For starters for those who are reroll nuts the process is easy and can be done in around maybe 5 min. Game comes released with some free pull mats and rewards from opening events are very good. The game itself runs like what we expected FF Tactics/Tactics Ogre but for the mobile scene.
For Gacha - characters are must since you'll need them but you can maybe avoid the Weapon gacha all together since you can farm later on. Best part about gacha is realistically you only need one copy of character and farm for mats/chara mats
The format of the game is run through 2 different parts. The casual gacha/stage running that you could do on normal mobile games. Get in do your dailies etc. And the more nuanced story end of the game. **you wont really get much from doing the 1st half.** But the story portion is what really sets this game up. Youll run through back story entries that can branch through different outcomes depending on your choice. Though the branching paths are limited they are different. Akin to faction warring. The stories also run parallel to your normal progression in Part 1. Run into a new character but have no idea who the ninja is? probably explained in the story mode portion.
I'll limit it here but the experience I've had has been GREAT. I hope that many people take the time and actually try the game!!
I think I played the jp release a while back, but this was pretty fun. A nice in between game where the events are ok and guild play events are pretty nice and give tons of resources.
The gacha can be pretty cursed but if you're lucky you're set! its best to hold currency till you see any 19 or 20 cost cards
As usual the idle as i gets. Chara art is nice and the 3d models are nice too, caveat being since its a super gacha idle youll have to pump in the cash to get anywhere suffcient since limit breaking and the like have heavyyyyyy reqs.
This games been a little time thief for me. like ive literally forgotten to do my dalies from other games since ive been playing this. the music and animation is what sells it for me, ive found myself just idling to listen to the tunes when ive been playing much like i did in Nikke.
game play is simple, and the 2d live from our kemono friends are cute. ive found myself staring at weasels and chevrotains hands alot while on lobby screen
can definitely say this games gotten me to look into the IP and random animal facts, kinda made me feel like i did when i was kid
hey its like playing the actual octopath but you get shafted by the gacha!! all gacha things aside the games pretty good like i mentioned like playing the actual game! give it a try and "dont be so angry its only game"
ehhh its ok and all but has no bearing or relation to the actual taimanin series. was thinking itd be a drop in dungeon crawler kinda deal but more akin to bankrupt demonlord game. id be 5050 split on actually recommending it though
been playing this recently and still playing it when i get thw chance. pretty much mario golf white cat warriors version. its all pvp based with a couple of solo events. normally not into these types but its been fun! have at you!!
neat little game, you create a tower of legos and smack the enemy youre fighting!! try it if you can deal with the moon runes
Edit: Been about 4-5 days since playing? so far 8 chapter areas available with their respective hard mode variables. theres a pvp arena puzzle mode but just play it like normal and youll do fine 60% of my wons have been from people just giving up evem before matching starts. theres also a daily dungeon for gold-exp-and skill materials. you can run story mode, gold, and exp dungeon as long as you got the stamina. skill up and assorted materials can be done the same BUT with a caveat. its not shown outright but i believe that skill up dungeon is time gated to RIGHT WHEN IT OPENS.
**so when the time runs down on skill up for the next according time limited dungeon literally JUMP ON IT. its the only way youll have access to it.**
after about 2-3 hrs of the new limited dungeon opening regardless of the dungeon saying its open for another 20-22 hrs it will in fact lock you out with a message saying w.e error has popped up and force you to title screen.
its not game breaking since we can still run it but it means we have to run it at inconvenient hours of the day. for the night owls though this will be fine to do. overall still a great little game if you can deal with the moon runes
no joke been playing only this so far lately, full collectable game thats f2p small too. visuals are cute, music is ok try it and give a review as well!!
usually id 5/5 a game regardless of popular opinion. but this game is preettty bugged atm. by no means am i ragging on it though being a f2p lvl 65 myself. its a nice game to pop in every now and then throughout the day, as intended too since its an idle game. now is it worth the hype hmmmmm 7/10 at best but in thelong run its not bad time sink. mobile games were designed to be a pop in pop out experience....but if they dont fix it soon itll have players popping out permanently....
nice little game still gonna have stuff added i assume. thwy have a neat kinda light/dark personality special for the ur equivalent character form in which they sing a little tune which is also very nice. if you cant understand moon runes kick rocks i guess or use a translation app. wont be a main stay game for alot of folks but give a try if youre curious!!
i mean granted i understand the moon runes so it makes my time playing that much better. the game is pretty nice semi top down shooter game. those familiar with final gear from bilibili can easily get into this game. gacha is...well gacha hell. but so far ive gotten fairly lucky.
i can easily see a nier collab with their 2B sporting her YoRHa issued flight unit. can even maybe get a 9s sporting his as well. in fact it almost feels like some attack assets from the enemies could be nier influenced in this game. heres hoping this game picks up steam to be under Squares radar!!
Sword of Convallaria | English
5.0Super neat game!!
For Gacha - characters are must since you'll need them but you can maybe avoid the Weapon gacha all together since you can farm later on. Best part about gacha is realistically you only need one copy of character and farm for mats/chara mats![[哇噻]](/cdn/img/transparent.png)
For starters for those who are reroll nuts the process is easy and can be done in around maybe 5 min. Game comes released with some free pull mats and rewards from opening events are very good. The game itself runs like what we expected FF Tactics/Tactics Ogre but for the mobile scene.
The format of the game is run through 2 different parts. The casual gacha/stage running that you could do on normal mobile games. Get in do your dailies etc. And the more nuanced story end of the game. **you wont really get much from doing the 1st half.** But the story portion is what really sets this game up. Youll run through back story entries that can branch through different outcomes depending on your choice. Though the branching paths are limited they are different. Akin to faction warring. The stories also run parallel to your normal progression in Part 1. Run into a new character but have no idea who the ninja is? probably explained in the story mode portion.
I'll limit it here but the experience I've had has been GREAT. I hope that many people take the time and actually try the game!!