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Im just having fun
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Im just having fun
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Aether Gazer | Global


Aether Gazer is good, I love playing my favorite characters that have cool and flashy moves and impacting ultimates. But, the game as a whole just feels typical, it feels just like another variant of HI3 but a little boring. It's like the base is PGR but the setting is kind of like Neural Cloud, that's what I think the game feels like. the gameplay is fairly simple, it's pretty much like HI3 and PGR, you have a set of buttons, your basic attack, skills and your dodging. Depending on the character you use, they will have their own unique abilities, passives, and techs. I do like the fact that instead of one skill in your typical gacha action game, you have a set of 3 which gives more utility against facing enemies, but it does take up an x amount of skill points. The main part that I really like about the gameplay is the Ultimates, some of them being very flashy and cool. Some Ults can be specific as it requires the 2 - 3 designated characters to be an active ult to use in battle, it's just such a good idea. When it comes to character designs, they are not bad but I do think they could be slightly better, but that's just opinion wise, they just feel too plain. But I'm not gonna lie, this game got some straight BADDIES like Taiyi and her summer costume got me acting up 🤤. Yostar really does live up to the culture. as for UI it's pretty messy, you've things and displays everywhere, there is just so much to do that you probably have no idea where to begin. Especially when you try to go to your modifiers, there's also a bunch of displays and details that I think are over place. As for Generosity, The game itself is generous, you get plenty of the gacha currency through novice events, you also get a lot from doing the story quest and such. Overall as the rank 1 yapper of this goofy app, this game is a Taiyi/10

This game is fun so far, nothing .that bothers me in the mean time at least, otherwise this game only existed for 2 days, bugs are to be expected. the game design is simple and easy to understand, move around and attack enemies, reach the story at its peak, build and empower your favorite characters, this is legit the combination of Guardian Tales combat and HSR character building. Gacha is very F2P friendly, you can Prioritize on epics but every character has their own unique playstyle, most importantly you can always play your favorites. This is just based on first impressions, don't take this review into consideration since it's only been 2 days since the game came out. Good/10

Update: This game is good, but there is already some issues that I have to it. The raids are genuinely a mess, the matchmaking has no versatility whatsoever. Although you can invite friends over and they would probably change to a team that has compatability, but that's really just inviting friend. I would prefer a matchmaking where we would be able to set up first before initiating a raid, that way there is at least communication and a team that is properly made, but that's just my opinion. The second Issue with raids is in fact that It's completely RNG based, so it's extemely difficult to obtain endgame equipment that you want for your cookies. to expand to why it's heavily RNG based is because of the chests you get at the end of each raid that have different rarity (of course the highest being the best). it is so annoying to actually try and get a singular endgame equipment with a super low chance of getting from any chest in particular, especially when you need to get 4 more copies of it for EACH set.

This game is just peak, from gameplay to story. As a D1 glazer, this game is absolutely phenomenal, a fine gem of moisty mires. Honkai Star Rail is a game created by the Hoyoverse team deserving the title as the absolute goat, and is the 2nd most succesful game of the company. The story genuinely a bridge of curiosity, with Penacony being the dark and mysterious planet like an emo kid on the corner of the classroom, it is genuinely a mystery case. What also made Penacony a fine gem was the silliness it gave off than other planets, it gave off an unordinary feeling than ur average rpg, it made penacony a unique planet. Story aside, the gameplay is so simple, you can move around freely in the area designated, ambush mobs and attack to get the first turn. HSR is a turn based rpg, it's self explanatory from there on, use have a basic attack and a skill, bot can charge ur ult, and depending on the character and path, all ults are different. gacha is kinda stinky, i really do hate the 50/50 pity, but there are some characters that you genuinely don't need if you're a rational person which makes up for the pity i guess, unlesss your a player that simply plays for characters which I can understand. Character building also kinda shit, blud has to gamble for relic stats 💀. those are the only 2 problems I have with the game, overall super duper uber goober cool game, yes/10.

i'm gonna review this game in brainrot terms, gang cannot know I fw this. this game is a classy RPG with an unfolded story that gets you a little curious but invested, your MC roams around through time in the past, present, and future and space of the skibidverae, jokes aside as he ventures throughout the eras he gets closer to the truth of why he is able to time travel, but that's enough yapping from the story. the throughout the years of development, this game has so far been based, with extra mechanics and features as an add-on, buffing characters that really needed that gooner energy and various with the abyssmal amount of characters and their other forms that are yet to be introduced through the gacha gate, yes that's particularly how you summon, and it also has some silly 3 star robots that are pretty funky. The gacha itself is cool and unique, everytime you pull you are granted with a door and from that point you just hope you get a 5 star (the highest rarity for a specific set of charatcers) from the featured character rate-up banner you pulled on. There are 3 types of doors, a bronze, a silver and a gold, and all of them you have a chance at getting a 5 star (specifically bronze, and silver) if you're lucky. Now I've had my experiences this game really likes to edge you sometimes, stroking that thong pretentiously. all that aside, super cool game, Gyattebayo

Wuthering Waves



The gameplay itself can be pretty shit if you have a dogwater phone but that's really it, other than that the game is pretty cool. Like Genshin you can explore the vast areas in the wonderful world of Wuthering Waves, fight a cool amount of enemies, and a story that is silly sometimes. there's a feature where you can obtain monsters for a living and become them in battle for a short period time, it's an interesting concept and sometimes they could get pretty 𝓕đ“ģ𝓮đ“Ē𝓴𝔂 😜. The gacha is kinda insane right now because if you start the game by the time i'm writing this silly review, you can legit get 3 5 stars right now. very cool game i'm gonna glaze it so hard for a while

The game is genuinely fun, with a variety of your favorite characters from the anime that you can build up, and with many different features such as the development of your city. the models are fantastic and it fits the game's style. The gameplay is pretty decent, though I do find some issues with the game. on rare occasions you do encounter a few bugs that can ruin the landscape of the gameplay and the city, the only way to fix this is to restart the app, another thing i'd like to point out is gacha. To me I find the gacha unorganized and it takes a little bit of time to swipe to the very banner you want to pull on. All that aside though the gacha is very generous, 4% for an extremely rare is a high chance which makes it pretty easy for players to collect their favorite character, though it is still quite hard to grind resources for it. Overall great game 👍

Arknights | English


Another game of all time, Arknights! man it's been like 4 years, i remember stopping for like 2 years since i didn't even try. And than until a year ago when the ling banner came out, I just start playing it. I had a very weird progression of the game tbh.

Anyways, Arknights, a unique anime tower defense gacha with lots of twists. Gameplay wise, it's fun and difficult and you simply just place towers. Like most tower defense games you'd usually place things on the side of the lane, but in Arknights you get to place things on top of the lane, there's also an automatic dp cost regenerator. Now as i mentioned, this game is difficult for a couple reasons. When playing a stage of your choice you have 12 options of no matter what tower or character you choose, There are 7 classes in total, all of them have a role to fill. Vanguards recover dp cost so you can deploy more towers, Guards are typically your main dps, Defenders which are self explanatory, they defend, and usually have the highest block count, Specialists they take care of enemies tactically, Rangers they deal with flying enemies, they can also be your sub dps, Casters are usually main to sub dps depending on your units in the team, Supporters they debuff enemies, and Medics which is also self explanatory, they heal. In each stage, all the 12 units can be used only once, but they are recycleable if you want to place them in a different spot, so if you're tackling a more difficult stage like annihilation, you have to be selective of who you want in your team and plan out how you're going to beat this stage with absolutely no leaks. Use the map to your advantage.

Now for the story... I didnt read it 😀.

Now for the gacha, it's definitely f2p friendly. There are 2 types of currency for it, you have Orundum which is the main use for the gacha, and Originum which is typically a resource that can used to convert into orundum, but it also has other uses like buying skins which you want to save it for, and to regenerate your stamina which you really do not want to do a lot but that's more situational, still i do not reccomend it to use it for brain power. for Orundum, there's 2 ways, obviously converting an Originum for 160 orundum, or doing the annhilation stages which the cap max is at 1800, of course the annihilation resets every week, so for each month that's a total of 7200 orundum, which only give you like 1 ten pull 😔. Still it's completely fine! And for Originum, you get them by completing stages with a full 3 stars, and I think you can also get them from events? Still it's a little bit of a rare resource to come by at endgame, but if you are a new player, there are tons of content with plenty of Originum to get so you'll be fine.

There are also content that is pretty fun like designing your dorms in your base, playing that april fools event that comes once a year (you also get Originum from it!), collabs that I feel like are rare to come by with the recent Monster Hunter collab, that one summer event last year where you could create and customize your own armored vehicle that can damage enemies, and event stages that have their own unique tweak to it which gives more of a challenge to players, there is still more content like game modes but that's enough yapping for now đŸ—Ŗī¸.

Overall simply just a unique classic tower defense game with many loveable characters. With so much content to go through and so much that new players can experience the vastness of this game, truly one of the games of all time [開åŋƒ].

Guardian Tales | Global


One of the gacha games of all time. If you remember Dungeon Link, you'll definitetly recognize some of the characters in this game. The story is amazing. From world 1 to 9, everything seems to be completely fine for the journey, yet it takes a pretty dark turn of events once you get to world 10 and so on, kind of like a wolf in sheep's clothing. The gameplay is actually fun, you can destroy things, figure out puzzles by yourself, fight others online, and hit NPCs in the guild lol. You also have the typical resource dungeons, some of them having unique stages, and tons of content to strive through, including events stages which are archived in the side story section. You also have the gacha. For the gacha currency itself, the game is very generous to give to, but in my experiences, even if you have a lot of this currency, you're most unlikely to get the specific rate-up character or weapon, but that's just for my personal experience and everyone can have different perspectives for the gacha. The pity in this game is probably one of the better pities than other games, sure it may take a while to stack 300 pity, but you could literally use your pity whenever you want and choose whatever you want to waste your 300 pity on, whether it's a 3 star character or a 5 star weapon. Overall This game still has so much potential to waste, if they continued this route. It's good to remember some of the dungeon link characters, giving that nostalgic kick to it [開åŋƒ].

The game is simple and easy to play, you just move around around beating monsters and get to highest stage possible, there's also an auto function so you can relax if you don't want to do any of the gameplay, but that's basically the problem with this game, "Game Play". Now as a person that likes to play gacha games, i'm not really accustomed to idle games but it doesn't mean that I think all idle games are bad, I just don't like them. The game play itself is just the same as most of idle games. You beat through bosses to get to the next stage and earn stuff, resource dungeons with hundreds of stages, a tower that gives you rewards through each stage, pvp, all of those that you would probably see, and that's all you have. You just keep grinding resources, keep getting stronger, and get as far as you can reach in the game within today, and you repeat this tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and so on, to the point where you just do this everyday. What i'm saying is that the gameplay is just boring and it just doesn't really suit the whole Seven Knights franchise in my opinion. the story legit feels like a side quest, it doesn't feel engaging and it's literally skippable to the point where it feels like it's not even part of the game. Honestly if there's 2400 stages worth of the story, i ain't even reading all that. Now for the gacha, it's considerably the biggest piece of dog sh#t i've ever seen. Never in my life have I seen a gacha system with extra steps. The fact that you have to meet the requirements to unlock the next rarity is weird, as well as the rate-up banners which requires you approximately 10,000 summons to unlock. Note that 10,000 summons could take you within a week to get to if you're F2P, INCLUDING the events that are happening at this time. Now the game also has an ascension system which is pretty much raising the stars of your characters, for every single character, they will cost the same amount of copies which ever star they're on no matter the raritt, for example, if you're a character at 4 stars is trying to reach 5 stars, you need 70 COPIES OF THAT CHARACTER to reach goal. Now i'm bringing this up because for LEGENDARY CHARACTERS, it could takes months to actually achieve a 5 star legendary character for F2P because of the fact that legendaries have an EXTREMELY low rate of summoning, and btw, to unlock legendary characters, you need to do 5,000 summons to unlock legendary characters, and yet rates are extremely low at a 0.1% rate. But yeah, the gacha just sucks early game. Overall, The game has some problems, but I'd rather enjoy it for the Seven Knights Franchise [不æģŋ]👍.

LINE Webtoon


one of the best apps for reading comics, manhwas (not sure if it's the correct spelling, oh well...), etc. There's pretty much a variety of webtoons, some that are newly released, while others have hundreds of chapter that might take a day or 2 just to complete (if you're really into the story, whether it's good or bad). I bet y'all have the one feeling where you just get into the story so much, that you might want to buy 3 dollars worth of coins (currency in the app) just to fast pass the next 3 episodes of a specific webtoon. this is definitely going to be in my personal top 10.



ngl the game is pretty decent then from what i've expected, though the it has a few flaws from what i've seen during the gameplay. The animation is a bit sloppy even during the adventure in each level the artstyle is very good though as well with character designs. the storyline is basic and pretty common in my opinion, basically just how the hero doesn't remember anything and has this special power or something that he's not aware of at all. the game play is pretty similar to epic 7, the combat kind of like it, but not totally and the skill animation is pretty good. the gacha rates though are actually not terrible and they're a bit generous when it comes to the pickup summons. overall it's a decent game, though ai have not much to say about it at least.

This game is absolutely one of my favorites, even though I played this game for a few days and i've barely have any experience so far, it's still one of the best games i've seen though. Quality and artstyle of the game is absolutely stunning, the 3d art is very sharp animation is smoothly pleasing and even the effects make you look like ur actually playing the game seriously, as well as the chibi characters when you place them in your dorm, you can give them head pats which is just adorably cute. The gameplay is kind of like honkai impact, though it has a bit of touches with the skills, the point of the gameplay honestly is just dodge the enemy's attack to activate matrix, from there you can literally just spam for a few seconds, pretty simple, right? The storyline again is basically nothing special for most of the but for this specific game, it's different and I think that the storyline is pretty interesting and tempts me to go through, I think the most interesting part for the storyline is when Lucia Plume resets her memories (Spoiler alert if you haven't seen the chapter yet). Overall the game is basically just Arknights and Honkai Impact combines to create this wonderful master piece, the devs really did do a good job on this game huh.



Although the game has trashy rates in the gacha system, the game isn't as bad as you would of think. The 3d art is pretty meh its not really bad but not really good at the same time, usually when I see 3d characters in other games, they would be very sharp and very detailed, but what do you know, it's a game made in 2015 so obviously the artstyle would be pretty bad. The gameplay itself is plain and simple which gives me vibes of specific gacha games that isn't anime related, but has almost the same gameplay style as this game which was years ago. The storyline is skippable and nothing special, sometimes i would read the story if something interesting sctually happens but that's only at some point in the game. Now lets talk about the gacha (the point of every gacha game), the gacha rates are bad for specific characters whether they're limited or not (events, collabs etc.), i'll give you just a tiny tip on the gacha, always save ur gems for a specific character, or you coukd re-roll which takes like 10 minutes (if you have a good phone) I think everyone knows this, also I would recommend doing the step-ups unless there is a character that you want whether you want the Idavoll heroes or the Scion heroes, and if you ever get those shameful regular 3 star heroes, at least the devs made it easier to upgrade characters potentially at 6 star, the last time i've played this game was probably many months ago and it was kind of moderate to upgrade heroes to a 5 star which was the meta before, but ever since i've started playing the game again, i'd say they were pretty generous with the amount of soulstones you can collect, plus (prove me wrong if you can, i've only started a few days ago) the regular characters (well some) can be awakened which coul probably match up to the new meta characters (if i'm wrong) so that's an extra for the old characters. Overall a decent gane with a lot of stuff going in the menu screen and events that are currently going on (like the 5.5 aniv. event) and the 3d art most likely needs to be more fresh and new to the current gacha or anime games that are as well 3d (this review is long as hell and hopefully it makes sense and doesn't combust your brain).



i'll tell you what, this is a very good pixel sandbox game other then minecraft, you can craft, you can destroy bosses, you can even kill your npcs if you want, there is a bunch of cool mods as well to enhance the gameplay. There are a variety of weapons like melee, magic or even those two combined, you can make your own house with whatever type of block you like (make sure it isnt the corrupted blocks though, its possible tomake a biome out of it, you have to use those corrupted blocks to craft a stone version of it.), and that's basically it, overall a fun game with infinite things you can do.

Fire Emblem Heroes


Genuinely love this game, in gameplay wise moving the chracters is like moving chess pieces, the combat scenes make it look even better, mostly it doesn't require that much thinking sincr it isn't actual chess, but adding an RPG style to it like FE, it just makes it better. the design of the game is kind of chibi-ish which really doesn't matter since every character looks cool, oh yeah and I love the way how they have many artist to draw FE characters in their own way, that's probably when you know the company is actually giving respect to their artists. storyline doesn't really matter, but it isn't as boring as Epic Seven's storyline, the storyline for this game is a lot more compatible to the artstyle which makes me tempt if I should read or i should not, though in the end, I still think the story doesn't matter at all. I forgot to mention that the game is fairly F2P friendly and you don't need to whale on a specific character, you can just grindout orbs in each event. Overall this is a wonderful chibi-ish game that is easy to play and it's F2P friendly.

Epic Seven | Global


hmm ok, I haven't played this game in a while so let me just right my thoughts about it. i'll be honest the graphics and artstyle are incredibly good, animation is quite smooth, the detail into each character is pretty good, and it's basically at a point where it's just around anime level. sound is not too great but not really my taste in music. Usually some gacha games would have pretty good sound effecta but this game's sound effects were not that appealing, though the vpice acting is pretty darn good, and the quotes are not that long. storyline is not really appealing, and it really didn't matter if i were to skip or not, there was nothing special about the story other then the animated cutscenes (which were done well), I'm gonna be honest, the story was quite boring, there was no voice acting and sh*t that didn't really interest me, I think that it needs a change to be honest. now here's probably the worst part, 'gacha rates'. they are by far one of the worst rates in a gacha game that i've ever seen, not only for regular characters but for alternative ones as well, like each 5 star chracter is "UNDER 1% CHANCE TO GET" which makes me very aggravated, so yhe gacha system is on god trash and the rates need to be increased by like a slight 5%. Over all it's not the best, but not the worst the game justhas many flaws that i think needs a change.

Cookie Run: OvenBreak


the best part about this game is Gingerbrave's iconic face, it's just too meme-able, welp time to review. The quality in the art is actually very good, though i'd say it's lacking animation like a tad bit. gameplay is very simple and easy so uh, i give it a 5 out of 5 for gameplay. The storyline is very interesting and unique (in my opinion obviously), and it gives out this adventuristic vibe which is what i like in a gacha game. I forgot to mention that this game is very F2P friendly and you can easily get a legendary right off the bat, since the developers of the game are very generous. All and all this is a very good game, it's simple yet fun, and probably one of my favorites in the Cookie run series [åŽŗįžž](including Cookie run: kingdom, etc.)

SINoALICE | Global


honestly, I only downloaded the game because it had an FFBE event but i just wanna make this review fast so uh yeah. gameplay wise is kinda boring, I'm not really a fan of the game play, but it's not the worst. the graphics and quality are good but not the best, mostly the animation for combat is the one i think is lacking, but over all it's still great. storyline, i'd say it's really cool, i just like the way they use quotes and the voice acting to making it sound a bit more cooler and realistic-ish. over all this is an 'OK' game, it just has a few things that i'd prefer that needs to be changed, in my opinion 😐

Soul Knight | Global


i'd say this is literally the only playable game when ur at school and you have nothing to do, since you finished ur homework.

i'd say the game is still good, it's almost an exact copy of brave frontier since the game has an explore feature, man i haven't played this game in a while until now.

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The dick ride is insane, spitting on my shit. We can do this all day Read Note
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