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cuma manusia biasa yang suka main game dan nonton anime
clairetaylor 50208739

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cuma manusia biasa yang suka main game dan nonton anime
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pretty good one, i don't really read the original story from the game and there's no change from the adaptation story of the manga itself. for the gacha i guess it's quiet good, i could get yuta in first ten pull and just need 30x pull for suguru

pretty like this game cause I have play the version before this, but I can't get my account back why? I love my account I have a lot of spirits in that account, or maybe the server not same then I can't get my account back? oh whatever just gimme my account back plz.

good game[開心]

tolonglah permudahkan ak or tingkatin rate up gachanya buat dapet b4 terutama shiho sama mba luka, ak ngabisin 15k crystal pas eventnya shiho kaga dapet b4 sama sekali but i like this game afterall, just disappointed 'bout gacha results(T_T)

edit: dah ak ga peduli lagi ama ni game sumpah, ak dah abisin ±15k kristal buat dapetin an card colourful festival tapi sama sekali ga dapet apa apa, dan kemaren yg terakhir ak all in abisin 30k kristal buat dapetin card an event june bride tapi ya ga dapet *4 sama sekali, semua dupe *2 dan *3 sad bgt anj

edit: gatau lagi ini emang luck gw yang abis apa gimana pas event collab sanrio gw dah abisin 90k kristal tapi cuma dapet miku kitty sama emu cinnamon roll (padahal gw pengen ena kuromi) akhirnya nuker sparks buat dapetin kuromi

edit lagi: terakhir edit keknya 1 taunan lalu, ak cuma mw kasi tau aja kalo setelah 3rd anniv apalagi 4th tuh ya mayan rate up nya tapi ya masi idk kurang tinggi rate up nya dan story also their cards graphics semakin bagus cakep masyaallah

overall good game rate gachanya juga ga jelek jelek amat kalo dibandingin ama server en lebih cursed gacha en, ya gitu aja si SIMP MY QUEEN LISA and her seiyuu YUKKI🛐

overall bagus menurut saya si tapi bisa dibilang kurang ramah sama potato device[汗顏], but its okay masi bisa nikmatin gamenya, trus buat harga pull gacha buatku si terlalu mahal apalagi rate up gachanya ga tinggi tinggi amat kek game sebelah[不滿], ya tapi balik lagi tetep asik buat dimainin walopun mahal pull gachanya tetep murah hati ngasih hadiah tiap update or eror ya lumayanlah[怪笑]

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