The game itself on the gamecube was great though it required some scrolling, the game tried to implement old mechanics that are tedious and outdated into a mobile port. To explain how painful it is here we go... To attack you gotta scroll to the attack command and to shield you gotta scroll to the shield command and to use spells a spell command, while in real time mind you. This game isn't turn based so your finger is gonna tire out trying to attack and move while also having a problem attacking since you're still scrolling.
But that isn't the worst part...
This game forces you to attack when you are hitting on both sides of the screen while sharing a movement button, so if you mistap or mismove you will end up attacking and moving when you aren't trying to. So my own recommendation with this game....
Don't play it, it's not worth the headache. Just play the PS4 or Gamecube version. Trust me on this.
A different game compared to most. The game teaches you some basic concepts in regards to game mechanics such as flight but doesn't bother telling you some important stuff such as tapping the corner of the screen shows the menu button as well as the cog button has an option for you to go home (important when you try to do glitched runs and such). Another issue comes into the part regarding the amount of bugs and glitches the game has. You can literally break the game if you know some methods as well as skipping some parts in game that require group activity. Whereas I can't even begin to talk about how many times I disconnected from game or how many times I would see random pixelated lines due to some processing issue. Be prepared to separate from friends as well while playing because it will randomly separate you based on the map you are in for the sake of reaching the 8 character per map limit as well.The game is not optimized for Android by the way, it was originally only released for iOS. It can be barely playable for some people due to these issues and even using a Galaxy S10 it wouldn't allow you to go on ultra settings which is tragic and ironic being one of the strongest phones in the market right now.
Disregarding these flaws. The game is gorgeous as well as the music is great and fits the atmosphere so well. The flying mechanism (go to the flying area in prairie or wing race in summit for example) as well as jumping needs some work due to it not being responsive at times as well as the free control pad has a weird optimization. I would randomly jump off of ledges as well as it's hard to go down holes. All in all I do enjoy the game. I played the game for a good solid two weeks and still counting. The game isn't pay to win as there is no competition in this game, the premise being an adventure game like Journey. If you are planning on getting a founder cape, just know that the cape is $50 USD, more than the iOS version of $30. This game has a lot of things to fix but at least it's fun. Hope they fix these gameplay issues as it destroys the immersion.
Honestly don't understand how people are saying this game is pay to win since the only way to get weapons is through a gacha that requires grinding. You don't use pearls (the game's cash currency) to grab them. It's a pay to grind less game more than anything. As you can even buy cosmetics in auction house as well. Though with the exception of weight/inventory expansion which isn't a big difference.
Auction House- It's first come first serve for gear so imagine how much of a pain it is to grab pets when everyone is trying to grab it. People will be macroing or sitting in auction with one just to grab one over the other person. Will have to wait till the server grows older, but dunno if more people will sell pets since they cost ~$11- 13 USD which is ridiculous for a level 1 pet.l that has five tiers aka you need ~$13 × (16 × 3 - 2) = $596 for all pets if you don't rely on auction or any pet discount/ event. (Edit: That's minimum and saying you got lucky with the tier ups. It can cost a lot more than that.)
Gear Score- Got no problems with that except for a couple of people hitting 2.7k early. Honesty, most of the PvP base is F2P whereas the methods to grab gear isn't bad. The issue comes with having to raise it. As you can tell it isn't like other games that go up to 1 Mil CP or some crazy number like Tales of Wind (Laplace M). So it takes some time to rise. Though honestly, it isn't that bad just requires more time.
PvP- The gap between gear score comes here. The issue is the annoying usage of heals that causes your progress of hitting people down harder especially if their gear score is way above yours. Though it's still tolerable it's like fighting a raid boss every time you PvP against a strong CP team. It's still possible to win in 3v3 as long as your opponent doesn't grab objectives and you don't die and they don't heal. Just fyi most heals have super armors.
There is no gameplay, basically just team building and a lot of simulation. Game is pretty fun overall as well as the soundtrack is pretty good. Though I gotta admit I'm rerolling more than I should be since the game summons are pretty generous too. Was able to roll six 10x summons in a day before rerolling.
This game is a joke... They could've gave it the Destiny Child treatment but they decided to cash in on a different battle system with a very cheap budget. I'm disappointed..
2.6The game itself on the gamecube was great though it required some scrolling, the game tried to implement old mechanics that are tedious and outdated into a mobile port. To explain how painful it is here we go... To attack you gotta scroll to the attack command and to shield you gotta scroll to the shield command and to use spells a spell command, while in real time mind you. This game isn't turn based so your finger is gonna tire out trying to attack and move while also having a problem attacking since you're still scrolling.
But that isn't the worst part...
This game forces you to attack when you are hitting on both sides of the screen while sharing a movement button, so if you mistap or mismove you will end up attacking and moving when you aren't trying to. So my own recommendation with this game....
Don't play it, it's not worth the headache. Just play the PS4 or Gamecube version. Trust me on this.