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Setsuko Ohara 3973703

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Heaven Burns Red | Asia


if you haven't played HBR and don't want to read a whole bunch of texts you can just watch the below video to have a quick glance at the game.

(video removed please read below)


today is June 16 - 2022. Visual Art's just DMCA and take down my Heaven Burns Red videos, resulting a copyright strike on my channel.

If you are streaming or upload videos or making any contents about this game just be careful you can get copyright strikes, you should thinking about disable the audio on your uploads etc.

for me i will delete all my HBR videos because this is ridiculous, imagine a game developer DMCA your gameplay videos. Because of this i have changed all my rating to 1, this is not what you do to your players and this would be the last time i play a game from Visual Art's.

Table of Contents
1. general gameplay
2. quartz
3. life
4. general contents
5. bond missions
6. arena AFK grind
7. combat
8. characters classes and ranks
9. characters ranks
10. daily quests
11. gacha
12. gacha rates
13. poll rates
14. gacha pricing

1. general gameplay

HBR is a RPG with some sort of a VN, a little of dating sim, time management mixed. The combat is turn based where you control 6 characters, 3 characters on the from and 3 on the back, you can swap them anytime on player's turn. The story time flow through school days, everyday have the freetime period where you can freely move around the school, doing bond missions, shopping, fighting in the arena or perform activities to increase six sense stats etc.

2. quartz

quartz is the premium currency in HBR, more detail below at the gacha section.

3. life

life is the stamina in HBR, you can keep maximum 5 lives and one are generated after 4 hours, you can buy lives using quartz, the price goes up everytime you purchase one.

4. general contents

in HBR you can go to dungeon to explore and getting accessories on the way, going to the dungeon will cost you lives.
prism battles are boss battles against the bosses you have fought in dungeons, you need 1 life to enter. Prism battles gives a lot of exp and drop materials to upgrade characters.
other things that consumes life
bond mission
freetime activities
subjugation missions

5. bond missions

bond missions increase bond LV to strengthen characters, they happens on certain freetime of school day, if you couldn't finish them on story mode you can use the time rewind function at your room to do them. Bond missions also give you character fragments to limit break character.

6. arena AFK grind

you can grind in the arena for EXP and other materials, you just need to fight once, then select the AFK mode then you can turn off your phone, go to sleep etc. the game will do the rest for you. Arena AFK clear time = your clear time +20 seconds.

7. combat

both enemy and player's characters have something called DP, DP is the shield that takes dmg when attacked, once DP reachs 0 the character / monster will enter a state called break and attacks will damage directly to HP, you can not recover DP once it's broken, there's currently only one character in the game who can recovers broken DP which is Tama Kunimi SS rank.
there's this mechanic called destruction rate, everytime you attack a break enemy the DR goes up, the more DR the more dmg you do.

8. characters classes and ranks

there are currently 7 classes in HBR.

attacker - deals high dmg to HP.
breaker - deals high dmg to DP.
buffer - give various buffs to the party, can learn offensive skills too.
debuffer - debuffing enemies with offensive skills such as def down, stun etc.
blaster - increase DR at a high rate, good for long boss fight.
healer - should be obvious enough but healer don't just heal, they can learn offensive skill too.
defender - tank, can learn healing skills.

9. characters ranks

in HBR there could be 3 ranks on a single character which is A / S / SS. Take Megumi for example there's Megumi A, Megumi S, Megumi SS...

SS is the highest rank, only SS rank can learn third skill which is considered an ultimate, third skills are very strong.

S is the second highest rank, S rank characters can learn the second skill
A rank is at the bottom they only have one skill

LV and some skills are shared between ranks, if you LV up Megumi SS to LV50, your Megumi A will also be at LV50. You can also have second skill on your A rank if you have learnt them. You can't have third skill on A/S rank, i could be wrong on this but none of my A/S can have third skill on them so i'm pretty sure only SS can have third skill and i don't see why you would use A/S when you have an SS.

10. daily quests
completing all the daily quests gives you 110 quartz, to do a gacha pull you needs 300 quartz.

11. gacha

there is no pity on HBR gachas, there's only "exchange point" so what does it do ? everytime you do 1 pull on the gacha you get one exchange point for that specific banner, with 200 points you can exchange for the SS character on featured banner, and it's the same on other banners, 200 pulls, get 1 SS ticket, that's awful.

if you think that's the worst, it's not. The exchange points do not carry over to new banners like genshin impact, once the banner goes down all your exchange points are gone, they will be converted into GGP, a currency you use to buy ... EXP tickets.
for 1 Lv2 exp ticket you need 5 GGP which is 5EP = 5 pulls
for 1 Lv3 exp ticket you need 40 freaking GGP which is 40EP = 40 pulls

an Lv54 character needs 38k EXP to LV up, the Lv2 ticket gives you... 5k exp, i don't have the Lv3 ticket so idk how much EXP it gives you but it's absolutely not worth 40 gacha pulls.

12. gacha rates

from 1st to 9th pull, you get normal rate, on the 10th pull you get a "bonus" rate and it resets to normal rate until the next ten pull (10 20 30 40 50 60 etc.)

on featured banner : on the left is 1->9 rate, on the right is the bonus rate on every 10th pulls

SS : 0.188% / no bonus rate
featured SS : 0.750% / no bonus rate
S : 0.794% / 4.279%
featured S : 4.5% / 24.250%
A : 1.646%
on normal banner :
SS : 0.250% / no bonus rate
S : 1.059% / 5.706%
A : 1.646%

13. poll rates

everytime you do a pull the game do a rarity roll which decide your pull outcome, here's the rate.

from 1st to 9th pull

SS : 3%
S : 18%
A : 79%
every 10th pulls
SS : 3%
S : 97%

for example you go to the gacha and do a single pull and it's the very first pull you made, you will get A rank most of the time because the poll rate for A is 79%. Now you keep pulling until your tenth pull and you'll end up getting an S or SS because the bonus rate on the 10th pull is 97% S and 3% SS and after that it resets until your next 10th pull.

14. gacha pricing

i will be using USD ($) and the 3000 quartz packages for reference, the prices might different but you get the general idea what's the price would be.

in HBR you need 300 quartz for 1 pull, 3000 for 10
currently in the shop there are two "discount" 3000 quartz package, one is weekly and another one is one time purchase.
both of them are at 26.38$. To get 200 EP (exchange point) you need another 180 pulls assuming you have bought the aboves packs, so you are now at 52.76$ w/ 20 pulls.

there is no 3000 quartz package for you to buy besides those limited packs, the closest thing you can buy is the 2750 quartz package for 26.38$.

because there's no 3000 pack you have to buy 65x 2750 quartz packs and one 1350 quartz pack which is 13.16$.
and here's the total amount of money you need to get 200 EP for the SS character on featured banner:
52.76 + (65 x 26.38) + 13.16 = 1780.62$

1780.62 USD for 200 EP and they don't even carry over to the next banner.
tldr : the game is good but the gacha is terrible, if you are an F2P player, plan your gacha pulls VERY carefully.

CN version CBT gameplay (does not need VPN)

open beta gameplay (i will edit this review later)

gameplay : it's a turn based strategy game, you control 4 characters to fight the enemies

each character have 3 skills, included passive skills, the first skill is normal attack and do not have cooldown

skill cooldown : the ugly part of the game.

every active skills have cooldown, the cooldown reduce by 1 when the character who had used that skill act on their turn. Unfortunately, skill cooldown don't reduce on ally members turn.

Example : character A has a 5 turns cooldown skill, when you use the skill it start its cooldown which is 5, that means you have to control character A 5 turns before you can use that skill again. This is ugly for for healers because their cooldown on healing skills are very high. Take 缇安特 for example she's an SR rank healer, her 2nd skill has 2 turns cooldown single target heal, her 3rd skill got 5 turns cooldown AOE heal.

On EP 1-2 story you won't feel bothered by this as much but on EP 3-4 ? things start to get ugly, enemies always out damage your heal capacity, the low cooldown healing skills are always garbage and single target, you heal for 300 on one ally, 4 enemies attack your team and each of them deal 500-600 damage on their turn, you can survive one turn by using your best AOE healing skill but then what ? it goes on 5 turns cooldown, you can see what happens next, this example was taken on EP4 story with my LV 24 team and my heal was LV 25 with a RANK 4 upgrade.

armor types :

there are 4 types of armors in the game : BLUE / RED / GREEN and there are enemies who don't belong to any of these armor types i'll call them empty armor type

RED is weak against BLUE
BLUE is weak against GREEN
GREEN is weak against RED

exploiting armor weakness to increase hit rate and damage during battle, enemies with empty armor stay outside the advantage / disadvantage zone, you can use anything on them.

battle mechanics :

the middle bottom of the screen there is a turn meter, it's pretty
simple by the look at it, when a character / enemy avatar reach the
right end of the meter, it's their turn to act.

on the bottom right is your characters skill list where you select what skill you want to use

on the left is the support button, when the support gauge is full you can call a support to assist you in battle

the support team :

you can set 3 supporters to assist you in battle they can do AOE dmg, provide ATK buff or shield buff etc.

Gacha and character rarity

lowest rarity is 2 stars
highest rarity is 5 stars

there are two kinds of gacha : regular gacha and elite gacha

regular gacha do not have a featured character, you get random 5* characters there

regular gacha do not have pity count and the 5* character rate is 2% by default, from the 50th pull onward, each pull will increase the 5* character rate by 2% (it's similar to arknights if you have played that game), once you get an 5* character the buff rate reset to 0.

elite gacha got an featured character on it and the pity count is 110 and it also get 2% rate buff for every pull from the 50th pull onward like the regular banner.

misc :

there are supply missions where you can run them for money or exp fodder but you can run them only 2 times a day.

there are boss farm missions to grind weapons, data missions to grind for character upgrade materials

fleet is kinda like housing, you can collect money and exp fodder, change equipment options and send group dispatch there.

LV is important in this game, you won't get EXP fodder easily in this game so use them wisely

from EP4 onward the game become so much painful, enemies are too strong, your healer can't keep up with them, you don't have enough EXP fodder to train new characters, and i'm talking about normal difficult, i don't know what kind of masochist fest the hard mode would be but imagine about it gave me stomach ache.

lastly, the game server is totally borked, i have had a lot of lag spike and disconnect.

open beta gameplay part 1 and 2:

i haven't seen any English reviews of the game so i'll write one here

Ash Arms is a turn based strategy game where you control DOLLS to fence of monsters

general gameplay :

in this game there are 2 types of DOLLS : ground dolls and flying dolls. Each of them got placed on separate section of the map, you got to control both teams to fight the enemies.

depends on dolls and skill set, ground dolls can attack flying enemies and flying doll can attack enemies on the ground too.

even tho flying dolls and ground dolls are two separated teams but they can support each other in battle.

dolls strategic :

AP : requires for moving and using skill, moving 1 space cost 1 AP, changing form will cost 1 AP, using normal attack skill cost 1 AP.

CP : requires for using combat skills, the amount depends on skill, normal attack skills do not cost CP they only cost 1 AP

Flying dolls get 4 AP, some dolls get 5 AP
Ground dolls get 3AP, i haven't seen any ground with 4 or 5 AP, i don't know if there are any ground with 4-5AP or not, i'm just telling you the basics in this review

all dolls will full recover their AP and 13 CP when commander's turn (player's turn) starts.

every dolls get access to 2 skill set, you can switch between them anytime you like outside battle, some dolls have access to 3 skill set.

flying dolls got two combat forms : low altitude and high altitude while ground doll got : mobile form and erection form, each form provide a different skill set you can switch between forms anytime in battle, switching form cost 1 AP.

flying doll can move freely in both forms while ground dolls can only move in mobile form, erection form is a stationary combat form, you can not move in this form.

switch between skill set give you different bonus stats.

dolls squad :

there are 3 types of squad : lightweight, medium and heavy

lightweight dolls squad contains 3 dolls, medium got 2 and heavy only got one doll in it

total damage deal is calculated by number of dolls x single doll damage, tg: you use a lightweight dolls to attack enemy, each doll cause 10 damage, your total damage to enemy will be 3x10 = 30, this formula is also applied for medium and heavy

doll factory :

when the dolls taking damage or defeated you would need dolls to heal or revive them, to do this you need to go to the doll factory and place dolls order.

difficulty :

this game is quite hard, you need to make a lot of strategic decisions, even the story missions would give you enough trouble

3 hours of gameplay video

good game overall, you get a lot of free coins, i managed to get a lot characters with just free pull. Honeymoon ends from LV 25 onward however, that's when you plan on spending your resource more carefully.

gameplay wise is pretty good, each character got 5 skills 3 active and 2 passive, you can upgrade skill LV and strengthen them further using miracle buffs in dungeons, when skills are strengthen they got varied buffed effects.

There is a daily raid boss which you can join with other players, there are housing sustem which is called Faust's alchemy lab where you can do a lot of stuffs like giving the chibi gifts, crafting item, send characters to dungeon or training for EXP gain etc. There is miracle of Ethe, another housing system where you upgrade god's worlds to obtain character cards for free. There is auto play you can turn it on when you are lazy or busy doing something else. When you reach LV30 you can exchange 20 coins for one 3 stars character of your choice.

2 hours video gameplay :

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