Well i like this game.. Ive play this game since season 1 and its improving much..The art getting better, Many free skin event, free promo diamond n such. Sometimes u got a nice team and sometimes just a toxic team but mostly toxic :c.. Solo player is hard to rank up, there is so many player that trolling, afk and feed.. But i could still enjoy it.. This game is always on my phone :) and this game is the longest game i ever played too..
Plushies Restaurant
1. Manage restoran, dekor, buat resep dengan memainkan permainan klasik..menurutku bagus tidak ada komentar, karena semua bisa didapatkan seiring berjalannya waktu
2. Merekrut staff (plushies) dengan game capit.. Menurutku Bagus juga, semua plushies dalam game capit bisa didapatkan.. Tapi, rate untuk mendapatkan staff bagus dari game capit sepertinya kecil sekali, walau bisa meningkatkan status dari plushies menunggunakan clover tetap saja masih kurang.. Saya pikir lebih baik merekrut staff dengan clover di restoran orang lain..
3. Part-time job untuk mendapatkan uang tambahan dan juga untuk menaikkan status dari plushies.. Menurutku biasa saja.. Hanya menunggu selesai dan klaim hadiah..
Overall gamenya bagus, tapi untuk unlock restoran lainnya itu berbayar hanya 1 yang bisa dibeli dengan gold.. Untuk buku menu dan lainnya bisa ditambah dengan 500 clover.. Untuk sekarang terlalu mahal..
Clover bisa didapatkan 5 tiap perjam melalui iklan (sepertinya meningkat dengan naiknya income restoran karena saya sekarang 6 tiap jam, tapi hanya orang yg rajin main online perjam untuk nonton iklan).. Gamenya masih enjoyable dengan boneka beruang, kucing, tikus yang lucu.. Bisa tukar2 part tiap boneka seperti tangan dll jadi bisa desain sendiri.. Bisa jg beli baju untuk staff tp tidak ada efek yg didptkan :c
Edit: sekarang rating restoran saya 4.. Clover tiap nonton iklan udah jadi 9/jam.. Mantap lah buat mengisi waktu luang.. Tinggal kumpul duit buat dekor aja.. Untuk staff bisa ditingkatkan dimesin supaya dapat yang langka (rare) dengan status yang bagus.. Makin lama makin cepet habis bahannya harus sering cek" buat restock nih ..
Setelah 7 hari + bermain 1 restoran saya udah *5 dan 1 nya masih baru buka.. Clover jd 11 perjam rekomen si buat yg suka idle game.. Gamenya bagus
Realfarm ~
-Saat loading memasuki game butuh waktu sekitar 20-30 detik :( terlalu lama bagiku
-Dalam game ada sistem stamina. Max stamina mengikuti level (semakin tinggi lvl semakin banyak stamina). Menanam membutuhkan stamina, membersihkan batu, pohon, dan lainnya juga membutuhkan stamina. Stamina bisa dipulihkan dengan minum jus. Jusnya bisa dibuat dan saya pikir tidak ada masalah dengan itu.
-Setiap kali melakukan sesuatu, butuh waktu sekitar 2-5 detik. Menurutku ini lebih ke idle game, karena membutuhkan waktu yg lama untuk menanam, harvest crops nya, membersihkan dll :(.. Mungkin ada cara mempercepat pekerjaan karena ada research sistem yg membuat pekerjaan lebih efektif dan efisien. Tapi, saya belum sampai sejauh itu.
-Ceritanya menarik, sesuai dengan realita. Tiap karakter memiliki sifatnya masing"
-Bisa mengadopsi pet
-Bisa membeli/mengganti pakaian
-Bisa menghias rumah maupun lingkungan untuk menanam
-Tanaman membutuhkan pupuk untuk mendapatkan grade yang bagus. Pupuknya bisa dibuat sendiri di mesin.
-Reward tiap quest lumayan sepertinya f2p dan bisa dinikmati
-Total size untuk sekarang 500mb an. Download didalamnya sekitar 200mb.
Overall menurutku gamenya lumayan aja si untuk mengisi waktu luang. Walau agak bosen nunggu selesi menanam field karna butuh sekitar 3 detik untuk 1 tanaman dan max 15 tanaman dan tentunya masih banyak lagi yang bisa ditanam kedepannya.
Untuk yang ingin menambah teman bisa add saya (server asia) Ign: Dilsy
Edited: Grindingnya waw banget, ga boleh close appnya terlalu lama nanti tanamannya mati. Harus ngasih pupuk terus menerus disiram dan lainnya jadi harus stay on :c Kalau punya banyak waktu si ga masalah tp gamenya kurang cocok buatku walau storynya menyentuh dan anjingnya lucu main story setelah cerita anjing harus invite" teman jelek banget kecewa padahal cerita tentang anjingnya bagus banget
Ehm.. U had to buy starter pack if ure impatient.. Not really my type of game.. But, without heart system (it take a while to sleep at tent) i think it will be a great game
Gamenya udah release ~
Menurutku loadingnya kelamaan tiap ngapa"innya lama.. Buat barang slow bgt (loadingterus) gatau kedepannya gmn.. Untuk cerita graphic mantap enak diliat banyak cogan dan cecan ♥️ background musicnya bagus2 aja enak didengar
Its a good apk.. But i dont like the new system that we just could read 1 eps / day for some webtoon.. But i guess its fine since i read it all for free, ive only bought coins few times.. I hope more webtoon from naver will be added.. :)
Graphics - Good
Sound - Good, but i hope we could costumize sound at our home
Gameplay - I love it~ unlike other MMORPG that do everything by AUTO mode this one doesnt have auto mode so its perfect
Storyline - Well its good but now im not interested to read it ( i skip it all time now ) actually i hope we could just skip it all without watching the scene with fast forward because after 5 characters i got bored doing story all over again :c
Value - Its a great game.. But u have to be patient to improving.. I guess some guild will guide u, but if ure on ur own its hard to progressing..
U could achieve all things u want if u work hard :)
Theres no story on this game.. But the gameplay is realllyyy good!... Ive play this game around 2 years... Before this game is pretty p2w on the higher arena but now there is so many way to obtain the gems and the legendary card.. The card doesnt really balanced well before but i think it's ok now for pvp, as for co-op theres just 1 OP deck card that oftenly used for reaching wave 300+.. Not much choice for coop deck.. (idk how is it if all card reached max lvl but my card only lvl 10 to 11 for now) im not F2p (i made 2 purchases of gems) but ive got all the cards.. The event reward not really good.. Its like just wasting time play about 12 matches? And got 1 box as final reward or gold or 1 heart shape stone but its pretty interesting for testing card/deck im still playing now.. If u need a raid partner or coop wave around 250 to 300 i could help ~ ID : CQAKKM
Best game ever! Its like phoenix wright but the story is more interesting for me .. Collecting all handsome cards of the ML.. Gacha is so-so there is a pity rate on 100 times.. At first i got it on the 100th draw, but the other day i got ssr 1 by 10pulls and 1 pull.. But now i havent got any (still at 30 pull)..U could save up the chips to draw by doing daily quest&login, the themis one, or the events! I could complete all the event as f2p.. Thats really nice.. usually u had to wait n wait day by day on other otome game to read stories but u could finish all 1 chap within 1 day on this game! But i wish i could skip the debate battle.. :c especially when doing the temple of trials (30x step its just take so much time to complete).. Overall its Perfect otome game! Jasmine and hugh story is the one i love the most! Its so cute when hugh kiss the FL ❤️as for the ML, i reallyyyy love LUKE especially when he smile He is just so perfect.. Strong, caring, smart, handsome, cool.. But i the story is a bit sad, i hope he is okay.. Im still waiting for eps 3 of luke ❤️ Keep up the good work Devs!
Im not interested on the story.. But i love the gameplay its similiar as overcooked on pc. Idk its p2w or not but i could enjoy the game so far.. I could win ranked match but sometimes my teammate like a bot (stopped moving after 1/2 minutes and i had to push/kill her first so she could move again) and the other team cooperate nicely its not fair... Btw anyone looking for a friend to play story or ranked for fun~ add me : Dilsy
Edit: day 20 - trophy 3k+ getting harder to win.. U will face with lvl 10 characters thats too OP.. Its unfair for newbie like me who havent had any lvl 10 character.. But i still love it.. And still waiting for new season updates on dec 31 ? XD But i guess it will be pretty boring cause the season is too long :c
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
5.0Well i like this game.. Ive play this game since season 1 and its improving much..The art getting better, Many free skin event, free promo diamond n such. Sometimes u got a nice team and sometimes just a toxic team but mostly toxic :c.. Solo player is hard to rank up, there is so many player that trolling, afk and feed.. But i could still enjoy it.. This game is always on my phone :) and this game is the longest game i ever played too..