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Dante Cotton 4991358

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I like it. It's open beta, so I guess you could say soft launch. It's not too serious of a game, and easy to play. I like the theme and the character models, and the character banner rates are very good too. I've gotten almost all the SSR characters so far and I've only been playing about one week. We'll see if it continues.

EDIT: After trying longer, I was able to get in, so maybe it was server congestion.

Aster Tatariqus


Good luck drawing anything decent from the rate up banners at 0.750 for the target chracter. While this is standard fare for gacha, I think in the long term it's not going to be enough to keep me playing this game. It also seems like they're pushing new banners out back to back.

Ange Relink


Not a bad little card RPG. It's worth giving it a try.

Gold Rush Battler


The game in its current state is a dumpster fire. Their servers are faulty and the game's code is not optimized at all, causing multiplayer, which is the game's main feature outside of being a card collector/ battler, to be next to impossible to finish even one game session without coming to a screeching halt. The game's frame rate drops into the negative digits during every match. While they may be working to fix the issues, it's a pitiful launch considering they did already have at least one CBT. May change my rating later if they fix the game.

Edit: They did indeed improve their servers so I'm updating my score as of 8/15/23. leaving original comments for reference though.

Engage Kill


This is basically a re-skin of "A Certain Magical Index" RPG that's already been on the market for 3.5 years. Having said that, I'm still giving it a fair rating IMHO, even though it might not necessarily deserve one.

Every typical gacha system of progression is duplicated here. I tried it for about an hour on the off chance I might have liked it regardless, but It's a pass for me. If they'd have at least allowed emulators, I might have kept it around for a casual play here and there when I'm bored, but oh well. Devs continue to shoot themselves in the foot with these cookie cutter games.

Limbus Company


Gotta love a game where the MC and I share the same name lol.
Graphics: They have their own special charm and style aesthetics. The artwork and animations grow on you quickly.

Sound: Sound is okay. Nothing really stood out to me in terms of music tracks. However, the gory sound effects which accompany all the grotesque imagery and scenes are pretty cool, if you like that sort of thing.

Gameplay: So far the gameplay is pretty good. Battle mechanics are unique enough not to make me bored. There is room for a lot of customization with teams and enemies alike.

Story: I like the darker, more dystopian story the game has. It's nice to see more games with a more mature audience in mind in terms of topics.

Value: The overall value of the game is pretty good. The devs were kind enough to build in a quick reroll mechanic so players can get the characters they like at the beginning. The banners seem pretty lenient on handing out the high rarity units which are termed 'Sinners', and skills which are termed 'E.G.O.'s in this game. The banners are mixed.

I definitely think this game is worth a try for any RPG fan, especially those that like to think about strategy before and during battles. Other than a rather rocky start with various bugs making the game highly unstable right now, the game definitely has great potential to do great things, and the devs have been extremely responsive in trying to mitigate any problems so far.

Sakura Ignoramus


Game just hangs on loading the first tutorial battle.

Blue Reflection Sun


Graphics: What you would expect from a Blue Reflection line game. Character models are not exactly on the same level as their PC predecessors, but they do come close, and they are pretty accurate to their artwork.

Sound: Sound is pretty good quality. I like the themes. Not much else to say here.

Gameplay: Standard turn based mechanics, complete with the tried and true elemental weakness system, and a break system. Any RPG player worth their salt knows what to do.

Unit, skill cards, and gear progression is pretty easy in this game, and I think it's great. I have already hit the base max level of several of the UR units I've managed to pull, and you can max out the unit's master skill simply be obtaining their exclusive keys to unlock the skill level on their ability boards (think Final Fantasy 10's sphere grid system).

There is even a simulator in the game which is typical. You take the protagonists on outings to various locations, and give them gifts appropriate to what each protag likes. Doing this unlocks various prizes, including the materials you need to unlock stat boosts on the ability board. 

There is ranked PVP in the game.

Story: Standard fare here. Typical storyline for Blue Reflection franchise. It's a fairly decent story so far. Let's hope the writers can put in some decent twists and turns as the game matures.

Value: Gacha rates in this game are par for the course, i.e. pretty bad. At a 3% rates for URs split between skill cards and actual character units, your effective rate is .18% for any UR on a given banner. Pity is 200 draws (20 multis), and you need 60,000 premium gems to guarantee getting a character on a banner if you're unlucky.

Overall, I really enjoy the game right now, and I hope I will stick with it long term.

Valiant Force 2 | Global


What an utterly poor soft launch. The developers should be embarrassed to call this a game at all. One server on launch when they probably could guess they'd need more. Several random crashes, screen unresponsiveness, and lag the prevents you from doing anything other than staring at the game. Now, I can't even log into my account because I keep getting an unknown login error.

Fantasia Sango Mysteria


This takes me back to my collection of CRPGS on PC. They really took inspiration from Octopath Traveler with the battle mechanics, which isn't a bad thing as it makes battles easy for vets of this battle system to get into. Overall, it's a bit rough around the edges and needs a lot of graphical error fixes. I'll keep it on my phone for now out of nostalgia and curiosity to see what they'll do with it in the short-term.

Overall, this game seems very minimal. The rates are also trash. They gave very little prereg rewards, and there are paid only banners, which usually signals that F2P are going to be screwed over from the beginning. I don't think I'm going to play this for long and will definitely not spend any money. Try it out for yourself. If the JP version is this bad, you might as well not even bother with an English version later.

Path to Nowhere


This games is off to a very strong start. Let's see where it goes from here.



The game is very good, but can be extemely challenging due to the lack of access to proper leveling resources which are currently locked behind how much stamina you have to grind mats with. Unfortuntely, unless you shell out some real money your progress will be c0ckbloxed, making the game VERY pay to win. I hope they work out the stamina issue and at least allow you to purchase it with free gems in a later update, otherwise this is going to remain a strictly side game for any FTP players.

Grimlight | Global


Tried it for one week (after their poor "launch" which resulted in a ridiculous extended maintenance). Unoptimized, dated garbo. Sorry, but this should never have left the beta stage, and certainly speaks of not asking for user feedback prior to launch. Uninstalled.

Kono Warui Koneko!


The game will not complete the resource download for me. It gets stuck around 89% and won't finish loading.

Dislyte | Global


Pretty decent overall.

Eternal Tree | Japanese


Good game so far, can't wait for official release![開心]

Miko Note


Welp, another game I've been waiting for for more than a year that I'll F2P in. I will shell out money in support of smaller dev teams, but not when they IP/region block. My rating will change if they ever remove the VPN requirement.

7 Rhythm Dash


I don't usually play with rhythm games, but I'm trying this one due to the rpg elements. It's a fair game for its genre I guess. Graphics are too cartoony for my tastes. Sound is decent for a game that relies partially on its music tracks as a selling point, with more than 50+ starting tracks and more promised as the game develops. Gameplay seems typical. The game is pretty challenging at some of the higher level stages (lv. 9+ and up). The storyline is complete rubbish but lucky for me I didn't anticipate it being good anyway, so I wasn't too let down and honestly, past the opening chapter of the game I stopped bothering to read the story.

Overall: The game's worth a try if you like rhythm games, but it's rather grindy. Resources for building characters take time even with stage skip tickets & the limited amount you can buy in the exchange shop with the game's free coins each month. The RPG aspects the game tries to employ definitely need more consideration and further tweaking to make them worth while.

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