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I played on JP Server already but due to the lack of memory, I uninstalled the JP version right after cleared out episode 2. I'll play this one until Diamsonia house story revealed.
The review is the same as JP vers: good art, nice BGM but the gameplay is too simple for so called "rhythm" game.Just here for the art and the stories and you'll not get dissapointed.
what can I say? mihoyo always (YES, always! this is also applied to Genshin and Honkai too!) give us good graphics and animation, meaningful stories, interesting characters... man, I love this game.
you can be f2p and a whale, it is all up your choice. If you gonna be a f2p, I wish you a very good luck! since this is still mihoyo game afterall :D (y'know their gacha rates, right?)
some people would be super overwhelmed because there are many mini-games inside, but DAVIS (the tutorial AI) is helpful enough for new players, even for the newbie who haven't touch any otome in their life.
although the size is enormous due to fully animated UI and live2D of the characters, this game is still worth to play.
ps: if you wanna be friend inside, just hmu!
A relaxing and cute puzzle games I've ever met! I used to play this game in a veeeery leisure time so my completion hours are kinda long at that time. Super cute art and smooth animation, one of a soothing game to relieve your stress after a tough day. The puzzles are not that complicated too! The music and sfx also suitable for the mood. Recommended to everyone who want to enjoy their art and cute story about cat life~
ps.: this is my second time playing and It onpy took me 4 hours to finish it all TvT) I want to play the Stray Cat Doors 2 and I think the story is kinda connected (?) so I replay this game~
WARNING! This isn't a game, this is an online comic reader BUT they only show you original webtoon series. Totally legal and their comics are indeed incredibly good. Totally worth it.
Why I review QooApp inside QooApp itself... anyway! useful app, periodt. If you find this review then yeah you know why you need QooApp, right?
I went to a stanning mode these days because my idol SEVENTEEN are doing their comeback (I wrote this in semicolon era). This is another idol voting app which easy to operate and newbie friendly! Although sometimes its server kinda stuck in my country because of their maintenance services that happened often.. ONLY 1 accounts for 1 device. It's using "chamsim" as their voting currency and you can buy "chamsim" in app or watching ads to gain it freely, even it's also provide you quiz with chamsim as its prize. Other than vote, this app provides you something like community corner to talk among the fans. Vote your kpop idol to win with this app, fans!
I went to a stanning mode these days because my idol SEVENTEEN are doing their comeback (I wrote this in semicolon era). This is another idol voting app which easy to operate and newbie friendly! Really love the purple-black-white UI color combination. Other than vote, this app provides you articles and videos. The "heart beats" used for voting purpose can be obtained only by watching ads, so imo it's pretty fair for everyone. Vote your kpop idol to win with this app, fans!
I went to a stanning mode these days because my idol SEVENTEEN are doing their comeback (I wrote this in semicolon era). This is another idol voting app which easy to operate and newbie friendly! Although sometimes its server kinda stuck in my country, after clearing cache, it'll go smoothly again. Can hold 5 accounts for 1 device (log in using Kakao, FB, Twitter, Naver and LINE account). Other than vote, this app provides you articles and videos, even you can make your own articles! Vote your kpop idol to win with this app, fans!
This is not a game, this is a Korean Idol voting app. Nevertheless, it's a very newbie friendly voting app unlike the others. Nice UI and eazy way to get "hearts" to vote your idol.
What can I say as a bakarina fan? This game is just cute. Period. The gameplay is so simple, one click away. Even if you don't know any Japanese, you can play it right away because they will give you arrow guide. Unlocked all of the crops and smol lands in level 28 in 2 hours hoho. I guess I'm just that bored. AANYWAY, if you are a bakarina fan, just try this one yo meet those pixel cutie chibi character of bakarina's story! ( ~'ω')~
After playing multiple otome and struggling with my connections to play online games, I searching some worthy offline games and I found this game. I missed playing rhythm games after I finished Cytus 2 a while back and without 2nd thought, I downloaded this game. Good news, I am not disappointed at all! The original songs are absolutely awesome and the UI is sleek and smooth, soo lovely! I give high remark for the "judgement line" system. It gives more challenge to the game and I consider Phigros a fresh new style of rhythm games! Very suitable for you all who wants to try a new type of rhythm game
Hmm okay, looking at the timeline of their otome game releases (from Marked by King Bs), this game came out on the same year as Loved by King Bs, which is kinda nice because they put a better storyline and imo, better translations. They keep their name Koreans!!
The gameplay is not anything new from the other Day7 otomes: follow the storyline, choose one answer option, raising their likeability by date them after unlocking some costumes and matching clothes (yes that's where my moneys went) soo to unlock their happy endings, you have to spend some bucks like usual. I appreciate their effort to make the story interesting tho~
Oh ya, the art is superb as per usual. You won't regret to spend those frggn diamonds.
ps. almost all of these boys are softboyo sobs, really hard to choose.
Edit: Okay, definitely not that mischievous Chayu Song, nope. I got why the MC feels anxious around him bcs of his uncertainties. Still a good story tho, not the usual head-over-heels prince, but ye it's kinda frustating me.
After waiting for almost 3 years (and encountered twice login problem gosh), I finally able to play this game!
Gameplay is somewhat simple, or maybe overly simple. Click the weapon and they will hit the enemies, according to your jobs. There are 8 jobs available already, and they give you clear explanation what weapon they can use, etc. Oh ya, I know this game while playing GBF (Grand Blue Fantasy) back then with my friends (how long I didn't look at my acc again) and they said I should deffo try this game out because it's pretty similar with GBF. If you are a GBF player, or atleast know how to play GBF, this game would be very easy for you to understand. Not gonna say that if you are a first timer you'll find much difficulties tho, I can assure you that this game is not heavy at all!
Well, I don't think I need to review the art and BGM for this game because it's Square Enix, so what do you expect duh. Simple say: They're top notch. Atleast to my liking, lol.
The story is our childhood princess stories except Pinocchio (he is not a princess but we know his story right): Alice in Wonderland, Snow White, Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty and Princess Kaguya (Japanese folktale) BUT THE FUN PART IS THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE TWISTED. Pretty easy to follow, especially because they just give you 3-4 sentences before one game (they call it verse) and like one big summary before every game chapter.
The gacha rate is somewhat odd, but since I got so many SRs from my pull while my friend didn't get that much, I--am still happy lol :"
Overall, I enjoyed this game because of their stories and their art, as expected from Yoko Taro. Last thing to say, as a F2P, this game is pretty generous with their in-game currencies. Gems and moneys are pretty easy to 'farm' here so don't worry if you want to play as a free player like me!
P.S: It took only 800+ MB for storage and I think it's not heavy at all. At first I expect this game would take 1GB++, super glad they didn't took that much space. However, if you really want to try this game, I advise you to prepare over than 1GB storage to prevent any errors while installing the game. Oh and if your wifi keep returning error for you, try using mobile data.
While the other otome is like an "understanding man" game and somehow a little bit confusing (yet challenging), this game give you all of the stories (full story needs you to pay ofc) and you will just read after choosing character. Feels like reading a novel~ but with bonus art for each character. My only issues are each story is super short but as always, it's worth to spend some bucks here. Also, after one story you can't automatically continue to the next story, they will put you back to "Story list" and I found it pretty inconvenience.. Fun part is, the stories are soooo well improved from their predecessor (Marked by King Bs). If you enjoy reading novel, then 8 character with different personalities and 50+ main stories are waiting for you!
No words capt, this game is not your pay-2-win otome and honestly, in my opinion they're pretty generous with their in-game currencies. After finishing some quests, you'll get devil points or moneys etc, I mean it's pretty fun! The story is great too, it's not simply who to date or anything, they hold a deep value for those devil bros. Now when I think about it, this game isn't "choose one to be your partner" kinda otome game. This game makes you befriend with all of them with raising their intimacy through talking in Mystery Guest, using them at battles (oh ya cute chibi art for battle is just *chef kiss*) or make them work (yes it raises their intimacy LOL). I downloaded this game because their card illustrations are mostly great.
I really didn't expect anything before playing this game. I bet it is just a simple relaxing puzzle game with pokemon character, running on a cafe. Gladly, I was right until I reach level 50. The puzzle become more trickier, a bit, and my long-gone brain finally working again to solve it. Really love the art and animation tho, huhu precious. SFX and BGM are simple and fitting for cafe-themed-puzzle game. If you are trying to find an easy relaxing puzzle game with cute art, this game is definitely worth to try!
Second installment finished! I really didn't expect anything much from the story because on the previous season you are able to date anyone BUT IN THIS SEASON the premises start with "You're Ashton's girlfriend". Man, I almost drop this, NGL. I mean duh, isn't it kinda awkward for otome storyline??? Think about it, in order to get into relationship with anyone then at some point MC should broke up with Ashton, right?! Totally expected that from the beginning and ugh, my stomach hurts everytime I replay the broke up scene. Eventho I don't really like Ashton, I don't like the idea of getting into another boys (ESPECIALLY IT'S ASHTON'S BESTFRIENDS I FEEL LIKE BACKSTAB HIM???) after broke up, especially this is just a silly misunderstanding :""" I'm sad for them.
Once again, I played this game to get the CGs art, kinda not into the main storyline. Fortunately, (AND FINALLY!!) they provide something like past stories, potrays their friendships better. I appreciate their efforts for that, really such an improvement from the first installment. BIG BUT IS THIS GAME IS MORE COSTLY HAGSBDBBXHD because to get CGs for the past stories, you have to unlock keys and those keys are only available after you roll from gacha = more money to spend. Help, my wallet T.T)
p.s. I still like William and Zack. They are just too handsome and too cool for this dumb MC. But still feeling complicated when the MC finally got together with either one of them after broke up with Ashton, ughhhhhh why I played this game--
Have I told you guys that I'm a pretty-art-games sucker? I knew this game years ago but I just finished the game yesterday, and I must say that I LOVE THE ART SO MUCH!!
The gameplay is your generic otome, nothing new, except you got the chance to go on dates with them. Still, you have to spend some bucks to buy clothes to raise your charm among the boys and to unlock the dates. However, in my opinion, the price is pretty reasonable and I think it's worth to spend moneys (for art) in this game. I unlocked all CGs already and GOSSSSHHHH HANNDHDBSUF I CAN DIE HAPPY.
Just my 2 cents, I do wish they keep the original korean names tho, instead westernized the names. Also, this is my first time I read an otome with full of censored swearing hahah so I am a little bit surprised. The conversation flows isn't novel like (I mean I used to read visual novel and I thought this one also), it's more like.. phone chat conversation? Especially the way Joel Barret talking along the time.. I find it hard to understand and I almost drop this game. But noway hosay, I found it funny after I progressed through the game. Still giving me headache tho, don't tell me I didn't warn yall.
The storyline can be considered short. I know it's not too significant to explain everything inside the game, something along why the popular girl (forgot the name LEL) hate the protag so much and the background story of those boys.. how come they hang out together, why they called King Bs, etc.. too many questions hahah.
Overall, if you like good art, you will enjoy this games despite the loopholes on the storyline. Other than that, I don't think this game stand out too much among their competitors like Cybird. They should work more on rich storylines, imo.
Ps. my bias is William Kal so shshshshshshs everyone you can take Ashton or anyone else. Oh and Zack is just so cool idk what to say I will lend him but don't forget to give him back. Kek, jk. Let's love this boys equally!!
I played Collezione before knowing Hunex made this game. Knowing that I'm a s*cker for fantasy-themed games, my friend recommend me this game and so here I am; laughing with Shiba, sobbing with Nagi, trying to understand Ray's absurdness and admiring Natsume's beauty. Yea, I agree that the MC somewhat really dumb or naive, I don't know But overall, all of the storyline is very well done. The art is awesome too (and yes, I'm looking at you Natsume), another reason why I'm hooked with this game. The BGM are also suitable for all of occasions. I just found some inconsistent translation here and there but not much to make me lost. If you want a simple, leisure, eyes-pleasing art visual novel, this game is definitely for you!
PS. Nagi is so preciousss
5.0*moved in tears*
What did you expect from Rayark, people?
DEEMO was one of my fav mobile rhythm game and this installment just superb. They combined simple puzzle with rhythm game and it is just soo nice experience.The voiced NPCs are also fun to hear. I love to talk to them, especially Thomas and Gordon.
The downside is, the animation of the game makes the size so big for a rhythm game but eehhh, rhythm game is usually big anyway, isn't it?
Nice work, Rayark.