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Memento Mori


So time to review this game (imo ofc):
1. Graphic: yea, it looks great ngl, artstyle suit the theme of the game

2. Sound/Music: I guess this is the most interesting thing of the game, dev really put much work on this most, even each character had their own music (Larment)
- About EN voice, feel like they tried their best to tell story, but somehow sound they were in rush

3. Gameplay
- As its name implied, this game basically an idle/afk game, but it have gacha. But honestly, I didn't even feel like this game is a proper Idle game, you can only watch they shoot and using skill each other in battle, and not even let you tap skill. And even no clicker to let you tap repeatly to get more resource faster, only just "Clear certain stage and offline"
> Obviously I dont hate any afk/idle game, but gameplay, it just....lazy to me
- The game has various content such as pvp, tower, dispatch,guild... but they mostly the same when only thing you can do is "Watching them battle"
- Daily/Weekly reward is actually good (at least a ticket to pull gacha if u complete daily quest)
- Witches (units in this game) kinda easy to obtain but not with 2 rare elements look like light/dark to me, and they even need more duplicate than normal 4 one to awaken to higher rarity
- Gacha is OK to me, but recently they released limited banner with this rare element, this is not a good idea ngl, since rare element witch is hard to obtain in most ways, and required too many dupe
> Meh way too p2w
- This game had "V.I.P system", well yea, don't even know why this game had this
- And they even had many servers (actually just 2 for now) but i dont know why they had to do this, there's not much thing to do in game tbh
- About PvP, now this is where the gap between whale and f2p is too large ("not even flying will help you" πŸ‘€)

4. Story: I can't say story is good, feel like dev were in rush to complete this

5. Other:
- This game should add setting let you hide L2D background in battle, I didnt feel it annoying, but it quite laggy
- If this game continues in this ridiculous p2w way, the game wont last long

> So say about this game, yea, I recommend playing this if you are just chilling with music and artstyle.

So time for a short review of this game (imo ofc):
*Notice: this game only in America and EU server, you might need VPN if you want to play the game outside these server and at the first time, you don't need turn on VPN after first time play.

1. Graphic: 8-bit style on gameplay and Grandblue Fantasy art style influnce in artwork and portrait, a good match for this game

2. Sound/Music: Seems OK and relaxing to me πŸ€”

3. Gameplay:
- If you know or play game "Another Eden", you might have a feeling "why this game have so many AE elements". Yea, you can say they are almost identical in gameplay (in map exploration, movement, questline, enemies encounter, class system/upgrade, status board, ...)
- Typical turn-base JRPG with a bit different in battle style (party 4 frontline members and 4 backline members, backline members can switch to attack in turn, swipe a skill to boost skill effect when enough BP)
- Gacha kinda normal to me, pity with point exchange on rate-up encounter and 200 pull for a Seal in Regular Encounter
- Daily/Weekly quest are OK to me, reward is quite decent
- Most interesting in this game is about Influnce System , it decided most things in this game such as: Overall Status, Different Action on most NPCs in map, Tales,...
+ There're 3 types of Influnce: Fame, Power, Wealth, each served different tales you choose from beginning and action on NPCs (you can also hire these NPCs to use their unique skill in battle (limited use))
+ Say about action on NPC, you can get items from them base on Influence you have: Fame type need your luck to get them, Power type need battle, Wealth type need you buy items or haggle to reduce price with chance.

4. Story: It's good, not too perfect imo πŸ€”

5. Other:
- Slow loading time
- Sometimes I really need an option to skip tutorial when you start from beginning ☹️

*So to say about this game, this is an OK game to play, and as gameplay is almost like offline game, you can play the game without worrying about losing important content (tbh this game is the same as Another Eden πŸ˜‘)

so just a quick review (because I didnt intend to play this game long):
1. Graphic: seems good to me, and quite smooth too

2. Sound/Music: good, neat and suitable for the game

3. Gameplay:
- Turn-base RPG with a little time-base, clear stage to get 3⭐ (and allow to use skip ticket which get mostly daily quest)
- Gacha kinda normal to me, pity only on x10 pull (as guaranteed 3*), also you can pull x10 for free twice everyday on fixed schedule
+ Gacha include unit + assist in one banner, not a good choice to me
- Gem (to pull gacha,...) is really limited if you cleared everything (daily quest only give you 10, I'm not sure about daily login reward though) so you might save up as much as you can
- Resource farming to upgrade is not too grindy
- Character/CP: give out status/passive for all card of that character, character quest, and also "customize" character by using skin and accessories

4. Story: kinda normal to me (at least if you already watched anime)

5. Others:
- Loading stage take too long
- Payment.....not too sure

so time to write down review for this game (imo ofc)

1. Graphic: obviously good (with Ghibli theme in this game)

2. Sound/music: Eh....I guess they are OK, still suit the scene

3. Gameplay:
- Typical MMORPG you may know very much about it (auto everything - quest run, battle, AFK farm,...)
- Say with battle system: action type, but kinda "meh" if you play manually: evasion cooldown 5s, unable to do auto-aim and have to manually change to right direction to fight (kinda bad with anyone play ranged class) - so just stick with auto fight unless you have to
- Character customize is OK, but gender, body size/type are fixed on each class (kinda meh but still can changing other thing at least)
- PvP and PK, with some class or pet can do ailment to stop/slow down target, it kinda meh (and ranged class have more advantage) 😐
- Familiar (or pet, for short) is OK, they help fighting and increase your stat a bit (get through gacha, catching or hatching)
- Mount help increasing stat and moving in map faster (improving stat (even owned them) is useful but some of them have to buy via paid bundle, another p2w i see)
- About equipment, or more specific, weapon and armor, you can get them via gacha or crafting, but as F2P, sticking with 3* equipment is better.
+ And wtf, why even gear crafting has gacha thingy here🀨, not say about status, say about the gear you get will be "random".
- This game is good for anyone who like exploring (collect, explore many things and put in Collection, get to improve your stat further)
- Many dungeon type and quest to do, that's OK for me
(oh even have World Boss)
- As enjoying type, this game is good: quite many emoticon/pose to do, interact with items in map, or take screenshot (it even have photo edit mode here)
- Familiar's Forest seems ok, but it lacks many furnitures.
- Tutorial is kinda....meh, I didn't say it guide me wrongly, but they set up Tutorial so random in each quest and not even useful after doing many things here (example: complete main story "Ignis" and the game guide you to try Fast Travel, but before this, I already used Fast Travel many times and now they guided this?)
+ Say tutorial, they should skip tutorial when playing another character on same account.
- AI Mode: basically offline farming in a chosen area, but maximum each day is 4 hours. It's good for busy player, but seems maximum time here kinda short.
- Now with Familiar Adventure and Familiar Arena, you may need to gather and upgrade more Familiar possible (at least dont have to pay for it because you can use familiar you hatch to fight)

4. Story: I can't say for sure but it seems normal to me, mostly in game beside "Soul Dive" is about typical fantasy story.

5. Others:
- Got few graphic bug, but not much to say
- Gacha factor in this game is almost everywhere, not really what I like (I didnt say about its rate, but about using this too much), oh and also don't try to spend most Diamond on gacha, it's not worth (if you are f2p), because these Diamond is not easy to farm tbh
- Payment is OK to me, but seems they pop-up too much bundle, the game is usual p2w as it seems

> So put this simply, this game is OK if you are just enjoying type (wandering around map, take selfie, chatting,...) thus say about farming, just.....AFK and sleep 😐

ECHOES of MANA | Global


so time to preview the game (imo ofc)
1. Graphic: seems ok to me, really detailed on face expression and act animation

2. Sound/BGM: good enough, not much more to expect

3 .Gameplay:
- ARPG type, clear stage and using up Stamina, well that simple, i guess
- You can do auto mode to farm, it will automatically use up stamina to farm (end when no stamina left or cancel); Well they should add sweep mode if stage reach 3*
- You can co-operate with other players to do certain stage/quest
- Daily quest reward is OK, decent amount of gem to get (and interesting thing is you can gain quest point to get gem (clear a quest give 1 pt, 100 gem on each 10 pt))
- Gacha rate is....well....normal (they mixed unit and memory shard in same banner, I dont like this type of gacha, they should seperate on each banner); pity system is "Trader coin" (get it when pull gacha) to exchange rate-up units of that banner
- Max star unit gacha is 4* but you can upgrade to max 6*
- Auto Mode in battle is a good thing to me, but it is still somehow buggy (example: change role for someone can heal as "Healer" but they still attack enemies until their HP reachs to danger level and they just start to heal (ah yes, not until an enemy just slaps them and say goodbye))

4. Story: well it is OK to me, unless you are fan of Mana series

5. Other:
- Payment is OK enough
- This game run in very slow pace (in battle, they are really slow, and even loading screen too)
- If your device is not good enough, this game is really laggy and sometimes force your entire device system crash and stuck a while

> so imo, this game is OK but not the game type I like, maybe someone who like Mana series can try it

Guardian Tales | Global


Ah yes, preview time (imo ofc)
1. Graphic: good, these 8-bit character is really cute in some way; Character portraits seems good, but I prefer KR art to JP art (because JP art seems weird in some way, I cant get used to it)

2. Sound/BGM: Great, perfectly match with each scene, map and battle

3. Gameplay:
- ARPG type with various puzzle and minigame (Honestly, what gerne is this game? 🀨)
- Gacha is OK, but Gem spend on gacha is a little too much I guess (although you can easily farm for Gem in various ways: Arena, Daily quest, Login,....) and Migleage is pity thing in this game, you can get them when you pull gacha, using Migleage to exchange Hero and ex weapon as your choice
- Guardian level: you can upgrade level by gathering Guardian pt, this is a must if you want Sweep mode in various stage and stat bonus
- Farming is a bit grindy at first when you are newbie, fully clearing stage (3*) with Auto can let you use sweep mode for faster clearing
- Pvp and coop, ok i guess? (I'm not into this so I dont really know how it balance or not)
- Main stage is easy to clear but not until world 11 and so on, its become harder af (this is why I hate someone tell to dev "this game is damned easy" and they improve difficulty from easy mode to "Dark Soul" mode ._.) and this is the most reason why many players quit the game
- Guild system is quite a must since you can get more things from Check-in, raid,...(like Gem,...) and have fun with friends in Guild HQ
- Collection (gather various gears and skin) help increase stat bonus further
- Facebreak: actually FB ingame but with certain NPCs, you can add them as friend from Main stage, get gem fron getting more friends and they sometimes tell some good tips for you when playing
- Event is some kind of....repeating, not much thing to do after clearing everything here...

4. Story: quite predictable but still very good, story become "darker" through gameplay
Ah yes, "FUN"TASYπŸ‘
- Through your gameplay, you will encounter a lot of reference from famous irl game, comic and movie

5. Others:
- Payment is OK, i guess
- can redeem code here, but not really often in certain server
- Somehow drain phone's battery quite fast


> So in my opinion, this game is good to play (friendly f2p i guess?), but event is kind of repeating.... so it come to bore quite fast if you already clear everything here (unless you are pvp type πŸ€”)

Soul Tide | Global


So....time to preview this game (imo ofc)
1. Graphic: good to me (come with L2D seems good too), it's cute to see chibi character wander around Lioris and Home. [ι–‹εΏƒ]

2. Sound/Bgm: great and suitable for the game (actually I love opening theme the most)

3. Gameplay:
- Basically turn-base battle with exploration style (in Main stage, Limbo stage, Event,...)
- Gacha is ok and friendly enough πŸ€” (have pity), you can pull for Verse (card equip to increase stat for Doll) and Doll to fight in battle (well say not easily to get actual Doll but you still can get some fragment to unlock them)
- Farming for material is not much grindy and you can also using "Sweep" after clearing a stage for fast farming (yea better this way, I'm too lazy tbh)
- Home system is OK, you can cook meal (actually for Dolls' gifts), do Task (actually expedition, but sadly you can only do Task with limited attempt everyday), craft furniture and set them in Dorm to improve Morale bonus,...
- Each Doll have Morale stat and lower after each battle, Morale decide how good they are in battle
But well, just put them in Dorm to recover morale πŸ‘€
- Daily/Weekly quest is OK in term of reward and fast clearing (good for me because I'm into daily quest fast-clearing game)
- In Litoris, you can "Patrol" to gather more items (actually this is another way of farming) and watching random scenes from it (although i cant really understand what they say 😐); You can patrol only 5 times everyday.

4. Story:
- Basically Visual Novel, story seems normal to me tbh
- You can date and interact with your Doll (Bond system) and various past stories within them on their affinity level > Well basically DATING SIM game 😐
- In Litoris, there're some quests appear through your play that uncover new info about other NPCs and Dolls (check in Archive)

5. Others:
- Sometimes appear mistranslation in dialogue, also using too many Romanji (Jp spell in Latin) in the game is really weird when reading story
- Payment is ok, I guess

*Have to say this game is good to play and friendly f2p, but to me I'm not really into waifu collecting game so whatever.
I will edit more thing here through playing it a little longer, I guess

Ah yes, review time
1. Graphic: Good, I wont complain about this

2. Music: Yea, music/sound ingame is great (i guess WFS is good at making music) with many good theme songs you can listen from event tales....
> But where can I download them?

3. Story: Good, I'm lazy to read LN anyway so this is a good place to read stories that I dont know, bonus with full-voice dialogue
Downside is, reading stories in this game like playing visual novel, I won't complain this if this game had very few action scenes; watching some attack effect on screen in battle scene make me feel asleep easily [睑覺] even though story is good
> My suggest: at least making dialogue with chibi sprite acting in scene like Another Eden (bonus using pictures in some epic scenes)

4. Gameplay: Turn-base rpg, almost same as Another Eden but having few different mechanics and status
- Having auto is good, but as you need to farm something like event, tap "Play Again" endlessly really tiring, even though DanMemo now have Skip ticket, still have to spam "Play again" when Skip ticket is out (you have 5 chance to skip everyday, and about normal Skip tickets, you can get them only in Mailbox reward, no way to farm or quest for them)
- Oh well, whatever new event is, just same farming route: set party and skill, use stamina, battle, skip....
Yea what did you expect? No map to explore like Another Eden
........Go grind brrrr~
- Say about Stamina, it recharge very quickly and items to recover Stamina are too easy to get, so don't worry much about out of stamina[不滿]
- Expedition is a good way to grind for lazy player like me πŸ‘€, just give some max lv unit and go brrr, reward given out is good tbh (and bonus with iris)
- Iris (gem to pull gacha) is really easy to gather in many source: daily/monthly quest, achievement, reward from livestream, unexpected reward from WFS, arena rank reward,... and also gacha is not bad either (have pity on few step, amount of iris to pull is quite low and also sometimes give out a bunch of gacha tickets) so if you are the type "Unit collecting", this game is good for you
- Say about Hero/Unit in this game, too many units which I can't set party easily, skill description is quite confused for newbie, and quite many units get powercreep easily when new units come
- If you are "Try to become Stronger" type, well time to prepare a large amount of iris and upgrade unit to full limit break with "Bond" (unless your luck is high enough to get fully limit break them) or grind endlessly again to get "Bond" item.... and Gear too
- PvP is quite downside if you want to reach to top rank, gap between f2p and p2w is just too large to achieve anyway, just reach to "Perseus" rank and get some iris, good enough for me anyway

5. Other:
- [Infinity Downloading Work] is what I want to describe this game (I guess WFS loves forcing player waiting in eternity just to download 1MB Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―)
To whoever download with mobile data, it downloads seriously slow (Wi-fi downloading is really slow too, but not much as mobile data), not recommended doing this
- Payment is quite fair as far as I know, and if you are casual player, yea, "friendly f2p"
- I don't know if you guys encounter this: this game will stuck sometimes if you open another app for a while or using "displaying other app" app like Messenger,... also this game is quite laggy for no reason


my opinion about this game:
1. Story is great (especially Mythos), and recently they added Auto play for dialogue, which is good for someone too lazy to tap endlessly.
- Side quests are many, some even better than Main story, also Collab quests (Sympony) are permanent (except Chrono Cross collab which is expired about 5 years later)
> Don't try to ask WFS for Skip dialogue cuz this game is mostly about story, it is in certain quests
> Plz add skip button on Treasure sub quest

2. BGM is great of course, sadly you have to buy these soundtrack.
> Why don't they at least add an area in game that let me listen all BGMs [ι›£ιŽ]

3. Graphic is good, there're some map have beautiful scene you can visit (such as Hidden Village Hitoise,...), and character design is good too
> Not too much lewd is OK to me

4. Battle gameplay is decent to me because I'm not really into turn-base type, but well, it have good animation when using skill and Ex skill scene, and go with suitable BGM
> Hype [ι–‹εΏƒ]
About unit, you can get alot free units through quests, and most of them are good even at late game (good for anyone have bad luck in gacha unit); Gacha units comes to powercreep easily time to time btw
> Oh, forgot to say, there're some units that have several styles (Original, Another Style, Extra Style, alter) (these styles here are just another units skin and different skill set/gear) and if you have one of their styles, you can upgrade to other styles, of course, just farming in AD

5. Say about gameplay, this game have some good side content to play, but at same time, too grindy (such as Fishing, Mining...)
Also about Another Dungeon (AD), it is quite grindy when it comes to farm to upgrade units and gear, why dont WFS add this skip AD[不滿]
> Increase QoL plz

6. Payment is really expensive, have to say, and cs (Chronos stone to pull gacha) is really hard to earn at late game (cs only in advertisement, achievement, daily login, normal quests, or pay ; they give you a very little amount) and really, WFS is quite scampy when it comes to give something good if it's not in a special occasion or big bug.
> Plz add Daily quests

7. Gacha is not really good, this game have no rate (the rate wrote on banner info is just a lie) and it predetermined at the first time you pull on specific banner, WFS also loves to put as many paid banner as possible, but if you intend to pull paid banner, I recommend Star Dream Encounter, it will give you a drop to let you choose a 5* unit you want.
> Say about "predetermined rate" it also affect the route of PCD (white key AD)
> I meant gacha have no rate and is predetermined because there's a player that used up about 120k cs just to get Radias from rate-up Radias banner, but still can't get her, of course
Yeah, just to say, if you intend to pull any units, only if you need that unit and pull first 2-3k cs to check out if you really can get that unit, and then stop even if you cant get it (unless you are too rich and pull many times as you want)


Alchemia Story


so time to preview this game (imo ofc):

1. Graphic: really good even for low-end device (you can adjust graphic for this and still good enough), there're many beautiful maps you can visit here (most in events)

2. Sound/BGM: seems OK to me, there're some good BGMs used in story and map, but battle BGMs were reused too much

3. Gameplay:
- MMORPG type with time/turn-base battle, take up to 8 players in battle (7 players and 1 YOME of the first player join in most battles)
- Many Jobs (class ingame) you can take on with different use and skills
- YOME (dev implied this as "Your own mate everyday") is a NPC will follow and help you in the game, you can customize appearance/set skill you learnt to help you fight,.... yea you can say YOME is another you ingame but act as NPC
> This YOME system is good for solo, and you can interact with them wherever you like (with emotion/action in map, in Navi list); I dont know why still someone dont like them follow you even though this is one of main system and you cant remove them.
- Gacha (lotto) is normal, you might need to get armor here because you can't craft any for now; you can get other things like weapon, accessory and mount too. And of course, some lotto include gear 3* only if you want to try "low-cost" avatar instead using 4* armor appearance
- Yea, you can get some weapon and accessories from gacha, but you still can farm and craft some too (I meant not gacha one you can craft), but it will be grinding so much and might need luck
- "FASHION" game is how I describe most thing in this game, so many good appearance armor, weapon and accessories you can equip as Avatar and you even can adjust their appearance by changing position or size...
> Closet system allows you put all 3* gears to this and equip them as avatar only (if you dont want them take much place in your bag) but at the time you put them in, you will never get them out again
+ You can't put same gear in Closet (you can put same 3 accessory though)
- Many emotion (character action) you can get and Action in map, take some photo with Camera (Camera button below chat box, if you tap and hold long enough, you can enter Edit mode and freely checking around area and edit picture)
- Housing system is OK, actually building house in this game is like playing Minecraft but harder to build; Sadly, you can't interact any furniture in your house, just for decoration
- Bond (guild system) is OK, and interesting thing in Bond system is you can join up to 2 (max 5 if you buy slot) Bonds at same time > actually good if you dont know where to join
- If you intend to be stronger in this game, it will become grinding hell (some gear required too much material or need high luck to get rare material) even leveling is grindy too (you might need save up EXP potatoes for this)
> Recently, dev added a new job and new weapon Katana, but really this is truly grindy because material required is too much to farm casually, why dev cannot just add this as normal weapon like others 🀨
- About event, there're events that take up 1 month, you can farm for new avatar gear, housing item and others (not too grindy here and suitable for newbie leveling), these events never rerun (at least in story) but grinding is still the same (just farm mob and bosses, yea), dev rarely add some minigames here like old times
- There're many channels here (take place as mini server): Regular multi channel (from ch5000), Specify multi channel (just like create private room, from ch1000), Bond channel and Solo channel (good for solo player if you dont want to get annoyed and can be skipped waiting for boss)
- You can duel (pvp) with other players too, of course this is just for fun, not like you do pvp rank or something

4. Story: Good enough, fully voice, but there're some dialogue grammar mistakes and bug happened (they're still fixing it though)

5. Others:
- Payment is fair enough, but recently they added too many pack that required paying (no need to pay this unless you need something there), maybe dev is really hungry for money now
- Text display still buggy somewhere
- Should improve QoL here, time by time, they increase difficulty to many things, not really helping though
- Dev does not really care about your hack/cheat here unless being reported (and if only they affect gameplay)
- Customer Service is not good as you think
- Banning system is meh, as if dev just ban as they want
> There's a story back to 2020, you may already know that you can farm for magic coin [bronze] (important material for crafting and exchange many things ingame) and exp in Dungeon right? Back then you can farm for coin in Dungeon many times as you want, just wait for the boss respawn. After updating dungeon Valley of Wind, many players used this feature to farm coin because the boss here drop so much coin. However, dev said this is a "bug" and decided to notify all players that "Dont use this bug" but never mentioned about banning, so many players still used this bug and in results, many of them got banned (some of them even got banned lv6 or 7 - force you to play solo forever)

*Imo, I would love to be casual player, just normal grinding and not worry too much about being too strong. Enjoying housing and avatar hunting is good enough. I just feel grinding to be strong in this game so pointless anyway, and being toxic by bunch of OP players (not included all OP players here ofc) is bad enough

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Just a complaint πŸ™ƒ I want to write a review for game "Limbus Company" but it just keep pop-up "Your text have sensitive words...."???? what words???? It should show what word to let me change it (as i checked every words but it look pretty normal) Read Note
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