This is one of the best RPG combat game I've ever experienced. The heart warming cut scenes exaggerated the movements so we could see them more distinctly.
This is an excellent Japanese art style Rouge like Rpg game. Characters are well designed and awesome. The story of this game is really amazing. I like this game.
Project sekai is an rhythm based anime game One of the best rhythm games I've played, with a large variety of original songs and covers that you may have heard of before online.
The gacha is cool and amazing. The characters are cute and lovable. The graphics are awesome. This game is available in only Japanese versions.
I like this game.
Shinobi master is an anime based Rpg game which allows players to choose and train their own Shinobi. You have to train your Shinobi and be able to fight with real tough bosses. It has a great story line. The graphics are awesome.
2.4#shitoftheyear #ShittyApp #Bestcrap #UselessShit
How am I supposed to rate it !?