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Serb Bodingno 84784805

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Sun's Promia


I love this game so much.
have fan service yeah you know I advice you to play this game
have a good time of feelng when you play this game in free time have good sound ,for example cute voice and story line teller very fun ,when play in stress time at I am hard working and relax.

!yeah This game is not pay to win,but play for free of relax for freedom by improve your idea all so very happy.

so This game have paid sysytem but don't worry.

I mean feature of function in free content that all are very good for free player for me I spent time alot of game and this
game.(in free version are very nice so I mean this meaning)

and I am a free player not pay to win I don't have any much money so I love this game you can play be like me in free version.

Okay and every one don't forget to improve your skill in real life after play game because for your self and can able to survival.[微笑][微笑][微笑][微笑]

I hope everyone have a good day.

I cheer up everyone and me too.

Thank you to spent your important time to read all of this.
have a good dream.
Thank you so much.

Okay and sorry for my grammar I still learn more for write in english.and alot of words are old .

play long time and please make it happy for everyone thank you .sorry to my bad word .I wish every one happy and do not forget to improve your skill in real life .

I think this is good game and This is offline game. in Kirisame store and I buy Gift later I go to Party and click present select gift .so ,
🌟 I get problem when I click long time to give present or gift to character my android phone is lag and have black screen .
and When I play again that problem not save all just some .
please add botton use all point or number target 1—999.... .
for savw time .



good game :japanese word and english.nice.
and A.D are not hard for play .
just can flow play and click to under of right .
so It is very good game of word and fun.

Horcrux College | Global





I think this good because when played if you lucky you gain
alot of little time and experience of deck so easy to play and I am very love this is my best game of mind set so .
A.D is great system because when I play finish and between play (A.D)is not come to make me bored .
example =play finish A.D come but just a poster right you can cacel.
so I have free time I thing this is great as image for imagination

Dino Rumble: Jurassic War


I think This game very Interesting but when you have free time
so much fun of my imigration to see skill balance
in versus mode I like It so good mode.

Richman 4 fun


I think it is a simulator for business of time when you spent money or not that all are psychology.right so is okay to play when you free time.

Tsuki Adventure 2


[不滿][不滿]I think it easy to play and relax when you wanna relax and calm down of not alone and you can image to share your idea form your memories pass experience when you play so is okay.

Gold Rush Battler


I think it easy to play 20 turn so be like :10minutes plus++when I play and yeah my rank 3000pt:++:but I release now
becuase I still spent my time to find new experience so thank you your game to ever make me have fun moment .and I like play when I free but some I play so much 3 hours time so may be I stress but These game is fun when you free becuase now have gift so much until end event .so Thank you so much .

《Form Name in game TDT now I delete but I wanna tell you sack Thank you to ever play with that's match very fun becuase I am be second when end game so now you are
1 000 000 up+++so thank you to ever play with me so much
[So every time when I spent of that all come to be my important moment of memories so when I grow up to until old of long times of life That's time when I have grand son or not
but I still return come to thing my important thing of experince.
Nice to meet you frist time and wish you are every one should happy for every day of psychology Thank you.[不滿][憋屈][為什麼][難過][哇噻][哇噻][哇噻][開心][開心][不滿]

this make me get new words of experience




ok can play when free time.

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