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Alapan Biswas 36129403

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Zombie Hunter:Survival


There's literally nothing good about this game except for the gorgeous girls with big breasts. I mean the actual game play looks like something straight out of 2010 and not a good one.

Echocalypse | SEA


This is an app which provides you an interactive anime style story with pretty interesting characters beautifully voice acted. They're not boring and mostly they're not overly edgy. But at the end it's NOT something I'd call a FUN game.

Gameplay: Its's not about the game being turn based but about how little your input the game actually needs. Simply gets boring.

Sound: Absolutely great. Japanese voice actresses are gifts. Enough said. One of the reasons you will stick around would be for how lively the girls feel

Graphics: Base game is 2D chibi style. Otherwise the anime cutscenes and characters are incredible. The girls look absolutely hot. No doubt there.

Personal note: Don't install the game if you are going to complain about the girls like a modern day snowflake. Nobody is forcing you to install it if you're oversensitive.

Idle Angels


There's not much in the way of actual gameplay but you and I both know that's secondary here 😁

Tower of Fantasy | Global


This game easily leaps ahead of gi in certain terms and is obviously at par with almost everything else. But therer're some cons too. I'm going to state some facts about the case:

Things ToF does better:
This game wins the competition by allowing in-depth character customisation. You can create your gorgeous big boo*s dream girl or handsome boy in accordance to your own taste.

The protagonist is actually voice acted, giving him/her an actual personality. Doesn't make them feel like dumb braind-dead pair of siblings.

Things ToF does bad:

Theres's no ascending or descending animations for uneven surfaces unlike gi. Looks extremely bad.

The combat, while not bad in this category, lacks any unique trait, unlike gi where elemental effects were a cool take.

Finally, if they could unify the awesome customisation and character creation of ToF with the combat and animations of gi, it'd have been perfect

Tried the game for cakes and pillows. Stayed for that NieR level depression. The plot will hit you with a huge wave of sad within the prologue

Edit: Lost interest since censorship is creeping it's way into the game. And devs are welcoming it! It's pathetic.

Ares: Rise of Guardians


Cons: Everything is just as your typical mmorpg crap. Characters have choppy movement animations, stiff movement, boring typical gameplay.

Plus: Can create your big booby dream girl. So it's worth it!

Such a waste of potential. The game could have been new emerging star in the mmorpg world like GI. But the auto fighting and pathfinding bullshit literally make it another trash Lineage or BDM copy. The reason Genshin caught attention of people is because of it's freedom and minimal hand holding. It could still be enjoyable if i could completely turn off the whole auto nonsense in the settings. But as things stand this game will be another failed project.

GRID™ Autosport


iOS exclusive finally made it's way to android. Just go buy the game.

Lineage 2M (12) | Korean


The combat mechanics is so laid back that it makes it like a unity test project. The draw distance is terrible and yeah the game looks pixelated even at max. I do like the new camera angle introduced in this game.

This has got huge potentials to be one of the best games out there for mobile.

V4 | Korean


Finally! The server is now open and stable.

Unlock the damn graphics limit for god's sake. Wtf would you lock the graphics on high end devices?

This is everything one could ask from a mobile platform. You basically knocked Apple Arcade out from their own league. Need an English version cause I can't comprehend any of the plot.

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