I just like fiction and pretty & beautiful things in general so of course I like anime/manga/Novel/Games/etc. A Yokoverse expert,if that makes sense.
Pretty good for what it is. It's relaxing to organize and solve relatively simple puzzles, it doesn't really have a story, or amazing graphics, or gameplay, or anything, but for what it needs to be? It's perfect, very lovely.
Plus, it's the first time I've ever played this type of mobile game where the playable ad actually *does* use real, actual gameplay from the game.
meh, pretty vanilla. Good for the uninitiated, but just barely ok in terms of BL otome games. The designs are nice enough, but not great by a long shot, and the story has good core concepts, but a bland execution.
Nom Nom Nami never misses! Wonderful character design? check. Super cute aesthetic? check. Funny and heartwarming writing that becomes emotional when it needs to be? check. Engaging character writing? Check, checked, and checked! love all the alternative endings you can get, again, if someone where to start dipping their toes in the VN scene, Nom Nom Nami's games are the best for the job, and people who are also really familiar with the genre will fall in love with it yet again with this short, but effective game.
My only complaint with this game? The two main female leads, Syrup and Gumdrop, have 0% romantic chemistry, which is bizarre, given that literally all the ships in Nom Nom Nami games are superb, heck, even in this one. I ended up being way more invested in every other ship teased in this game rather than the main couple. Don't get me wrong, they are cute as friends and all, but when compared to every other character dynamic with Syrup? it's a mid ship.
My personal favorite ships were Syrup x Butterscotch and Syrup x Pastille. I know the latter was confirmed to be gay in another game, but i played this one first, and their chemistry is as good as any other Nom Nom Nami canon ship, darn it! Maybe if a remake came out where the Syrup x Gumdrop dynamic was shown properly, i might come to ship em, but until then, that ship ain't flying for me.
edit: checking other reviews, i see it's a popular opinion that the best ending is the Pastille ending. Glad it isn't only me, then.
adorable lesbians, super engaging story, peak character design, flawless aesthetic, it's wonderful. Short and to the point, it's the perfect game for people who are just starting to get into VN games, and it's also a breath of fresh air for those already quite familiar with VN.
some... interesting choices... were made with this game, choices that i frankly do not understand. I actually really dig the aesthetic ansd layout, but there is the issue of the flashing lights and colors and such. There should be an option to turn those effects off, as they could be harmful to players, specially if they are like me, someone who is at high risk of getting an epileptic attack in general.
The whole thing really reminds me of NieR:ReINcarnation, and i like that game a whole lot for a mobile game, so of course, I am indeed biased.
I haven't seen enough of the story to determine if it's really good or not, but i will say that what i have seen, while i don't believe it's gonna become amazing at any point soon, it is pretty interesting, at least, here's hope that it doesn't become crappy later on...
Finally, the gameplay. It's truly mind boggling, why would they choose such an unengaging gameplay for this specific game. its a real drag, that makes me "not" wannna play for long periods of time, and that's a big problem, cuz a game is supposed to make people feel like they want to play more, not less.
i know the rating is...not good, and my review is gonna be long, but hear me out, i actually do like this game even with all that, ok? this is a guilty pleasure for me, gotta be honest.
Objectively? it's just as my rating displays, the graphics don't suck, but even by 3D standards, they aren't that good; the sound 1.while charming and really cute at first, gets repetitive real quick, and 2. while not unbearable to listen, does have more tracks and SFX that's just either nothing to write home about or slightly irritating; the gameplay is as what is to be expected from a dress up game, this types of games don't have a particularly engaging gameplay, but the appeal of these games isn't the gameplay, but playing dress up + the rest of the game's features, so it gets an "average"; the storyline/s, at first, i really liked them, i found the whole thing pretty fun and interesting, but the quality of ghe writing went down VERY quickly, to my utter despair, as story telling/writing is one of my personal pet peeves, they could have done SO MUCH with these wonderful concepts that use the transmigration literary device, but no matter how good a general concept might be, if it's executed poorly, it's all basically useless, such a tragedy; lastly, I'm not one to spend in gacha/mobile games, i prefer to use that money to get console games that don't require me to get a bunch of micro transactions to get the real interesting stuff, but whenever i do pay for something in a mobile game, i expect to get something that makes me feel like i didn't at least c o m p l e t e l y waste money and time, and oh boy, this game's packs and suits? Definitely NOT worth it the amount of money they ask for.
But....even with all that said, i still personally find it fun. It's difficult to put it in words, but if i where to describe it, the feeling i get while playing is very similar to what i felt whenever i watched telenovelas or "Caso Cerrado" with my mom and siblings back in my home country, were we all knew the quality was less than subpar, and we tended to laugh at the ridiculousness on-screen, but we still all had a good time. And you know what? That's a really personal experience, but it is more than enough reason for me to keep playing this game, as it does make me smile. That's really the only thing that matters, at the end of the day
phew....that was long, and it got pretty personal at the end there, but i don't think many people will read this review, anyway, so it's A-ok! and if you are someone reading this until the end, congrats! you have the patience of a saint, i commend you, have some cake, you deserve it
i McFreakin' love this game! i just really like old school rpgs, but while there's a good amount of modern/new games made in this style, both by official companies and fans, it's pretty difficult to find one so detailed and lengthy while still keeping it's charm! i fell in love with this game back when it first came out, and now, coming back to it, it's as fun as the first time i played it
awesome both as a dress up game AND as a Visual Novel, two of my favorite things! there's some gripes here and there, like the generak mistreatment from the devs to any server that isn't the original CN one, but this isn't playstore, so imma be sincere, and darn it, i sincerely love this game! one of my favorites
Notes (10)
Moremore scribbly sketches, Candy Candy Modern AU this time, featuring Candy and Terry.#Art#CandyCandy#CandyWhite#CandyArdlay#TerryGraham#TerryGrandchester#TerryCandy#CandyTerry#KeikoNagita#KyokoMizuki
i have this no drama, feel good, slice-of-life, rom-com, highschool Candy Candy modern AU in my head, where Candy is happily adopted without an issue into the Ardlay family when she was a baby, being raised by Albert since then. The Ardlay boys (Archie, Stear, Anthony) have more of a familial tie with her, zero romance of any kind between them, just wholesome family moments.
Terry, Amy, Tom, Patty, all the Ardlay kids, and Candy are childhood friends, and Terry and Candy in particular are a couple of troublemakers to booth! Always up to mischief, those two. Slowly but surely, with the passage of time, these two rapscallions develop romantic feelings for each other alongside their friendship. No drama, no love triangles, no bullies, no child abuse, nothing. Just wholesomeness with my OTP on slowburn on the side.
Candy Candy, although it doesn't have outright tragic endings in any of it's iterations, it is always a very sad story all throughput, filled with strife, tragedy and loss. There's more sadness than joy in the lifes of these characters, specially Candy's, i just wish for all of them to be happy, even if it has to be in an hyptothetical, fanon alternate universe. Read Note
Perfect Tidy
4.0Pretty good for what it is. It's relaxing to organize and solve relatively simple puzzles, it doesn't really have a story, or amazing graphics, or gameplay, or anything, but for what it needs to be? It's perfect, very lovely.
Plus, it's the first time I've ever played this type of mobile game where the playable ad actually *does* use real, actual gameplay from the game.