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Lunala 53887213

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Solo Leveling:Arise


Quite disappointed tbh. For a really hyped game from an extremely popular IP, you would think they would have tried to polished it more.

Here are some frustrated things I encountered:

- Skills miss even when the enemy was in front of me and I used auto aim on it.

- Auto aim somehow always aimed at the boss even though there were different enemies near me. It even aimed at the boss that I was not supposed to fight yet.

- It automatically entered auto in the Gate mode. I am fine with it if it was good. It was not, always run after the boss even when they got blocked by mobs.

- Characters passed through inanimated objects on the map when using the support characters skills. Got stuck and had to log out.

- MC could equip differences weapons but there were no win animations of him and the weapon he got equipped with. There was only one animation.

- Somehow characters that used elements could not fight in long range? The only one I saw could long range was a girl in side story. Not even the MC, equipped with a gun, could do long range damage. Why? Am I missing something?

- A map that asked players to "Not taking damage more than 13 times" but the DoT from poisonous gas still count?

Tldr: This game still have a lot of things to fix. If it was released at this state, it would not live long. It would not be fair to the famous IP it based on.

Reverse: 1999 | Global


Play because the graphic looks nice. Stay because I like the English voice acting. I think this is the best EN voice acting I have ever hear. Or maybe I just like their accents ehe

See people complain about the gacha rate so I was just wondering: which one would you prefer 0.6% but pity at 90 with 50% chance to get what you want or 3%/6% but pity at 150/300? I play gacha game with 3%/6% chance before and I still see people struggle to get the characters they want because even though they manage to pull a 5 stars, it is not guarantee to be the one on the banner.

For the battle system, I don't know why they choose the break system similar to Exos Heroes. Exos themselves have to trim that system down because it was a pain to deal with, why did hyv think it was a good idea to adopt it?

The open world doesn't add much to the gameplay, only there for fun, would be a pain if I wanted to play it during work. The story so far is decent, better than most stories in GI. The jokes are either you like it or you don't, it is subjective so no comment on this.

TLDR: The gacha system is not as bad as other make it out to be. The rate is low, yes. But it is not the worst if you ever play old gacha turn base game before. Low rate but only need one copy is better than high rate but you need multiple copy in order to get through a story. And please don't compare this game to Project Sekai or Idol games, they are not the same genre

It's scary how tame the comment section here compare to JP version lmao.
I have been avoiding enstars since grade 10. My best friend was trapped in it and tried to drag me to hell with him but since the first game play style was not my thing, I managed to dodge the bullet.
But God said no and blessed (cursed) me with enstars music, a rhythm game, my one and only weakness so here I am, in hell, waiting for Rinne to show me his mercy. Please for the love of my sanity Rinne, be kind to me once your banner drop. I will even offer some sacrifice to you TwT

Dislyte | Global


I just started out and so far the mechanics is quite similar to Epic Seven. I don't think it's anything bad, quite easy to play and such.
The drop rate is fine, I guess. I saw worse and been through worse drop rate so anything is fine.
I just hope I wouldn't have to grind too much tho

Exos Heroes


Comeback to the game after a long while. They change the playing mechanics so now it is easier to play in story battle.

Quite generous with in-game currency so you can have so many pulls early game. FC rate is 1%, if you pull in exclusive banner, they will give you that FC in 28 pulls.

Heavily p2w since the characters only good when you have their FC, aim for at least one gold FC and pray to god you luck out for at least 2 more.

It's an okay game if you want to kill time and will probably drop once another game come out. Unless you are a big fans of BNHA, I wouldn't recommend invest too much money in the game.

The graphic is alright, i guess. Fight in chibi form so there isn't much to say. Though the illustration for the cards are gorgeous.

Fighting mostly is on auto so you can do other thing. It does give you a job to do which is tap on the screen on time but I don't see it make much of a difference.

The first 10 pulls after tutorial can be reroll. You should do it until you get all the characters you want, it is possible to get multi UR from that pull

Finally, I can understand the plot. It's suck that when the game first came out in JP I had to drop it because I couldn't understand anything. Playing a story driven game and couldn't read it, is my worst nightmare. But now that the English came out and I'm steadily learning Japanese, maybe I can play both version together in the future.
The characters design is 100/10 because this is Yana-sensei we are talking about. The outfits she drew in Black Butler were fantastic so I have high hope for what she can offer in this game.
I couldn't say much about the plot since I'm only at chapter 3. But I can say I enjoy these characters personality and interaction so much.
The gacha part isn't half bad because this is Disney we are talking about. The tutorial will give you 10 pulls, you can re-roll as much as you want. After that is either luck or 100 pulls guarantee. Recommend you should save up for the one you want first instead of spending it mindlessly. Also, you should buy the Limited pack in the shop. It give you 10 pulls with only 250 gems.
This is the game that you should play casually, for me at least. I don't recommend speed running the game or skipping the story, you will miss everything. And don't expect to have every SSR that come out if you are not a whale. This is a gacha game, it's either luck or money, no in between. I so sick of people complain about Gacha in GI so I hope I won't have to see it here.

Genshin Impact


I cannot raise this game enough. Tho, new players that aren't familiar with gacha game camln find the resin system and the gacha system quite unfriendly. For the endgame contents, there aren't much aside the abyss, raise different teams and wait for new update. I would recommend new players not to rush through the game on the get go, take your time, explore and enjoy the sceneries.



The music, especially the boss music, is top notch. You know why? Because they took Hollow Knight's soundtrack, to be specific False Knight. They probably took other game soundtrack too since some of them sound very similar. The UI is from P5, the gameplay is generic.
If you don't believe me, you can search Hollow Knight OST and heard it yourself.
I don't know whether they will chance it when the finish game come out, but so far, I don't really like this.

Cookie Run: OvenBreak


I usually don't have enough patient for these type of game but somehow this game can keep me playing it. Probably because of these adorable cookies _(:з」∠)_

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Are those Vietnamese review bombing the game actually deleting it or are they just complain to show off how much they "care" about our culture? I don't really know what were they expecting from a Chinese game 🙄. I swear to god, some of these people doesn't understand the fact that Chinese developers would always catering to their Chinese fans AND the Chinese government. So either delete the game, make something your own, or suck it up.
Speaking this as a Vietnamese btw. As much as I respect our culture like the next guy, some y'all are just brain dead like Twittards.
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