Im level 10 now "didnt play much" and lores are great Wars and some kind of virus spreading and making them cute animals "Whats wrong with that?"
I dont know why they call me Doctor "of course you dont know you got amnesia" but getting some Origanum is so hard if you dont have any idea about the game...
I recommend this game if you like tactics / strategies / and GACHA or maybe cute animal...
Well almost all of us know Vocaloid or Hatsune Miko... and she sings a song, basically a rhythm game... if you love rhythm games I think youll be having fun playing this...
Another gacha based game to make the best team to fight some Terrorist, Robots and others... and yes they're cute and you can make your bond stronger... overall its a decent game.
Rpg game about a witch that has a army of dolls...
You need to summon the dolls to have them accompany you and fight some monsters on your adventure... and yes another GACHA... theyre cute though specially Afallen
Rhythm game Gacha... with cute girls .
I love rhythm games and gacha... and this is one of the most recommended rhythm game in the community and they didnt let us down...
a lonely Deemo "that looks like slender man (but not scary)" with a kid that fell on to a trapdoor... and you need to play the piano to grow the tree, "that doesn't make sense" after the tree is tall enough the little kid can get out...
Its good but if terms to gameplay ummm... it depends on how difficult your trying to clear a song and the storyline watch the anime D4DJ First Mix that is a Happy Around perspective...
Arknights | English
4.8Rating this game after 2 months of installing...
Im level 10 now "didnt play much" and lores are great Wars and some kind of virus spreading and making them cute animals "Whats wrong with that?"
I dont know why they call me Doctor "of course you dont know you got amnesia" but getting some Origanum is so hard if you dont have any idea about the game...
I recommend this game if you like tactics / strategies / and GACHA or maybe cute animal...