Gumi knows how to make interesting Plots but the gameplay & the game mechanics suffer a lot this time around somehow...
The gameplay is like The Alchemist Code but a bit worse. Not only do the Chibis hurt my eyes (even if they look nice), their movements are too slow for me & yes, I did speed it up but even then...
As for the units I have... Idk how to put half of them on the team. Makes me feel like I've missed or forgotten something in/from the tutorial.
Or maybe I'm just too stupid for it
Well, I'll keep playing it for now & dare to hope that Aster Tatariqus won't be the same
Like Arknights yet at the same time not like Arknights at all (which is a good thing in my book)
You can deploy max 6 Units on the board & freely shift them around, not endlessly though, so careful there.
I'm also glad to see no chibis but 3D on the board & the animations look great.
Love the story with its little twists here & there.
The soundtracks, the art style, the tone & the mood give me Black Survival vibes & I really really like that
I've been playing Magatsu Wahrheit for a while after its release. Unfortunately I didn't enjoy it as much as I'd thought I would.
It's a turn based MMO JRPG with gacha.
Now the gacha rate is ok but I'm not really a fan of having equipment & weapons separated.
Another thing I'm not fond of is that you need paid gems for fast passes to level up easier (after reaching lvl 50+).
The graphic's alright, kinda looks like an old PSP game.
As for the story... It kinda plays like God Eater, 1st; get your mission, 2nd; go out to hunt down monsters & 3rd; return to HQ. The difference is that the story here didn't really draw me in. It lost me at chapter 3.
The only interesting part for me was the prolog.
Also class don't matter as you can unlock all of them after the tutorial. It has no impact on the story as none of the captains recognize you as a member of their units, which is a shame tbh.
I did enjoy the cutscenes though, they were nice to watch.
The graphic is as beautiful as in the OG. The animations & all the little details make it more alive unlike other card games in my opinion.
There are various things you can do to get rewards & to help you form your deck.
They always add something new, so I can't see myself getting bored of it anytime soon.
It really sticks out compared to other card games I've played.
Beware this game is almost 7 GB big, eats your battery like a starving pig & turns your phone into a hot potato.
Besides all that miHoYo did not disappoint with the graphics, they're mesmerizing & the soundtrack is excellent as well. It's an open world game, so there's a lot to explore.
While everyone is talking about Breath of the Wild here, I'm getting some serious Tales of Zestiria vibes from it with all that elemental stuff & entering the city in the beginning.
I found the start of the story interesting but after playing more, it lost my interest. It's nice to learn about the world you just dropped in & find comrades along the way, but it seems kinda basic to me & looks like you're gonna be stuck only in this city. Well, it's still just the beginning so maybe later there'll be more to it.
Now this game committed 2 serious crimes.
1st crime: Paimon is too adorable
2nd crime: I can't pat the doggos & kitties
EDIT: This is clearly outdated as I wrote it back in 2020. I played it a few more weeks & then I dropped it, so I don't know what's been added, changed or how much space it takes now.
You're better off looking for Reviews that have aged well or are newer
The graphics have to be one of the best I've seen so far & I love the animations.
I also really like the overworld map design.
I've been playing it for 2 months or so now & I'm still not tired of it. The story & its characters keep me intrigued & I can't get enough of the battle animations (they're just so beautiful to look at).
The gacha rate is fine, I've seen worse. Besides it's easy to get lots of Xes for free, so it isn't really p2w.
Personally I'm enjoying the game.
I love Steampunk & I'm glad that after Libra of Precatus' server got shutdown, I was able to find this.
First off the english voice overs & subtitles don't match, which irritated me a bit so I turned off the voice acting (it sounded horrible anyway).
While the storyline started off pretty good it went downhill somewhere in the middle, when it feels like you're more of a slave/side character that's just there to keep things going but isn't really involved in anything that's happening (maybe it'll change later).
I do like that you get to make choices that influence your personality & have an impact to the story (a few do).
Overall it's a good MMORPG game with stunning graphics, character customization, pets & more. Also there's a lot to do.
I've been playing for a month now & I'm still addicted.
I really enjoy the Colosseum battles & the co-op is fun as well.
The story is brilliant, I love it.
The dark atmosphere, the mystery, the twists & all the implications are just horribly beautiful.
I simply love Yoko Taro's take on the fairytales.
While the soundtrack is criminally good (as expected from Okabe) & the illustrations pretty, is the gameplay very simple & repetitive but not in a bad way.
Es is just precious. I loved the interactions with her & enjoyed her company throughout the game.
At first I was skeptic & didn't believe the game would be able to read me that well, only to get the opposite.
Kinda scary how accurate it was
I also liked the references of the books in the game & got some recommendations from Es, which I'm definitely gonna pick up
I always find my way back to this game.
It's like a drug, once you play it there's no stopping.
At first it seems intimidating but once you get the hang of crafting & finding the materials it'll become an addicting hell.
Personally I prefer the JP version over the global one.
The gacha rate is much better & it seems in the global version they altered/cut off a few scenes within the story.
In general it has an amazing storyline (definitely one of the best, if not the best), it has me absorbed into its world & chatacters.
They all have their role in the story, which is also shown through character stories, side stories & memories.
The artwork is beautiful & the character designs by RINZO, Dakuro, Shibuhiko & Wataribou are gorgeous as always (the others as well, of course)
Awesome storyline & great characters along with beautiful graphics.
There are always events going on & lots of collaborations, also the gacha rate is somewhat fair in my opinion.
I used to play the global version 'til it got shutdown.
I really love this game
Sakura Ignoramus
4.0Gumi knows how to make interesting Plots but the gameplay & the game mechanics suffer a lot this time around somehow...
The gameplay is like The Alchemist Code but a bit worse. Not only do the Chibis hurt my eyes (even if they look nice), their movements are too slow for me & yes, I did speed it up but even then...
As for the units I have... Idk how to put half of them on the team. Makes me feel like I've missed or forgotten something in/from the tutorial.
Or maybe I'm just too stupid for it
Well, I'll keep playing it for now & dare to hope that Aster Tatariqus won't be the same