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coolvinzyster999 41758904

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N.O.V.A. Legacy


its ok

Hero Hunters


p2w p2p trash

Heroes Evolved


P2W chars n mechanics(especially petra) in a moba that only happens in mobile mobas well this is trash game with good graphics thats all, but lately even board games have better graphics n so does card games do. Graphics for a moba imo is nonesseantial but people play this game so i guess its gonna survive and dont compare this shit with #DOTA.

Yeah it brings a lot of nostalgia from series(it literally is anime story in game form) it has none of its own unique features; though I am enjoying it as a f2p(somehow managed 100k+ power on one servet on day 6 and that is the first server where i joined and on second server managed 71k power in 4 days), but I can clearly see it heading the path of cashgrabs after one or two months from now(which is inevietable for all mobile games coz free to play mechanisms are designed pay to win for a reason i.e for devs to make money, but why the greed though; will never fall for it). Anyways overall a decent game with usual rpg stuff in a not so open world(atleast make it semi open world) though is good. The in game music reminds me of my supetmarket visits, heck its been long time since i been out.



Moderators in game itself are bullies, no wonder this trash game died.

This game is utter shit and support is even worst than shit.

MARVEL Super War | Global


its ok for moba besides graphics this game has nothing unique but one good thing about this games has is that its chars have their skill animations done justice w.r.t. comics so if u r fan of marvel than u will stick around...probably as for me m not coz recently netease titles like this one and ride out heroes etc are becoming greedier while rewarding chump change to players so m done with netease titles. Installed for a while again and now this junk doesnt even have over 1k daily players, lol what happened to those dipshits who saod this game was azing, dont see them playing lmao.

Merge brought lag and thats all there is to ruin the fun so its ok reverting my ratings but its still good moba considering its a netease title.

if only it had english language support still 2from being konosuba fan

Eclipse Isle | English


another net eases baby with cheaters not surprised.

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Notes (9) More
This boring games finally going out, it only had good artwork thats all  Read Note
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