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I LOVE YOU, CONGRATS ON THE RELEASE [大哭][大哭][大哭][大哭][大哭][大哭]


This game is great (๑′ᴗ‵๑) there Are some cringy songs, but it seems like they're actually evolving, hiring famous artists to produce their songs and making more music outside of rap!!

The gameplay is actually really fun. It's surprisingly easy and really satisfying to get all-perfect scores! But keep in mind that the game is still kinda new, and they haven't added new songs in a while until recently adding about 3 songs. So it gets boring somewhat fast especially if you don't like all the songs available.

The stories are actually so funny, one thing I love abt this franchise is how damn unserious it is sometimes, like the April fools bodyswap events that are all "fanfiction" written by Gentaro. The stories are all voiced, so there's a lot of SCREAMING to enjoy. [驚訝] There are songs with really silly lyrics too, like Nausa de Zuiqu where Ichiro and Samatoki are dying of heat in a sauna while quizzing each other about Finland to the tune of Ievan Polkka.[難過]

But heres sth garbage about this game : THE CARDS ARE ARSE[微笑]. Seriously pisses me off how low quality the SRs are. Upon evolving the card, all you get is a simple pose change or an expression change. Its like enstars anniversary cards, except EVERY SR IS LIKE THAT. And none of them come with special outfits either. Fortunately, the amount of SRs for most characters is less than the SSRs, and there are supercute chibis that are SR cards.

THE CHIBIS ARE SOSOSOSO CUTE ! !!!!! There's a mini game featuring them, AND THEIR ANIMATIONS ARE SO TIEPSNY I WANNA HOLD THEM IN MY PALMS AND SQUEEZE THEM :〈 My favorite is Saburo's, he's so tiny and and innocent it's hard to believe what his solo Reqiuem is about. [開心][開心]

Anyways the SSRs also have an UNCREATIVITY issue. Imagine wasting so much time pulling for a card and grinding for its materials to evolve it, and what you get is just another CG that looks like an unrelated illustration instead of an upgraded version of the un-evolved card. Those "trinity", "let's play", "my hood", "rain fine later" card series are all just like that. The un-evolved DOES NOT look so different from the evolved. The newer cards from rain fine later look more decent, but overall THEY ALL SUCK. Event cards with actual themes are cards to look forward to, but even those don't have such special things going on in the evolved version. At the very least, they are cute. [不滿]

It sucks because the art style looks really pretty, I wish the evolved CG was more unique . I do still have my favorite cards ,and as I said before, the game is definitely evolving so I do believe the cards will get better overtime 💔

For the Gacha, the rewards are quite generous. You can get a 10pull in no time, adding that there are pull tickets alongside the gems that are also easy to get. But... I was never lucky with pulling. I had to spark a card (which takes 150 pulls btw), and at most I get the card I want after 80 to 100 pulls like every time which is .. .not nice.

Anyways, they have a vkei boy Jyushi Aimono and his solo songs are perfect !! [為什麼][為什麼] they even got HAKUEI from PENICILLIN to compose for him ((((;゚Д゚)))))))

Overall ,check out the game for occasional bangers and cool gameplay, but don't raise your hopes too high for the sad gacha rate and cards. [微笑]

(btw, there's a lot of very grown up men and women in this game, 30+, so if you're bored of franchises with all teenagers, you could check this game out ;3)

SuperStar LOONA


Where's Chuu?
Okay now that the events of the story have unfolded ; I strongly encourage you to not play this game. We want to boycott Blockberry Creative so they no longer have money to support Loona, so that Loona can disband and the remaining 11 girls get their justice. Playing this game will fund Blockberry and it can potentionally go to their lawyers that will help them continue exploiting Loona in their scam of a contract. This is a serious situation and we want our girls to be free from the Satan that is their company, so please delete the game no matter how fun it was. Remember how many times the girls said they don't get paid, remember the lawsuit that Chuu filed and how BBC villanized her after horribly kicking her out, remember everything. You can even leave a bad rating on the game to discourage others from playing it even if they don't know about the boycott. It's for the best !

Really great rythm game in general, it doesn't take too much storage and runs smoothly on my tired Huawei, and the stars amount to gacha is fair. One problem though is how hard it becomes to grind upon reaching higher ranks, of course that's the case for most gacha games but here it almost gets impossible, especially if you read all main and band stories from previous grinding, it's super disappointing if you get a card you don't want or a duplicate 4 star after months of grinding, making it really hard for strict f2p who can't spend a penny.

The music is amazing though, the new units are very cool, the live settings r fun to play around.. But the story, it's kind of mediocre. There are some harsh sad parts but for the most of it it's your average bubbly idol game , most bands motive to become a band was by seeing idols perform and get inspired. Not that realistic if you apply it to almost everyone, but generally I like how you can differentiate from each unit based on sound.

For example, Morfonica's special violin performances and Raise a Suilen's amazing vocals. In fact, I got into it after hearing their many many covers of popular Anime OPs and Vocaloid songs but their originals r absolutely amazing as well.

Generally good game, I recommended it but stay away from the Fandom ..

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