Been enjoying it for a year but can't purchase anymore from the JP server since a few months ago. Bummer because I'd be glad to pay a little for more items.
Update (11/02/2020):
I'm absolutely hooked. Graphics and music is stunning. The HD-2D style really works. Nostalgic yet modern. Combat is fun with just enough complexity but easy to navigate. Storyline is engaging and DARK. It will make you feel sick but that's what I like about it. There is gacha, but you can beat the story with 4 star characters. Because of the unique combat system lower tier characters become useful enough to use once you kickstart your journey.
I can't give it a full score because of the VPN though. If I lived in Japan this would def be a 5/5.
*Side note: One of the executive producers used to work on Another Eden before he quit and moved to SE, hence the resemblance of the game system.
First impressions (10/28/2020)
Not sure how to feel yet. First impression is good and will update scores later but the VPN is a huge turn-off. I want to play it in Japanese and who knows if they will include it in global versions. From what I know they usually don't and it's just mind boggling they don't consider Japanese outside of Japan.
I'm sure the VPN means they will release a global version later, hence my rants..
I hope they don't block VPN later also. There's a chance they might so I'm not investing heavily into it just yet.
Guardian Tales | Japanese
3.6Been enjoying it for a year but can't purchase anymore from the JP server since a few months ago. Bummer because I'd be glad to pay a little for more items.