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Bai9 68370079

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Taimanin GOGO!


Cant wait for its release on 16th may

This game would be much better for me if it was reversed, like the quiz is the japanese word. Overall this game is super addictive and very fun way of learning

The game is super f2p friendly, you can clear the game without gacha with correct team comp. I recommend this game if you like turn based strategy game.

Rumble Heroes


I think the game very unique and the gacha rate is very good

The gameplay is similar to browndust or brave nine but the art is kinda too lewd for me... but they are of good quality

LINE: Monster Farm


Its a very cool game for killing time! its easy to play but hard to master. The downside for me is the game only have japanese language but its still playable by using screen translator :) ive been playing this game even me being unable to speak japanese.



Been playing for more than 2 years, this game is absolutely a banger because you can AFK for unlimited time unlike other game that limit your AFK time based on VIP level.

Last Walpurgis


Its a very good game but I still have traumatic feeling when I first saw the witch old form I thought I was getting scammed till the mc rewind the time and see witch younger form.

Dagdak Knights


its similar to every idle game with gacha level system that requires player to do a lot of gacha before getting high tier ones. The difference is this game gives you a lot of resources

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