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This game really lacking in terms of content and story. I don't bother to advance campaign after clearing chapter 3 (not sure if there will be more content unlocked, please tell me if so). Just another game to spend some time in boredom. I never spend a dime on a game and there is no reason to spend here. This one is QooApp official, not sure if it will survive that long. Someone said that there is other version but they all closed down. It's baffling that this game is 1,2 GB yet not much of content, event, and the characters are only 48 in total.
I don't know what max level here, my characters currently on lvl 50. Enhancing equipment is really costly, one SSR enhancement stone only give little exp for SSR equipment (I never upgrade other lower rarity equipment so I don't know how much they cost to reach max level), but at least enhancing one level gives decent stat boost.
Trait upgrade is a pain, need to grind so much and energy cost doesn't help either, but hey, promoting really rewards it, skill unlock and upgrade. It's at least better than using dupe to upgrade skill or unlocking. I do aware most game nowadays only need breakthrough for skill upgrade or even just use skill stone.
Leveling isn't hard but not fun either, just clear that exp stages and boom, max level. Though character upgrade doesn't require that much resources. Gold is easy to obtain. Energy potion is the rarest of all, it's even rarer than SSR characters and equipment, haha.
I will rate this for 3/10.
This is one of my favorite, the least thing I can do to honor this is by writing a positive review. Cherished game, thank you everyone for your support and the effort to make this game as it is now. Everything has come to an end, so this is goodbye and wish the best for everything! Thank you!
Game is absolutely great, it's still early access however, expect bugs and any other problems especially login issue. Very newbie friendly, quick stamina recharge (only need 5 hours to recover 100 stamina). Not much of gameplay mode variety but it has specific stage for specific equipment or material.
Generous? Quite. You will have money crisis because equipping gear is costly, but again, easy to grind material, sell if necessary. Main gameplay is similar to Eternal City from NetEase (sorry, I can't explain it very well). Go try and enjoy the game, recommended to enjoy casually. Have fun! Additional data download around 1.4 GB total.
Game is great and super enjoyable casually. Grindy but easy to grind and even though stamina cost is a bit over, it's easy to replenish and very cheap. However, as much as I like the game, it has multiplayer but it's almost useless as the most fun mode of this game is almost dead. Not many players actively play multiplayer mode and not even that many players still play this game.
Though I understand that this game has been running for many months, players tend to get bored especially if they've reached quite far, late game even. Overall, I enjoyed the game very much and characters are all lovely. Not gonna lie, I'm surprised when they even show the characters age that they're underage, thumbs up for you dear publisher and developer, haha.
This is one of my best favorite game. What makes this game great and addictive is that it doesn't matter if you join new or old server, you can always enjoy your progress and compete against other players. This game is grindy but it's the only grindy game that makes me addicted and enjoyed so much whether casual or competitive.
Game is generous enough with its rewards especially events. All chars are useful and upgradable until whatever the limit is. The key is you just need to learn the chars skills and pair them with whoever compatible with them the most in terms of role balance and skills combinations.
I didn't write much as I usually do because I don't know what to say, this game is just like what I've been looking for. Hope you all can feel the same towards this game. You don't need to be on top whatever to get PVP or Real-time PVP highest rewards, simply gain the point to reach next tier.
Guild battle is rock, it's not enjoyable but it's the best place to learn how to best utilize your team in different situations. Experiment it yourself and equip your chars with whatever badge you think they will fit as long as it makes you understand better what's the function is about.
*Long review contain nothing but my absurdity*
To start off, I've only played this for 5 days (including today, the day I posted this) and still playing, expect as much as my 5 days. What makes this game piqued my interest is the unique character design, it's a figurine, not the typical 2D or 3D models.
[Too long didn't read]
Enjoyable as casual, I don't suggest you to get competitive but you do you. Generous rewards but not as much. Long charging stamina so it makes resource gathering challenging, which is also one of the reasons why it's better to enjoy casually. Collecting figurines as you do in you real life, it's the epic element of this game. All in all, it's fun and decent to spent your spare time on.
[Basic Review]
I never rate graphic, but the character design is unique so it's a plus for this game. Sound effect isn't pleasant as if it wasn't cut perfectly but the quality is fine, music too loud so make sure to lower it as low as below 50% if you may. Story, not something new if you've watched Toy Story series, it's fun to enjoy but not enough to be engrossed.
It's your typical idle RPG, 5 characters to deploy, roles, and brands. Though SSR (figurine with Golden base tier) has some additional attribute which I don't know what's the function yet. Battle is capped at 2× speed which unlocked very soon. If some of you play this game not in auto, you got my respect man. It's very confusing as the battle is fast-paced, but you'll master it with experiment.
[Figurines growth and skills]
You can only upgrade with something green thingy (clover I guess?) that can only be earned on story which is non-replayable, boss dungeon which reward is reset once a day, and idle rewards. You need to evolve after certain level thresholds to grow more power and unlock/upgrade the skills (10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140). You'll unlock level link (link other figurines to reach the lowest level of your top 5 figurines) when your House reach version 3.3.
All of figurines stars (except green and blue tier) is upgradable until you've had enough, star-up unlocked after you clear stage 2-24 or something (cmiiw). Upgrade skills after you evolve your characters with special resource obtained with limited energy. The energy, stamina if you may, is charged so long, it's recharged every 6 minutes but can be replenished 60 twice a day with diamonds which is kinda a waste yet useful at the same time.
[Tier and star-up]
There are Green, Blue, Purple, Purple-stripe (P//), Golden, Peach, Peach-stars (Ps), and Ultimate Peach (U-Peach) tier. Green and Blue are meant to be recycled for friend points while others can be starred-up until you don't want to do it anymore. To take a note, star-up can only be done within same brand figurines.
Purple need two same figurine, P// need two of same tier, Golden need one same figurine tier, Peach needed two same tier, and Ps2 need one same figurine Peach tier. Ps3 need one same tier. Ps4 need one same figurine Ps3 tier haven't know yet. As far as I understand, U-Peach is the highest tier as of now.
[Clear stage 9-1]
Clearing 9-1 will unlock new mode where you can gather additional resources and replenish your energy but it's just first time rewards. You can grind in there for gears, so it's perfect, however it needs energy to do that. Other things unlocked is where you now can access Battle Pass, yeah, good stuff.
Now I finally know what the Golden base tier figurines additional attribute is, it's a stats booster. It's actually not attributes, but Club. So, as more Club members gathered, you'll be able to upgrade the Club and the more stats will be boosted.
You need it in certain battle if you want to achieve the best result possible. Just deploy however you like, but if you need bonus, simply deploy figurines with same brand or deploy special brand which can benefit any brands. There is also brand advantage. Brands advantage (25% damage bonus) is as follow:
Let's Get Red Night-9
↓ ↑ ↑↓
Tenma → Galatea Snow-A
It's fun, highly suggested not to be ambitious achieving highest rank as other players growth is insane than you may think. Grow your powers at your own pace and just enjoy the epic element of this game, which is to collect figurines.
Game is generous with its rewards and events are very fun to enjoy, other than that, it's just fun playing with your figurines or seeing them dance. So, yeah, just try it and enjoy your time gaming.
*This review is long, contains game systems*
To start off, I've played this only for 10 days and will still keep playing it. Turn-based RPG card is always my cup of tea and this one by far is my favorite. Don't be too focused on gacha as this is not gacha-oriented nor heavily depends on gacha. What I love the most is event enemies are the same level as average of three highest level Espers, so it's actually newbie friendly.
[Too long didn't read]
This game is fun and enjoyable be it competitive or casual play. Totally newbie friendly, especially events. Generous rewards and not time consuming missions. I hope by playing this, you're not as addicted to do gachas as in other gacha-based games. You will most likely stuck on chapter 3-28 for quite some times, no need to be stressed, there are plenty other modes for you to play and get the necessary resources needed. Teardrops (rare currency) here are quite easy to obtain, managed to have 40k teardrops even after spent many of it.
[Basic review]
Sound and music quality is great, I especially enjoy the song "Unknown Future". Gameplay is good, it's fun and enjoyable. There are plenty of modes to play and enjoy that gives you rewarding rewards. Story is that kind of story where the world is in turmoil and in the brink of destruction from invasions. Esper is born to save the world and as always, you are their leader.
[NetEase being NetEase]
As usual, you are bombarded by cutscenes, medium-long prologue and tutorials. The tutorials take around 15 minutes to complete, that if you skip the story but not the cutscenes. However, it is highly advised to follow the tutorial as it gives you a necessary knowledge to better understand it's system. I understand that many of us global players doesn't understand and can't read the language, but simply following the tutorials will at least give you a grasp of how the system works, especially battle system.
[Battle system]
You will be required to deploy 3 Espers into battle and each action will cost you point (Cost Points, CP). You will have 5 max CP at start, it will be reduced to 3 max CP if one Esper died and reduced to 2 max CP if there is only one Esper left. CP consumption is based on the cost of skill card, each skill cards have different costs, so it is highly recommended to set a skill set that's suitable for a critical situation like that.
There is this system where you can generate orb after you casted a skill card, if you reach max of 3 orbs, you will then get an ultimate skill card that doesn't cost any CP. However, orbs generated from each Esper, if you cast a skill from different Esper, the orbs will reset. Cast your skill and manage your CP wisely, a good set of skill will give you best results in battle.
The battle system also adopt the attributes system, consisting four-point system, over each other, and special attributes making a total 7 of them. Attributes advantage gives you 20% bonus. So, deploy your Esper that gives you the most advantage to have best results possible.
[Classes and attributes]
There are 4 classes and 7 attributes:
-Class (sorted by class index)
1. Tanker, your vanguard excel at high resilience and vitality that's deployed at front in order.
2. Attacker, your main physical damage dealer that's deployed at middle in order.
3. Magician, your damage dealer that inflict soul and mental damage who are known for their AoE attacks that's deployed at rearguard in order.
4. Support, this class can protect teammates, give them buffs, and inflict debuffs to enemies which can gives you an advantage over the enemies and increase team survivability that's deployed at middle-back in order.
-Attribute (advantage gives 20% bonus)
1. Four-point system, clockwise advantage system.
Water Dark Moon
Bright Sun
2. Over each other, Stone Eye × Light Blast.
3. Special, Space, doesn't get advantage nor disadvantage over other attributes.
[Skill cards, skill set, and skill upgrade]
Understanding each skill cards and their effects are essential knowledge to have better output in battle. Assigning skill card based on their effectiveness and their compatibility with other and own uniques Esper's skill set is a must. Also, remember the CP of the skill cards you're going to assign to your Espers.
You can manage each of your Espers skill set freely. Each Esper have two skill set with 4 slots for each set. The first skill set is your Esper's own unique skill set of cards, the other set is the one you can manage your own desired set of skill cards. Skill cards are limited and bound to a class, so keep it in mind. To note, you can set a same name skill card with a max of 2 per Esper.
Each skill cards are upgradable to the highest tier possible. To upgrade, you need a dupe with the same tier. Don't worry, acquiring skill cards isn't that hard or rare. However, there are skills that I personally advise not to upgrade, this is because some of it are quite rare and already good as it is in their basic tier. Upgrade them only if you think you need to.
I highly suggest for you to think that gacha is for acquiring skill cards, getting Esper is just a bonus of luck. There is also gacha rewards of 30 times and 100 times. The 30 times gacha rewards will give you an item for resources as far as I know and get, though it's not much, but it's useful in some way. The 100 times gacha reward is where you can obtain Esper, you will randomly get an Esper based on the attributes you select. Dupe Esper automatically turned into medal.
[Esper growth]
Grow your power by leveling up your Espers and equipping them with good gears for better stats. To boost your power greatly is by evolving your Espers to higher tier, it costs you corresponding Esper's medal to evolve. Alternative way to boost up your Esper is by equipping best gears and upgrade them. Don't worry, you can get Esper from events, rewards, shop, and exchange. Keep an eye out for Esper stone shard.
You don't actually need to level up every single Esper you have, there is a feature do the Soul Link so that the linked Esper's level will match to the lowest of the 3 highest level Esper. Also, reaching certain level will require you breakthrough stones to advance to the next level. It's easily obtainable, so there is no need to worry.
[Gears and upgrade]
You need gears to boost up your Esper stats. Gears will become upgradable starting from blue-colored gears, some of it have attributes, equipping it to corresponding attributes will give you certain percentage bonus (normally 30%) to that gear stats. Upgrading gear costs you materials that's obtainable from instances, rewards, or shops. You can also use unused gears as substitution for upgrade materials.
[Shop and exchange]
Highly recommended to buy gears from basic shops as the price is cheap for early game. While in exchange shop, it is recommended to save up for the things you needed the most, spend it wisely. There is also event-based shop and exchange, in there, they offers many valuables and things you need cheaper than ever. Always check and participate in an event.
[PVP ridiculous?]
PVP here is ridiculous in a good way. It adopts total points system to determine ranking. You would be surprised when you're trying to challenge the 3 scores opponent and see that their power actually higher than you despite having same level Esper. However, there is a trick to this, you just need to refresh the opponent until you find the one that has power lower than you.
I see that there are some people that says PVP is automated and can't be manually controlled, well that's not true. When you try to challenge the opponent, there is an option, the left one is the option that gives you double of the initial points reward, this is locked AI controlled while the right one is manual fight (you can still activate auto there) but only give initial points reward.
The entry to PVP is limited as you're only given 3 participation tickets daily. You can buy additional ticket, the first buy is free and the next buy cost 100 teardrops, multiplied by two after each buy.
Oh right, there are three rewards from PVP, which are total scores reward, daily reward that the total reward was determined by your total points, and seasonal reward that was determined by your PVP rank. Total scores and daily rewards gives you PVP coins usable for an exchange at PVP shop.
There are othe modes for you to play and explore. One of them that you will unlock early is "5 Challenges" where you can get gold, gears materials, gears, skill stone shards, exp, and stone materials (don't know yet what was it for). Here, you are given 2 attempts daily, if you missed it once, the attempts accumulates to the next day. Don't know how many you can stack as I've only missed it once.
Dungeons, there is this dungeon where you are in a 3-2 nodes style paths. Here, you can get gears, teardrops, and compass (don't know what was it for yet). Each participation cost you 12 "time" points (TP), you have 200 max TP and are recharged over time (still don't know the recharge rate).
You can enable auto mode here by simply tap the TV icon on bottom left, right on top of chat button and you will be able to choose the path for the auto to go to. Non-bosses nodes are finished within 5 seconds after battle preparations. After every battle, you are given a choice to select one out of three Badge Boosters, auto always choose the left, feel free to interrupt auto selection if you want to choose not the left one. Interrupting auto process doesn't cancel auto mode, it will resume few seconds after the interruption, unless, you disable the auto mode yourself.
[Friends and news battle-scout]
Friends, go find and add them. News, this menu is where you use your drones to patrol the areas and will give you rewards at times and sometimes you will have emergency alert if enemies are sighted in areas.
In this news battle, it is highly recommended to deploy your damage dealer as the enemies attacks are weak despite having high power. Sometimes there is only single enemy, sometimes 3 enemies, and sometimes single enemy but can summon 2 familiars. Deploy your Espers accordingly for better damage output. Tips from me, just go aim for the boss. To take a note, enemies level are based by your three highest level Espers.
Don't worry, you are likely won't be able to beat them in one go and as the system only allow you to attempt that battle once, you will need other player's help to defeat it. You can request help from world players or your friends. Take a note, you are only given 2 attempts of this news battle participation daily.
[Daily and weekly rewards]
The rewards from daily and weekly missions is satisfactory and very rewarding, you get the resources you need in moderate amounts. Rewards from events is quite generous especially crossover event rewards. Event-based mission also gives you a generous amounts of rewards.
Many of players tend to forgot this guild feature where you can participate guild bosses and guild trials. I eventually too forgot to talk about this, haha. Guild bosses and guild trials is your typical another battle to obtain materials, gold, gears, and guild points usable for an exchange at guild shop. Though you don't earn much because you still deal low damage, but participating daily doesn't hurt and actually quite beneficial. Also, once you participate on guild trials, you can do quick raid there, it saves up your time.
4.2Go to the bottom of the review if you want to know where to find redeem codes.
After playing for 17 days, I have to re-review. The game is pretty generous. I was pretty bored and uninterested at first, but as I play more and keep growing, the game became more enjoyable. Login two to three times a day for optimal cafe and export rewards.
There is co-op mode for advanced growth mats. What I love the most is the feature of this mode, you can invite your friend or stranger to play it real-time or you can invite your friend or stranger without them needed to be online, but AI controlled. So you can always play co-op whether your friend online or not.
I recommend you to clear chapter 18 so you can unlock the challenge mode. That mode is actually very challenging and you have to play strategically. The last stage of every chapter are repeatable. You have 10 chances limit daily to challenge the last stage. You can get 1 of 3 shards of listed cats. You get 2 shards of SSR-based or 10 shards of SR-based cats per challenge. Non-last stages doesn't cost the chance, feel free to clear them anytime.
Even though there are three imba cats (AFAIK), you can still compete in PVP pretty fairly. Just don't be too overly competitive on real-time PVP. You either need to reach a minimum of 1200 points or just play there for fun, because 1200 points gives you a seasonal rewards of at least 300 blue crystals, 850 purple souls, and 22 exchange tickets. The normal and 3 teams PVP are pretty fair and the rewards are fantastic.
What about the grind aspect? I understand the game is quite grindy and the energy quite costly, but the grind rewards are equal to the amount of energy spent. You get free 1 stack of 50 energy recharge every 6 hours (max 4 stacks). The gear may give you random stats but you can refine it until you get the stats you want and it's very cheap.
I really love the cafe and export business. Not only you get income but you also grow your business by keep gathering ingredients and your exp of the recipe increase so your product keep improving. The interaction with your cats are limited but the special interaction is very lovely because I can pet them as much as I want! Special interaction only available to cats with a paw logo on their portrait.
I hope you can enjoy the game as much as I do. Love the cats and love the fairness. Happy gaming and have a nice day! I also love the music, especially "Just Like Me". Can't stop listening, I'm very addicted, haha.
Site for list of active codes: https://guild.gamer.com.tw/wiki.php?sn=16118&n=%E5%BA%8F%E8%99%9F%E9%9B%86%E4%B8%AD%E5%8D%80&f=M
If you don't trust the link I provided (as you should be wary at all times), you can search "貓之城 guild gamer tw".That site is the only one that has the active recent code and actually up-to-date.