Hate wasting money, of course. I'm a F2P player. So I'd waste money if it's worth it. But overall gameplay is good. I'd recommend you playing it. . unless you have no chill with the gacha system they have.
Notes (7)
How in the world am I gonna do this? I have to be honest with you. One thing I don't like about this game is that we have the option of using real money. . (I'm sure most games are like that. .) But for me, I only play when I'm given or something. . (probably do quests and stuff. .) I hear some bad comments on Fate having to spend how many bucks to get more Saint Quartz and when they try to roll, they get nothing. (probably some good craft essences, yet I can't be sure. all I care about is getting good characters without paying scrap). Good side of it is that the game is fun. Events are re-runs but at least there's something. .
Read Note
Fate/Grand Order | Japanese
4.0Hate wasting money, of course. I'm a F2P player. So I'd waste money if it's worth it. But overall gameplay is good. I'd recommend you playing it. . unless you have no chill with the gacha system they have.