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Game Comments (1)

Plus Point:
+ The MC isn't the only focus while at the same time is the important key part on the story, so the characters aren't all about cheesy romancing with MC all the time.

+ Each of their own have their conflict and motive related to this show-restaurant where at the first glance is just a 'normal' restaurant. The rivalry is there, not just with other team but even with their own teammate too, and i can tell you their rivalry isn't just where they hate each other or some crap like that, but it is for the actual survival's sake/motive sake for some of the character.
They all have their own interesting interactions with each characters and not everyone here is a buddy-buddy, so they're not like 'friendship power' stereotype.

+ Their character development is amazing, i must say. because it's flowing slowly but surely, you can see it within each chapter yet they don't rush it. good example for show not tell.

+ The song. Maybe you assume this is just some rhyme game with rap and rock because of their appearances, but it's not only that. They have many other genres and a lot of them is catchy. If you like edgy music, this is for you. If you like retro, jazz or even idol kinda song(idk what their genre is), this is for you too.
While it's not their VA who sang the song but the actual singer, it actually fits the character perfectly. If you want to check it out they do have youtube channel, just search Blackstar Theater Starless.

+ You don't have to worry about the diamond, because it's easy to get them except if you're a big spender. They have their weekly quest where you just have to play mission on the song. the reward is sometimes diamond, and materials to level up the card. even if you didn't play the quest, just playing the current event song will give you generous amount of materials for leveling up, so it's not that grindy (except for the Card reward event, even then with the right card it's not really hard to obtain, but you definitely will need patience). and not really hard to level up at all (unlikesomegamescoughnotgonnasaywhich)

+ The mystery and their story is actually chilling, and if you are already deep in the chapter, it makes you wonder if you're playing a rhyme game or a horror game. What is wrong with these restaurant, where did the boss go and why some of their staff missing, what is exactly Blackcard and why they are hunting us, and what is our relations to some of the member here, it is an engaging mystery.

Minus Point:
- Not gonna lie, the UI is kinda bland and the home menu page is hurting my eyes because of the bright colors.

- The card selection is kinda laggy, so it's annoying to scroll through them (even though you can use filter, it is still pain in the neck)

- The beatmap notes is changing colors depending with the color of characters card you choose, which is creative but sometimes makes it hard for you to see the notes.

- Maybe for some people the pace of the event is exhausting since if some event or chapter is over, they gonna start with new event/chapter again soon. While i think it's good because the audience won't get bored for waiting, but it's draining at the same time. The pace for each chapter is two weeks (sometimes longer), and seasonal event is one week (sometimes longer too). If you're only here for the story, you can still unlock them with pink ticket (you get them from drop or quest), but you can't get the event reward card anymore.

Sorry for the long review, but this is my actual honest opinion towards the game. And i want people who see this to check them out because it is such a waste a game like this is still not popular.

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