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Rezuqi 42570281

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Genshin Impact


finally i can download this game after 3 years boii
the game was awesome, especially the music[開心], other country have they're theme, of course the gameplay was good enough, but the gacha rate was suck if you not lucky [不滿]

Wow.. this game is really cool[開心][開心]
this is my first time to play this game and i enjoy it so much[開心][開心]

Isle of Genesis - Avalon


the bgm is annoying[發火], in some event and in battle that's no another bgm and always use same bgm, atleast the gacha rate is not very bad[不滿]
hmm... that's all what i think, thanks for reading ( ^ω^)

Ice and Fire: Dawn Break


good game, nice grafik, and good storyline.
but there's some bug in the game[不滿]

good grafik, good gameplay, and nice soundtrack but in my phone doesn't work [大哭], please don't judge my phone, this is not she's fault this is my fault because i can't stop playing games like this [委屈]

this game reminds me about Bravenine, cool grafik, good gameplay and the voice was cute [開心], ekhem... is there any 18+ version of this game ?[鬼臉]



this is good game but, is asobimo don't know what lupinus and what lite huh ?[為什麼][不滿]



this is a good game, gacha not really bad, smooth grafik, but event in this game is boring looks like this game is no longer in service [不滿]

Alchemia Story


gamenya keren, tapi ada tapinya, cara dapet temen gimana njir (。ŏ_ŏ), gw orangnya pemalu sih jadi ya dibeberapa game gw nggak punya temen (┬_┬)
maaf kalo gw curhat [懵懂], gamenya bagus tingkatkan lagi gamenya, seperti gerakannya yang masih agak kaku dan bug bug lainnya, ok cukup sekian dari saya [開心]

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang


Gw bingung katanya game ini game bocah, game samp*h, game t*l*l dll, tapi kenapa yang komen kek gitu masih tetep download nih game disini ?[不滿]
ya memang sih kalo matchmaking di game ini sampah banget [微笑], sekali main bukannya 5 vs 5 eh malah 1 vs 9 [發怒]

gamenya keren, ceritanya bagus dan soundtracknya keren [開心]



look's like Avabel online[開心], but still have some trouble in game [不滿]



that's pretty good [開心], it's look like Osu! in pc [開心]

Tokyo 7th Sister


gamenya keren, lagunya bagus-bagus, dari segi gameplay maupun grafik udah ok, pokoknya game ini bagus [開心][開心]

Grand Summoners | Global


Gamenya keren[開心][開心]

Gamenya nggak begitu p2w, tapi gamenya agak susah karna harga-harga yang ada digamenya terlalu mahal, tapi masih rekomendedlah buat hp kentank yang nggak support game berat [不滿]

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naisu desu~ [開心]
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