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Merisa 61973892

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Game Comments (3)

So so far its been good but theres been a few things that stood out.

1: Its not censored and they really stuck to what they advertised and made at first, this is great.
(Well from what I can tell from people's reactions there's server differences? I'm not sure..
But I'm on eu and it seems uncensored it all matches the uncensored early promotional material that we got early on, cleavage, panties etc are there and they move.)

2: The gameplay is actually somewhat hard it's not as easy at it seems with just auto locking on things and holding your fingers on screen, what also made me really happy is yhat you can turn off aim assist and freely aim at anything.

3: The pity is only 40, and duplicates seems to just add stats as a limit break for extra lvls so technically you aren't completely gimped if you fully max one out and haven't fully gotten duplicates yet, i mean time will tell with me getting into harder content and the game going onwards if it's as fair as it seems.

Now for the few bad notes..
So the games store for crystals seems in my opinion expensive for what you get out of it, it has like normal crystals and "free crystals" and like the limited event banner for the "reduced price" and guaranteed special unit will set you back even with new player sales about 40€ for that one "special" 10 pull....

Majority of games like this usally let you get one for free with your 10 summons and sometimes you can roll it in game as much as you want but here.. with sales they're charging you 40€ and calling it an option event.. that leaves an incredibly bad first impression..

So on the cash front I'm down right angry and disappointed at the devs, as for the games gameplay it seems good but with the cyrstal stuff and repeatable content, dailys and weekly i can definitely see the ftp and spenders having a massive gap close especially when there's no good vale option for low spenders really, the game couls get intense and repetitive too as we get deeper into it time will tell and ill edit this when ive had more time with the game.



It's dead and abandoned now on mobile, it's no longer supported and it can't connect to the server, additionally you cant make a new account either.
It's pretty sad they just left the mobile version to die, play it on steam instead :/

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What's the current game state? Has it really closed it's servers? i thought that was just the korean version?
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