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Nein Zedd!
Ferinsy 53840391

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Nein Zedd!
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janky as...

yeah... no

Infinity Nikki | English


I wanted to give 5* on graphics, but judging the mobile version, it's just too watered down compared to PC. it doesn't look bad, but it's not even the same game, the devs didn't even bother to make a solution for the flowers, they just removed them completely. Same for other elements that are lacking on mobile, making the landscapes a bit boring. Sound is okay enough, nothing too amazing, but definitely nothing terrible, everything fits the vibe and creates the right atmosphere, so I won't judge it too thoroughly.

Gameplay also lacks depth, and the "battle" being just an energy ball is boring, we could use at least some energy sword or close combat hit besides magic only. Story is really bad and simple, definitely nothing well thought and a lot of elements thrown at us (I do feel like a lot of terms come from other Nikki games, but I never played them for too long to care about their lores).

Gacha and monetization is just the Paper Games special: terrible. 180 pity with dupes required, besides makeup, evolution materials and even sidekick clothes locked behind hundreds of pulls... For a game where dressing is the most important thing, that's just too FoMO-inducing, and the paywalled outfits don't help as well.

just another IP based low effort cashgrab

Extremely shit. Like, there's no redeeming quality here, even the "art" is terribly done. Very low quality, coding is terrible, everyone in the production of this "game" should be ashamed.

crappy, generic and just terrible

wanker material, crappy game 😴😴😴

Idle game, full on predatory-ness, basically a game made only for pervert wankers...

深空之眼 | 繁中版


Good, but gets boring quick

Great as always. Game is fun, story is funny and the gameplay is really pleasing. Special praise to the UI and overall aesthetic.

terrible cashgrab

just nah

okay, but the other game is a bit better

I'm sorry, but this is hot garbage. The models are uncanny and the quality is underground.

Riichi City



how can a game this generic be so heavy on storage

鋼嵐 | 繁中版


looka generic and there aren't even servers to play

Not the best tbh, I was way too hyped, but pretty okay

Levistone story


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ugh... looks really bad, but give me my 50 tickets Read Note
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