Pretty good tbh,needs more player(Jp already has a lot,but global is a bit lacking) and recognition tho,theres pretty wide difference between the old logres and logres stories,but theres guide available and with time you will learn
Rerolling pretty easy,takes around 5-10mins depending on your internet connection,gacha rate is pretty good,depending on the gacha type(0.6-8% with special ticket)
Job lvling pretty hard but eventually you'll do it(Fastest way is king mandra/raid)
overall pretty good,and totally would recommend 9/10
Edit:Sadly logres stories will close its server after 27th august,aiming has been losing lots of money,and they cant afford to keep LS alive
F2P,complex mechanism that will get you hooked into it + developer that actually cares,tons of skill revamp,gameplay quality upgrades,new events,new systems.
But ofc some downside exist,the early game content feels kinda lame,and the server's often flooded(int 1 only),mainly because of bots
Genshin Impact
5.0Aight, music and maps are dope, definitely one of the best rpgs to come out this year