For unknown plot reasons. I truly don't exist. Not just because I lost my data on my PC on my restart. I also don't have still haven't gotton around
dark pikacha
So they have pretty bad rates ngl. But hey you can randomly recuit rarely 5 stars from the tarvan. Yeah thats if you have a 5 star contract you. Even then grinding for those is yikes. Rice(used for hunting) is energy that refreshes everyday I think. Is capped at 40. I hate the fact that I am probably gaining more materials via stealing using my characters. Then actually doing hunting grounds. I already made a note on PVP argh
Its kemco game. So in other worlds. You give everything related to little purple demon girl. So that you dont need to grind insane amounts. Because grinding lvls is pointless at a certain point.
SPOILERS spoiler. In the post game dungeon. They give insane amounts of exp to lvl you to lvl 999(this wont give 9999 or HP in all stats. For that you need to start grinding by beating the former hero into the ground a lot of times to get stat boosting stuff to actually raise that far. Yes to fight the post end game boss.
At this point you kinda expect this from kemco games.
A pretty decent indle game. Its what you expect. You are dungeon master and are task with surviving 50 waves. In order to do so you summon monsters from 5 tribes. Each has unique synergy buff to them. pretty easy right? Once finish lvl 0 of challenge differculty. You move towards the next difficulty. Each differculty has a debuff towards you. This stacks onto the next levels of differculty. So yeah I am not a expert at this.
I personally think this is the Best rpgmmo on the app store. Its one of those games where I will personally have in my heart. I play descent amount of mmo and at this point i know how to make money (in game not real ones).
Admittedly I spent a good bit getting 2 LR++ that lets me afk for the most of the game. I spent a lot of afk and building up my supply of LR fodder. Some LR are useless.
Brown Dust 2
3.0So they have pretty bad rates ngl. But hey you can randomly recuit rarely 5 stars from the tarvan. Yeah thats if you have a 5 star contract you. Even then grinding for those is yikes. Rice(used for hunting) is energy that refreshes everyday I think. Is capped at 40. I hate the fact that I am probably gaining more materials via stealing using my characters. Then actually doing hunting grounds. I already made a note on PVP argh