I love Ensemble Stars and while I play on JP for my main, I'm trying out EN because I missed so many things I wish I didn't.
In this review, I want to point out the differences between the EN server and the JP one, as well as what exactly makes Ensemble Stars!! so good.
Characters - Ensemble Stars has a variety of characters, and while the number of them may be quite overwhelming at first, it won't take long for you to remember them all and absolutely love them. They're all so fleshed out, adorable, sexy, and cool at the same time.
Music - Ensemble Stars has some of the best musical pieces and vocals I've heard in a Rhythm game. While yes, all other idol Rhythm games also sound good, I think there's just something special about Ensemble Stars in particular. I like how easily the music gets stuck in my head, its almost on replay. Take for example, Melody In The Dark, Article Of Faith, Dance In The Apocalypse, Love Letter etc.
Groups - Shameless plugin but I love Knights and I can't even describe how much pain I am in because of the fs2 cards but that's not important for Eng Server players rn. Anyways, I also love Knights, I LOVE ALL THE GROUPS. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. MY WALLET IS CRYING.
Difference of the JP and ENG server:
Tutorial - I don't like it. There's no big reason, I just don't like it. Not to mention the Tutorial Live's speed is so slow.
Diamonds - The gacha currency in this game are Diamonds, and the cost for both servers is different. 10 pulls in JP is 350 Dias, while in EN its 3.5k Dias. HOWEVER, don't be put off by that because Happy Ele does balance the rewards. For example, clearing story in JP gives 1 dia, while in ENG its 10 Dia. So in essence, they just added an extra 0.
Gacha Income - You actually earn more dias in the ENG server than you do in the JP one imo. Eng has Society, Dailies, and Starry Live, and JP doesn't have that. In JP I believe the average monthly income was around 600 Dias,
Story skip Button, Auto Lives, and FF Jobs - Honestly one of my favorite new Features in EN that JP didn't have cuz I'm lazy af and I wanna afk. Although I kinda don't like that you can't auto songs in tours across different days. For example if you FC Stars Ensemble on Day 3, you can auto it in D3 but you can't auto it in Day 6 unless you full combo it again iirc.
Discovering Wonderland x Showtime was one of the best thing that's happened to me in my entire life. They make me so happy, reading about them always puts a smile on my face.
Also gameplay's top notch, and so are the songs.
Some of the covers aren't as good as the original but they're not bad either.
The gacha rates are indeed low,(0.6%) however, as a person whose played countless gacha games, I can say that the gacha in this game isn't as scummy as other games(excluding the weapon banner.)
I think others argue that 0.6% is very low. And yes it is, however, the Guaranteed pity saves it for me. Most games don't have guaranteed pity. If they do have guaranteed pity, its split between numerous ssr and you can get countless ssr and not get the rate up unit that you want.
As a beginner it will be fairly easy to get to 90 pity if you farm for a month or 2.
The Gameplay is very smooth and beautiful. Each character has their own special and unique moveset as well as animations. The elemental combo follows the same principle as other games(i.e Ice + Fire = Melt).
Their moveset aren't just random things that were put together, its actually tied to said character's backstory, personality, and culture.
I think the biggest most obvious example would be Xiao.
Character Design:
Very lovely. I like pretty much all the characters' designs. Their designs werent just thrown together aimlessly, its connected to their culture and lore! I've played countless gacha games and sometimes they just add a unit in a modernized school uniform in a fantasy setting world or in a post-apocalyptic world. Lol.
100% love it. The Japanese VA are all loaded! They have a lot of my favorite VAs! The Korean, Chinese, and English voices are also top notch! There are various cases where I prefer the English or Chinese or Korean voice for some characters, but sticked to JP because I'm more familliar with Japanese.
The ost are simply lovely. I listen to some of them in my spare time. I already expected beautiful ost since honkai had amazing ones.
I just woke up when I wrote this so please have mercy if you see any typos.
I am someone who's been playing roughlt 2-3 years. The game used to be super fun. After Reborn update however, everything kind of got bland. The UI change is.....okay, but the old UI was totally better. They also shut down Live Pvp and club matches temporarily and deleted lots of game modes so there's not much to do anymore. Not to mention maxing Legends is going to take absurdly long. Superboosting Legends to +1 will take roughly 1-2 months. Considering how a unit needs to at least be superboost 2 to be useable, and goalkeepers need to be superboost5. Speaking of Goalkeepers, SR Goalkeepers are pretty much useless in higher up leagues(Leagues above Diamond.)
Also, at this point you'll want dupes instead of new legends to get those sweet L spirials. But with the higher rate ups, I guess that's not much of a problem. Anyways the game has become slightly boring ever since REBORN. New players are obviously not exposed to these problems because the Devs are spoonfeeding them resources. However, once you use up all of your free resources you'll start seeing these stuff.
Although apparently they will be doing some nice spirial changes to help ease up on the L spirial problem, so I guess that's good.
Community wise, SS has a really nice community. All the people I met through this game have mostly been really nice people who were always ready to help. However, all those pals are also slowly starting to leave. Honestly, I only lasted this long in SS because of the community. At this point I'm only logging in to grab rewards and do my spirial matches. I might quit at some point as well.
However this game also has some good qualities, such as the art and the graphics. The team building and gameplay are also quite good. The Gacha is also better now. If you love this game and want to continue playing, then just do so!! Have fun :D.
Ensemble Stars!! Music | Japanese
5.0What can I say, as a Knights and AlkaloidP (specifically a HiiroP), I am broken.
The gacha in this game is EVIL!! But I CAN'T QUIT!! SOMEBODY HELP ME. CRYING.