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alix 76977884

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Game Comments (1)

What in Hell is Bad?


this game is rlly nice since i thought that there would never be a female oriented nsfw game with a rlly great visual and sound!! i ♡ leviathan and sitri sm 😻😻😻😻 plus things like crashing and stuff dont rlly matter to me since the team is small anway

questions and other stuff 👁👁

how do i use the other ult attacks with the others?? is there like a limit or smth because my lineup is satan, mammon, leviathan, paimon, leraye and marbas but i can only use the bursts of satan leraye and marbas

also i kinda want there to be less battles after a story plus more stuff so u can get more solomons tears bc it took me rlly long to promote leviathan and its a hassle doing that for every card i want to

theres still more haha.. for some reason in secret club my bath and selfie leviathan are stuck at erolvl2 at 66% ive done secret club with him like that maybe more than 5 times yet theres no progress at all so i dont think i can unlock other functions 😿😿😿😿

qooqoo ppl help me im begging upside down right now

Notes (1) More
leviathan i think that if leviathans most confident in his ass then i must firmly believe he has an amazing ass bc if his thighs are that great then his ass must be too 😊 Read Note
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