Don't know how this game has such a high rating. The character designs are pretty nice, but that's really all the game has going for it.
They shove microtransactions in your face for everything. Need more stamina? Here, buy it! Here's coupons for buying pulls! Please use! They're so desperate to make a quick buck before the game gets shut down.
Don't know how this game has such a high rating. The character designs are pretty nice, but that's really all the game has going for it.
They shove microtransactions in your face for everything. Need more stamina? Here, buy it! Here's coupons for buying pulls! Please use! They're so desperate to make a quick buck before the game gets shut down.
Basic gacha game stuff with crap rates that even the infinite reroll couldn't save, cranking out character banners like it's candy, p2w PvP, and minimal effort.
Lots of micromanagement and tedium. Also pay-to-win. Game hasn't been out that long and there are a handful of max-capacity, max-level alliances with the same last 3 digits in their name that hog all the gates and attack any players and small alliances that are just trying to gather resources and calmly progress through the game. They even straight up told my alliance leader that they are just trying to force people to join their mega-alliance. Yeah, griefing people ain't it, chief.
The 2D character images are beautiful! Decently engaging story so far. Combat is,...interesting. It might not be appealing to some people, as it is turn-based and tactical on a 3×4 grid.
I just wish there was an option to change moving characters on the grid to "point-and-click" instead of dragging, since it is rather clunky.
The gacha rates for 5-stars is pretty abysmal, but as of the Aug. 16th update, the pity system has been reworked and should prove to be a significant improvement over the original system.
The rice (stamina) daily cap is a bit low, like the problem Genshin had with resin at the start. They recently ran an event where it was doubled to 80, and it felt pretty good at that number. Hopefully they eventually decide to just make 80 the cap permanently.
Everyone was on a level playing field in this mobile version. The lag, graphics, mobile controls, etc. provided a handicap that honestly made the game more hilariously enjoyable. Winning matches was more emotionally rewarding.
It's sad that for whatever reason, the game is getting shutdown. Hopefully they at least port the mobile exclusive characters into regular Apex.
I absolutely loved the anime, despite the underwhelming animation! The world building and story is great. There are many characters to enjoy. I really like how you can "skip" through the quests to get the rewards or unlock time-limited events and then revisit the quests later to see what happened.
The gacha rates are absolutely garbage. The pity system is pathetic because it resets every time the banner changes, so you can't build up to the 300 needed to pick the character/weapon you want unless you whale your way there. I strongly recommend not spending any money for Granblue Coins in this game unless there is a special pick ticket bundle going on, because then you can at least get one character you want.
Anyways, Cygames really should continue the anime!
I really only play on PC anymore. Having started the game on PS4 at launch, it is a horrendous experience on mobile. Great game, but definitely recommend playing on a better device, especially because the graphics will look a lot sharper!
Maidens Fantasy: LUST | SEA
2.2A "gooner game" as Twitter would call it, but it is censored.