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Basil 27134215

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Genshin Impact


This game really good for people who really like open world game and adventure. The game so far so good, the problems are the game really use much internet and, because the game is open world the game really taking too much space and the game can make your phone so hot and exhausting the battery so much. And the most annoying one is when you play using phone sometime it can be lag even though the connection is good. So I recommended to play this game using computer or laptop with bigger ram and storage, and using computer much better for archer character which can aim better than using phone👍.

The game so much good, the graphic and the sound match with the game and don't have problem. The storyline also match with the original anime and you can choose any dialogue from 3 choice, so we can see some dialogue which is not in the movie and it's cool. Everything I rate 5, but for the value I give it 4 because the explanation a little fast and their text explantion on the box is a bit small so it's a bit difficult to see and read, it's similar like Genshin Impact. And I don't know how to close the game other than force close, hope they keep improving the game quality.

Need to catch up the story

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The game just recently release, but i like the design of the characters. My favorite is Kakudate Karin[色色]. Though I still wonder why the game features same like Priconne? Are they have same developer?

Everything's good, the only problem is you must play the main story so can play some events (Example, to play Saber Wars II must clear Solomon, to play Sparrow Inn must clear SIN story)

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C6 Miyabi🦊❤️
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