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Those who doesn't work don't deserve to play. Now d*e!
Crimson Jet 23614311

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Those who doesn't work don't deserve to play. Now d*e!
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League of Pantheons


Click here..

then click there... oh and here. click here too.....


as you go through the "tutorial"

The initial character's art suck. Been 13 second in the game so can only give shitty comments

Girls' Lane


Yep. Not worth it. Might as well ask chatgpt to make the game.

Not a fan of the extra effort putting 3d in the game.. and uh, hire better illustrator for a start

Magical Girls Idle


Eat sh*t sleep and repeat just like life....

if only the illustration looks nice, unfortunately

Alchemists' Garden


Great time killer, no hushes, just play and dailies. Literally click and play. Getting gems and skips are very easy. Can focus on might building and characters lvl ups.

Characters drawing are nice. Gachas are generous, theres paid and free gems so theres opts for f2p players.

The game generally is not hard well if its difficult its not a game anyway. Games are for leisure not stress building.

The only downside is the 'back' and 'x' button are located on top of the screen.

Thank you for your 5 yrs service Alchemist Code

Typical pay to win game.

Coins are useless and the shop doesn't sell coin based items. Its all real money items and it's useless items

Activity points recovery is so slow and no quick recover to continue enjoy the gameplay. Had to open, close the game regularly to do quests and raids once AP recovered (typical trick to create high player login rate) Oh and once leveled up the AP bonus is shitty small, recovery rate doesn't budge mountains.

Leader level up is darn snail. You need the universe's live span to level up unless you have real money (typical force player pay to win tactic). Even if you progress far in the quests the exp recieved for each quest won't increase (less than 10 exp per quest complete) additionally the quest gets difficult at time (obviously) which make you want to pull SSR characters but you have to pay for diamonds. Personally the charaters illustration is gross... mostly and what makes it more horrible is the excessive 2D movement. I'd say only 2 characters so far are quality drawn one (my standards for this is very high, personal reason, others will disagree of course) if anyone tag this game as anime-like, i'll kill them once were in hell. That is just click baiting, so stop it.

By the way once your leader level up he's still useless anyway. seriously why that guy even exists.

Whats the point of going through all this then, I'd rather skip all and give the penny little diamonds to use for summons since there's fast and skip feature in place. Really it's a waste of time looking at battles which all aspects of the outcome is clear already.

Home, collections, guilds and trials are useless features. Theres no activity in it, you're there to collect air only. Pvp is impossible, since it's full of either high lvl players or bots ( or even dead account, an enhaced one). One of the trail activity is basically another game in a game. Again all this rewards to nothing.

Gacha---- what to say, there's a lot of choice, with lots of characters (even more useless characters which doesn't help much in progressing the quest) if you want it you need diamonds.

Been a while since playing a shitty game ( is it even a game?). It's not play friendly even for new players. If u have a lot of time, I guess one can endure. I was piqued to play this since one of the illustrator I "kindof know" had drew a promo illustration for this ( well for illusion connect R actually). Hopefully that person gets paid well for his work. For players who actually enjoy this kind..kind?, type of torture... I mean test of endurance? err.. game??.. well good for you. Pls share the happiness with the whole universe because then you are either a saint with a lot of time or some rich douche.. rich person. And I welcome bad comments since this is a bad review anyway. Maybe this way someone can convince me otherwise and change my f2p habit into a foot liking money waster or something something. But seriously games are business so i'd expect some form of money must return to the creators since its business but before that games are tools of leisure not billionaire scheme. Maybe it's unfair to say all this to this one thing.. er game? I mean. Since my opinion reflects on all other shitty ones out there but f**k u. Don't make a game then. Alright enough.

Probably will struggle a bit longer with this thing, to see if this "useless poor little excuse of an existance" leader can even reach his grave.

Don't want to imagine how illusion connect R is gonna be.

Qooapp you can delete this if u want. or maybe warning?

Lord of Dice | Global


If I can make a game, 💯% can make it better than this. Shame I couldn't. Can game creator stop focusing on graphic, for once, and make a playable game instead, an enjoyable one. It is weird to see why games like this survive. Rather this is unfair🤬

Mahjong Soul | English


So you play daily and get copper then realize that copper is completely useless. This is reality

No motivation to play any longer💩

Alchemy Stars | Global


Rare not boob-centred characters.
The character illustrations are awesome but this game is graphic intensive. UI and animation can be heavy making device slow.. but the illustrations are amazing!!

Only drawback is there are characters other than females so it hurts the gacha system. No point in spending to draw for this one if you try to collect girls only. go play AZ for that. (Mah personal opinion)

To complete the story you'll need those weird characters abillities, which is the opposite of what I do (by force), and now Im slowly getting stuck 🤪 but it doesnt matter.

____Login, finish dailys, do secret territory, complete daily dispatch missions and side event missions to get free lunamember(exchange coin-whatever its called). Then exhange for gacha coins, around 4000 for 10 gacha coins.
Any of the two coin types and then draw when reqruit rotation of your liking comes. Chance of getting the reqruitable 6/5⭐ or random 5⭐ is I'd say 30_35% less (usually more than 5 draws then its luck). So stacking is a great option for f2p player. Hint on draw, the colour of lever pulls indicate there's 5⭐ above or none. Gold 5⭐ above, purple 4⭐ and below ____

Got Angel and Uriah at very start of game so else doesn't matter. They're both kyawa!!!

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