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Lutio 34401071

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Infinity Nikki | English


great game great graphics and also great egg cooker for myp phone


Ash Echoes | Global


쿠앱 로그인 게임 중 최고인 것 같다.
이정도면 그냥 구플로그인이어도 재미있게 할만 한 듯

장르는 rpg지만 타워디펜스를 하는 기분이 든다.
수동 스킬들은 대체로 사용횟수 제한이 있으니 고난이도라면 신중히 써야 한다.




玩游戏不玩七星传,就像沙盒不玩迷你世界,追星不追肖战,读大学不读宁波工程学院,打篮球不看落山鸡糊人,生活区不看lex,学跳舞不看党妹,读书不读唐家三少,看新闻不看观察者网,moba不玩王者荣耀,看日漫不看我的英雄学院,vtb不看桐生可可,哔哩哔哩不关注陈睿,说明这个人文学造诣和自我修养不足如果你早上吃饭香甜,那一定有米桑的艰苦付出。 如果你晚上大便不通,那必定是腾讯在从中作梗。他理解不了这种内在的阳春白雪的高雅艺术,他只能看到外表的辞藻堆砌,参不透其中深奥的精神内核,他整个人的层次就卡在这里了,只能度过一个相对失败的人生。

玩游戏不玩你游,就像沙盒不玩迷你世界,追星不追肖战,读大学不读宁波工程学院,打篮球不看落山鸡糊人,生活区不看lex,学跳舞不看党妹,读书不读唐家三少,看新闻不看观察者网,moba不玩王者荣耀,看日漫不看我的英雄学院,vtb不看桐生可可,哔哩哔哩不关注陈睿,说明这个人文学造诣和自我修养不足。如果你早上吃饭香甜,那一定有米桑的艰苦付出。 如果你晚上大便不通,那必定是腾讯在从中作梗。你理解不了这种内在的阳春白雪的高雅艺术,只能看到外表的辞藻堆砌,参不透其中深奥的精神内核,你整个人的层次就卡在这里了,只能度过一个相对失败的人生。

深空之眼 | 繁中版




Soul Knight | Global


a good game to pass time

玩游戏不玩闻姬起舞,就像沙盒不玩迷你世界,追星不追肖战,读大学不读宁波工程学院,打篮球不看落山鸡糊人,生活区不看lex,学跳舞不看党妹,读书不读唐家三少,看新闻不看观察者网,moba不玩王者荣耀,看日漫不看我的英雄学院,vtb不看桐生可可,哔哩哔哩不关注陈睿,说明这个人文学造诣和自我修养不足如果你早上吃饭香甜,那一定有米桑的艰苦付出。 如果你晚上大便不通,那必定是腾讯在从中作梗。他理解不了这种内在的阳春白雪的高雅艺术,他只能看到外表的辞藻堆砌,参不透其中深奥的精神内核,他整个人的层次就卡在这里了,只能度过一个相对失败的人生

an open world with great graphics for a mobile game there is no class to choose but you have to gacha the weapon and if you want to bypass the limitation of 4hours per week you can use some random chinese id you can find at the net
the fake cn id do not work anymore



a diablo like so it means a repetitive gameplay and farm again and again to optimized your gear

a social media made for gamer. what is there to say about it?



the best browser to play GBF but outside of it the app has no use

Epic Seven | Global


This game is really good i ve been playing as a f2p since the start of eu so here is my review after playing for 3 year
the pros :
-the chara design and skill animation are great since the start of the game
-there is a pity for focus character be it ML(200) or RGB (120)
-all character are playable to a certain extent if you invest in them
-all the hero are obtainable via the daily/covenant apart from the limited of course[委屈]
-the pity is obtainable fairly easily if you do a bit of farm with the daily task

the cons:
-if you want to play actively in rta/arena then you MUST stick to the meta that is composed limited/collab or ML5
-if you want to play the game at it's fullest you must farm 24/24h every day
-the rng will be your best friend with it's 15% fix
-you can spend a week or over a month to gear a single character
-crafting a single good gear is hard

I think that is all so i hope that you appreciated my review of E7 and good day/night.

Stick to the meta for the rta/arena. You wake up wyvern , you wash wyvern , you eat wyvern and you sleep wyvern.
do not random pull unit cuz they will maybe end up being droped in the waiting room fir years until you have the gear that it needs unless this is your fav character

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That's a straight man's must play game Read Note
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