available engine platforms are available on it. don't count on nostalgia too much.

it is one of those games that you will play while it is new and forget it sooner or later. it is not a keeper nor is it one where you'll want to invest longtime. the story is pushed on you with a localization dialogue that distinctly has an ifluence from a country i won't name. basically a good translation but bad localization. the graphics are ok though but don't leave your another eden or dragalia lost for this.

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