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No, I'm Dunnhier.
GranblueArin 71080709

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No, I'm Dunnhier.
Game Comments (37) More

Scarlet Girls | SEA


ok but not ok game. very common typical crap esp with AI arts. AI bs turns me off!

its tales of angles and monster beaches but alien language and characters. monetization everywhere with greedy peegz.

Monster Girl


Its tales of angels n mons beaches but alien language. try again devs!

Tales of Angels | English


its maiden fantasy & monster beaches but slow duck game for f2p.



Splatoon and Ninjala but wannabe type game. ColourBANGcock!

Yea, the cultured paywall lock is so thick that i cant even get thru. no thx beech!

深空之眼 | 繁中版


im here for the tickets man! you Aether Gayzer!

Bravo game with bravo graphics. Sad no global eng but chicheese. [發火]

got potential but bad gacha rate

def some clickbait bullsheen right there!

not a fan of this game but wtf...

ok but not ok thx to f00kin' Pedro!

鋼嵐 | 繁中版


Yea...i didnt play this game. The characters art is not what i like to see. so....yea

Riichi City


Nothing new. just some chessy-beach game for old timers but with anime girls. Next!

Garbage Piece of Shyte game. Repeating their mistake over n over again!

I'm not a Doctor but im fairly sure they look nothing like Princess except a bunch of f@gs.

'...turned into an adorable walking mushroom?!' yea, im sure those p...i mean meows will surely do love them some "walking mushrooms".

Guardian & Dragon


bug 和 lag多到你!!!!!??? 卧槽

Fine but not worth the investment. No replay value....AT ALL!

Bleach is a gr8 anime but this game used Character Fragments gacha which makes this a Pc.Of.Sht game.

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