I just hoping for new songs
Gameplay not bad
Graphics well, they're very bright I think I need sunglasses 🕶️
I brought along my pjsekai behavior by skipping the stories lmao 🤣
Value? Overall good. Add more song pretty please 🥺 No pressure, I play this game according to mood. I'm not really into events and banners.
My thoughts:
1. Disconnecting despite good internet
2. Pretty outfits mostly cannot afford because missed the event or requires irl money
3. Cannot navigate some quest after accidentally leaving the unaccessible area and scene (help)
4. Bling bling notification of someone's marriage kinda annoying for a solo player like me :')
5. Most dailies are multiplayers lmao
6. So many stuff happening in one screen I wish I had the world for myself so I can focus
7. I wish I wouldn't have to see every other player I pass unless during I play multiplayer mode. Yeah, I wish. As if it will come true lol
I'm not saying having ads is terrible, but the ads keep popping up even when I'm in the middle of playing! Fix it so the ads will only pop up if the players wanted ads rewards by clicking yes or something. Don't let it interrupt the gaming process.
Art is so bling bling that I think I need new glasses.
Sound is ok.
Gameplay? Not complicated.
Storyline? What storyline? Mostly fan service. Ok, at least it still exists.
Value huh...
I'm a Genshin Impact high AR player. I played this because I'm bored farming materials and waiting resins to replenish. Because it's Mihoyo, my expectations are high. So here's what I think.
The graphic is beautiful, not gonna lie, but recently the color suddenly became brighter for no reason? Is it a bug? Please check.
The sound is calming. (Although I always mute the song because I'm embarrassed if someone find out I'm playing otome game)
Gameplay is easy. You just need to level up your cards and you're good.
Storyline... uh... I skipped them because I'm busy. Student life be like-
Value you say? This is a game where you can be free to play players. Just don't simp too much to be tempted to buy cards.
Everything is fascinating! The graphic is top-notch, they have their own background music each region, gameplay is easy to understand since there's only a few buttons. Story line is rich of lores and heck yeah! Love it so much!
Although, the characters are so beautifully designed you might be tempted to spend money on this game. The critical part is the storage! You need lots lots and lots of storage for mobile players! RIP potato phones.
Game graphics is... well... ok. Satisfying at some point, so it's nice. CG is more beautiful. Hmm... this is clearly a waifu battle game and I'm not that interested. I'm just here for the event (^_^;). Anyways, if not for the event I won't even try the game so I had to thank you. The game is pretty nice. I was introduces to a new concept and new gameplay which is pretty fresh. About those waifus... Hmm... Where's holy water? I need it.
Graphics just fantastic. The sound? Well... depends on the uploaded beat map. But the menu's sound is well made. Gameplay experience is fun. I'm a beginner though. Although I can't get a full score and level 15 and above is simply torture but hey, you don't die halfway of the song except that one mode to score above 90% to change partner. This game doesn't have storyline. It's a rhythm game. However, even without it, the game has its charms.
Disney Twisted Wonderland | English