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Hello!! Thanks for visiting by 👋🙂 My Favorite Characters on Mirishita (Chihaya, Haruka, Kotoha), Helios (Marion), Akuaya (Tis).
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Hello!! Thanks for visiting by 👋🙂 My Favorite Characters on Mirishita (Chihaya, Haruka, Kotoha), Helios (Marion), Akuaya (Tis).
Game Comments (11) More

Bener² game yang paling kutunggu-tunggu, karna aku suka tim angel, ada seiyuu oshiku, dan favoritku Tis. Masih ada beberapa bug tapi gapapa deh kan baru rilis, Quest nya lumayan susah sih ya karena belum terbiasa juga, viewnya terang, UI nya bener² halus dan rapi banget, tempatnya estetik, mini karakter nya lucu bangeet. Semoga semua bug nya diperbaiki, dan yang lain (termasuk saya) waktu main bisa tetap login, dan game ini bertahan lebih lama. Thanks to QooApp dan Developer [微笑]

Padahal sebelum rilis udah excited banget buat mainin game nya, sayangnya device ku nggak mendukung atau ada bug di bagian story yang nggak ada gambarnya sama sekali huhu. Dari segi karakter² menarik juga, gambar rapi dan estetik, suara lancar, omote battle nya juga lancar, ada fitur foto juga cuman kurang menarik karena posenya itu² aja, tapi mungkin ditambahin kapan². Sekian ulasan saya. TY

The characters, visuals, art, is so stunning. Gameplay is also relaxing and simple but aesthetic. But, I half disappointed because the server must be set up first and the main story is not full voice. I'm interested on Zeta. That's all my review. Thank you Qooapp and Furyu. I hope this game lasts longer ☺☺

Helios Rising Heroes


Pengen juga di PStore ngasih rating tapi lock region jadi yaudah deh. Game nya bagus banget, nggak bikin bosan sampai aku main berjam². Hampir banyak yang full voice. Karakter² nya juga keren². Aku cuma berharap game ini bisa bertahan lebih lama lagi. Itu saja rating dariku. Terima kasih QooApp dan Developer [微笑]

Wind Boys!


Hello, I'm player from Indonesia. This game was very relaxing and nice both in terms of view, practice, concert, story, etc. Overall I love this game. Most important thing, I just want this game to last longer [微笑]

The best rhythm game that has almost complete features both in terms of 3D, MV, stories, events, gacha, there's even second hair too, fes cards, the number of fans who like the characters after live, the amount of our affection for the characters, ordinary lesson, card lesson to star, awakening card, high scores, game level is not too difficult. and much more.

Touhou Danmaku Kagura


Cool rhythm game! [色色] Although not yet available globally, but very satisfying! thank you qooapp for providing the game and thank you developer! [微笑][微笑]

22/7 Music Time


Perfect rhythm game! ・ิ≖ ω ≖・ิ✧ but, why do I have to wait until 3:00 pm.? [為什麼][為什麼]

On Air!


Hi, i'm from Indonesia. This game really amazing, and download data is not really much. I very love it!

Game nya lumayan

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I get her from magic gacha ticket ðŸ’™ Read Note
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