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Apenas um português trans, gosto de avaliar jogos aleatórios, de recomendar animes e de socializar :) Tenho jeito para a escrita e expressividade :3
Otakunippon 65948790

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Apenas um português trans, gosto de avaliar jogos aleatórios, de recomendar animes e de socializar :) Tenho jeito para a escrita e expressividade :3
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Uma ótima app (paga) para ver animes em vários tipos de plataformas. Adoro o app mas o server de Portugal devia ter pelo menos os animes em dia, muitos deles só começam pela segunda temporada, outros só têm a primeira temporada em vez de ter as 3 temporadas que ja estam em dia noutros sites. Porém ao pagar a app, ajuda a apoiar a app e os produtores de animes.
Tem jogos para quem tem subscrição, tem também músicas originais feitas pelas bandas com vídeoclips das bandas.
Dou um 4/5 pq não tem as temporadas dos animes em dia, pelo menos no server de Portugal.

This game is amazing, i wish i could see how many hours did i spend on it, cause its really cool and i spend sk many time playing it.
For people who like Animal Crossing, or people who want to try Animal Crossing before buying it or even people who dont own a nintendo and cant play it, its amazing, and the game have lots of events, so you can keep always active enjoying the game and the events, its amazint ❤️

I've been playing this game for a few months, and i love it so much.
I love collections, and when i found this Tokyo Revengers game i got so excited and ive been playing nonstop since then [色色]
The game have a lot of events and its really active.

This game is simply amazing.
It always having events to participate on, and thats super cool, cause if you are a collector person, you'll love to have the event cards and make your own collection 👌🏻

Um jogo de cultura geral (/senso comum) mas em inglês, é muito difícil pra alguém como eu, que está a aprender a língua e não sabe a maioria das coisas que eles perguntam no jogo em inglês [大哭]

It's nice to farm coins and etc... It's a game where you legit just click to upgrade stuff and nothing more.
You have a game mode where you can construct your own buildings and getting a little boost, by typing and construct, until you cannot build any more parts of your building (skyscraper in this case, if you can build a big building).
Its fun for people who like this kind of mechanics, and this kind of farming game.
I like it so, I liked this game a lot, and I'll spend too many hours on this 😂
PS: It's a offline game and when you're not in the app, the game stills farming, so it's pretty cool [怪笑]

Idle Island


The game is boring, it was a little bit cool for like 10mins, but then I went to the 2nd city and the game crashed in the 23% [汗顏][汗顏][汗顏]

The game doesn't even open 😢
I wanted to test the game, cuz I like Tap Tap games to pass the time, but it appears a Warning saying that the Authentication failed, and that the connection is unstable... But my internet has the full traces 👁️👄👁️

The game in general is good and free to play [賣萌]
You have the character's habilities to use and it's not just the puzzle game damage [微笑]
You can collect new army members but you have to be lucky person to get good characters [鬼臉]
You have your own village to lvl up, so you can collect gems and etc... [懵懂]
The only bad thing is that the game starts getting a little bit repetitive [暈]
The more you play, the more repetitive it gets [暈]

Tap Tap Zombie


Bro... I downloaded the game to play cuz it seems cool. But the game doesn't even open on my phone...
Just black screen endlessly, the game doesn't even try to load [汗顏][汗顏][汗顏]



Whoa, finalmente lançaram o Instagram aqui no QooApp 😳
Uso muito pra conversar e ver as minhas celebridades favoritas, ver memes, e ver os meus desportos favoritos 😊 também coloco lá fotos de jogos que eu gosto (principalmente animal crossing), e fotos que eu tiro (tanto em termos artísticos como de memórias) 🤗
Um dia também irei postar meus desenhos lá 😍
Coloco demasiados stories de coisas que gosto, nomeadamente músicas que eu amo 🥺 tenho até uma pequena Playlist num álbum do meu Insta eheh 😌



Jogo bem divertido (na minha opinião), já tinha jogado bastante quando era mais nova [可憐]
É sempre a mesma coisa (cortar as árvores e não levar com um ramo na cabeça) 😂😂😂 é repetitivo mas é legal pq passar os nossos high scores [耍帥]
High score de agora mais ou menos 200 seguidos eheheh [賣萌]
Tem é demasiado anúncio mas é normal pq é um jogo gratuito [鬼臉]



I love to do this kind of puzzles [賣萌]
But it's kinda annoying when the lights go off. It's not difficult with the lights off, it's just annoying [汗顏]

The game is always the same. It has nice puzzles to do with the furniture. The only thing you do are just the same kind of puzzles with the furniture, collecting new furniture and getting a little bit of money to buy the new furniture [暈]
The more annoying thing in this game it's the ads, there's a lot of ads. Ik that it's a free game and stuff, but don't exaggerate on ads pls [汗顏]

Droppy Tower


I tried to play this game but it lags so much, I couldn't even aim well cuz of the lag... [發火]
And after some time playing I got annoyed cuz is always the same thing [汗顏]

Pokémon: Magikarp Jump


PT: Como fã de Pokémon eu amo jogos da franquia. Honestamente pensava que ia ser chato, mas até que gostei bastante de jogar e achei que é um jogo bem fofinho e bem engraçado até. É um excelente jogo para passar o tempo [色色]
ENG: As a Pokémon fan I love Pokémon games, and this one is really cute and even funny. I thought it would be kinda weird but I really enjoy playing this game when i don't have nothing to do [賣萌]



One of the best games I've ever played.
I love card games and this is my Top 1 of them [賣萌][賣萌]
My favorite categories are: Warrior, Hunter and Druid, since I play this game and I play it for so many years now [哇噻][哇噻]
I came back to this game recently (on mobile version) cuz my pc died and I found it on QooApp, and I have nothing better to do with my life, so... [鬼臉][可憐]
Add me on if you want: Otakunippon#2268



It's cool to have this app on my phone so I can talk to my riot friends when I'm out of the pc [賣萌]
You can see your last matches score and etc too in that app.
But if you play league of legends, I think we both need something better to do in life 😂😂

DogLife: BitLife Dogs


The game is great, you can have a dog's life and make your own story based on your choices that you make [賣萌][賣萌]
But the game has too much ad's [大哭][發火]

CatLife: BitLife Cats


The game is really cool, you can create random life's as a cat and create your own story with the choices you make [耍帥][耍帥][賣萌]
But the game has too much ad's [發火][發火][發火]

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