This is probably the only game where I shared sadness, happiness, excitment etc. with the characters. At first, you might probably see them as shallow cliche anime characters but once you've dived right into their story, you'll find yourself thinking "Ah! There actually more to that." Every boys have struggles. Real life problems to be exact. I personally think that their story is where all the charm lies.
*ehem* back to the real review
Storyline: The storyline revolves around theatre troups. Found family trope, slice of life. DON'T GET UNDERWHELMED BY THIS THO. It's def good just go, play it and see for yourself!
Gameplay wise: Gacha rate is quite good. Events can be really really REALLY grindy especially if you're aiming to get that sweet sweet bloomed SSR event card and event badge (I'll probably change this one after I actually participate an event competitively.) Mini games are fun. Cards are REALLY PRETTY even the N and R cards . It can be a bit boring since you rly can't skip practices. That's it.
Overall: 9.8/10 but 10000/10 for every character
Notes (1)
MoreOfficial Release Date
The English version will be released in December 7 so mark your calendar folks
Read Note
A3! | Japanese
4.8This is probably the only game where I shared sadness, happiness, excitment etc. with the characters. At first, you might probably see them as shallow cliche anime characters but once you've dived right into their story, you'll find yourself thinking "Ah! There actually more to that." Every boys have struggles. Real life problems to be exact. I personally think that their story is where all the charm lies.
. It can be a bit boring since you rly can't skip practices. That's it.
*ehem* back to the real review
Storyline: The storyline revolves around theatre troups. Found family trope, slice of life. DON'T GET UNDERWHELMED BY THIS THO. It's def good just go, play it and see for yourself!
Gameplay wise: Gacha rate is quite good. Events can be really really REALLY grindy especially if you're aiming to get that sweet sweet bloomed SSR event card and event badge (I'll probably change this one after I actually participate an event competitively.) Mini games are fun. Cards are REALLY PRETTY even the N and R cards
Overall: 9.8/10 but 10000/10 for every character