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friendly reminder, if u ever pre regist this game b4 never play with "guest login" coz you cannot bind it with email that pre regis this shit..
the shitty publisher will never fix it (they said it on X), their solution, we need to delete our pre regis account if we wanted to use it otherwise make another Gmail that never touch this shitty publisher
last, the shitty publisher also reduce rewards for launch almost 90% from the Chinese ver launch.
while Chinese, korea and the rest of the world upgrading and race who make the best action game with fluid movement, great combo and perfectly timed dodge/i-frame. at this rate I'm convinced, 98% Japanese game devs (let's left out SE&bandai) race to make the cheapest game.
ok let's keep it short, this is clearly a psp game titles "Valhalla knight" with upscale graphics to 720p and smaller dungeon.
ah btw you can get 4 UR in tutorial gacha.
hahaha, apparently in this game, u need to top up or being extremely lucky pulling an SS tanker otherwise u cannot finish chapter 1 in 1 day...
waste all my materials to a starter tanker to lvl 55 still cannot tank a midboss in chapter 1 for 4 second with SS healer..
btw no pre reg bonus or free roll, u need to get into 1-11 to get 20 roll.
edit : i never play PGR (punish gray raven), but then install it after doing everything in this game... got addicted playing PGR, come back to this game again for event but this game feels like trash on combat..
- no free camera
- auto lock target
- idiot AI always atk same target
- every boss always blinking or teleport to far away, lengthen the battle (without this shit i can finish the battle in less than 2 min)
- too easy fight.
- and most of all player movement speed is too slow like turtle walking.
maybe only the skill effect ? win ? but i doubt it too, the good skill battle animation is only jin ei others just eww too generic.
hmm 3 days ? 5 days in ?? still wait for my connecting screen to everything i do.. change keepsake aka equipment "connecting" change character screen "connecting" level up "connecting".... korean games are dead, their programmer right now are utter shit.
my connection ? well no ! my ping in every mmo at asian server below 100 !!!
update rating, wow glad keep playing this game, the stage become better and more challenging especially the event stage...
great gameplay needed a great timing and position when fighting boss, sometimes got frustrated when lose my retry due pressing wrong choice lol. maybe because im f2p and my character still 4 star but i definitely love the boss fight n the progress.
still in my standing, story is boringggg. both event and story mode are boriiiinnnggg.
update review : BAD PROGRESSION.
new f2p player better stay out of the game.. last update makes the f2p wont go anywhere with the character's skill, rough calculations need more than 1 year to upgrade 1 character from skill lvl 1 to lvl 10 (maximum)
is skill lvl important?? BIG YES, cuz one of the important factor to increase COMBAT POWER..
bye bye tencent lover.
"WELCOME TO METAVERSE" thats the 1st sentence you read in the game from the ugliest man in the game.
1st graphic: its ugly, all the girls are not attractive and the boys are straight ugly. all girl's dress/costume are plain like a rag to clean the floor, the boys are ugly sht.
animation ?? rigid as broken robot dance.
2nd sound : apparently a slashing sound in metaverse is "brruuk, bruuakk, bdukk, gruuk" that news to me.
3rd gameplay : wanted to copy code seed but failed too deep, wanted to use skill system in FGO also failed so badly cuz it doesn't matter exist or not.
storyline in nutsel, 1ST TIME go into metaverse with a google lens cardboard, no attachment cable or anything.
in metaverse, met an unknown girl (similar design of "aurora" in .hack series) welcoming you only with gesture.
gaining vision met a fcking ugly professor as operator/GM n explaining a few stuff, suddenly a monster appear close to a veteran fighter and atking her but bcus you are the MC somehow you protected the veteran fighter with your body out of nowhere, outmoved the veteran fighter and the monster, ah yeah mc still not moved from the starting position since log in.
BAM ! you can't log out n go into a journey to find the way to log out.
BUT !! you can just take off the google lens cardboard to log out, lol. idiot truly an idiot story hahahahaha.
what kind of drug they smoke when creating this masterpiece hahahaha.
dunno man, this is the craziey gacha i ever see.. in every pool there are 3 different kind you can get
1 character
2 card
3 robot
and each of kind have their own SSR so good luck getting your fav char or strongest char.
for me its not worth cuz the game just your usual turn based without any additional mechanic like soul tide.
wow, a high quality game, i love the graphics, CG n the sound effects in this game sooo good. just play up to finish the tutorial and unlock gacha.
time to change my review...
gameplay at arena/exercise in high tiers are complete bullshit, full of shitty rigged match.
- my sirius have 100% crit chance, cannot crit a single enemy in certain of 5 match,
- my ginga have full status acc set, max at skill 2, 6 out of 10 match cannot land a single debuff.
- my grace have 150% crit chance wifth max skill 2. have the same like sirius, 5 out 10 matches cannot land a single crit to enemies..
disaster, this game is disaster, control is clunky, monster 1 or 2 shot you, purple weapon 1 shot full health.
graphic is fuking horrible, my phone is ROG but got a massive fps drop in all high setting whenever got to new area, new enemy from afar, or the wall shrink.
connection is utterly shit, from SEA region, connect to SEA server fluctuates at 250-700 ping... WOW !!! my worst ping connected to NA server in other game is 190-210 ping, this game just WOW !.
graphic ???? hahaha even at all high setting the graphic looks like SNES game, you cannot even look at wire that walling you from walking, the house wall is soo shit even 3 years old kid can do better at drawing n coloring. they only care to make the paid character, your own original character looks like a doodle.
ohh the sound !! every weapon type have similar sound the different only the fire rate, holy shit !! oh wait the claymore swing's sound and knive's sound is the same too hahahaha too stupid.
materia/magic ? absolutely terrible, terrible control and hard to tap, and hard to hit, useful ?? NO !! 1 million times betrer use your fist rather than this shit.
WAITING FOR THIS, what i got only shit battle royal.
wow, after everything, finally i can play... this game is good and all but unfortunately the battle just a straight copy from other famous game, no other gimmick just a copy paste. storyline?? the same as anime but with additional lame evil character that wants to play with rimuru.
the other thing is this game is the stingiest game ever i played. no compensation when they mess up so bad, the reward for the 1st event of the game is basically "TRASH !"
yeah a trash that you can easily got from daily and a trash character that never ever be used. seriously the best reward is 4 star benimaru ?? that octagram baazar shit, you can't get all of it from this event.
at least make the reward for forging, lvl up n evolution weapon & armor, dipshit developer. that material is fuking hard to get. we don't need another trash 4 star or character material, just give those weapons materials fuking idiot.
conclusion 1st event reward is ALL TRASH ! then more trash in the next event, not worth for playing drop it.
5.0game is turn-based fight same like artery gear but with 5 member formation. kinda hard on bosses need proper strategy and built.
hohoho this is the most generous gacha game i ever played, i forgot how long i play this game, 1 month ? or 2 months ? but the most important thing iss i have 600 pull tickets, and 26K premium gem, btw i got it freee... premium gem can be used to buy skin, n the most expensive skin so far is 1080 premium gem...