The other character's chinese designs what makes me rate the graphics 5/5, yes i know im biased towards it.
Gameplay is generic, Hugs mode is like the yellow notes from Phigros or from Catching Fruits in Osu.
Not sure why people wants more global audience.
First, this game is on Japanese, no stüpid non-Japanese speaking people will even bother the game in the first place. Also the fact that it can't be access to western google playstore thus makes it hard to find Global fans.
Also being underrated doesn't make it good.
There's a reason why its underrated, only fools who finds looking down on popular just for the sake of feeling special.
Well if you like this game then sure no problem, but when you start to gatekeep popular ones just for the sake of feeling special for playing underrated games, then you're a piece of shit.
Special Forces Group 2
2.6better than Cod, Ros, Pubg and you can't changed my mind.