The artstyle of the boys drew me in, and the bonding with them was really cute! I liked learning about them, their fears, and seeing their relationships improve as family.
I ended up picking Keith bc I love his type of character (lmao) but Reiss the tsun and Sieg have special places in my heart too since they're just so cute!! The plot was to be expected (somewhat simple and predictable) , but it wasn't a bad thing in my opinion. It's just nice to have a simple story to tap along to sometimes, you know?
And they're all so sweet AAAAAAAA I love them a lot. The game lasted 3 days or so because the plot is somewhat short, but I liked it anyways.
I love Cyd and Kaelan way too much KDJJSJDB send help
Okay, okay. I ended up going with Kaelan and I'm crying AAAAAA he's so sweet. I love him KDNDKD and it made me so sad when I finished the story with him, but it was a happy sad, y'know? Anyways, I'm partially convinced I'll probably replay the game just to go through Kaelan's route stuff again. I'm weak for him
And the ending illustration with him in the field... made me so happy kdjdkjshr he deserves everything
I never thought I would be playing such a game,,,, I downloaded it because I was curious and also because I was bored,, and,,
It was interesting, but it's not like an epic thriller. Some nice people in the comments have informed me that if you grind the gem minigame in the game, you can get enough gems to pick the premium chat options, so you can stay F2P!
Still, some of the good choices were actually the free option, so I liked that. *side-eyes other otome games...*
As a beginner, you are given a surplus of materials to start with after clearing and claiming rewards from missions. Like, a LOT of materials. It's really generous!
Gameplay is pretty simple, but graphics are nice (when you activate the Burn boost). You tap skills or you can let autoplay do everything for you (unlocked later, after you clear up to a certain point in the plot.) Progression in the plot is pretty fast, not much grinding for me.
The tutorial then leads you to the summon library where it'll give you one free draw daily and a Selective Draw. The selective draw is a one time thing only, but it gives you the option to draw for heroes up to 30 times a set. The first draw is the best one, naturally, but you can keep drawing until you hit the max of 30. The things you draw can be human or creature. You can get a lot of both, and it's possible to not get anything higher than a 3 star in some sets. (usually you get a 5 star or at least some 4 stars).
The drawing animation is really pretty. Shiny and sparkly, with lots of spinning. The characters (those of higher star rating, usually) have nice design and are a variety of faces and types. You can also get heroes from finishing story stages and getting acheivements.
The lore is interesting in my opinion, but occasionally I do skip past it, haha~ the main characters are cute and I find their exchanges fun to read. It doesn't bore me, which is good, and I can see myself playing it on the standby if I'm idle. I think it's pretty low-demanding as a game—so you can play on your own time, whenever you want—so if you want something that's somewhat low-dedication (but is still an interesting game), you can try this.
I haven't progressed too too far yet, because the game didn't capture my attention for longer than a few days. I still log in to get the sign in rewards, but it's not quite attention retaining. It's not very exciting to me, unfortunately.
Hihi~ I'll be offering my (lengthy) review on this new HappyEle game!! (I'm not an expert on rates and stuff so don't expect too much detail on that ahaha~)
In battle, it's somewhat similar to Granblue Fantasy, with the skill activation and the Quests they have. But in a good way! There's also an auto run that you can use after you get past the first chapter/dialogue of the Quests. Some characters get added attack power if you deploy them after other characters in their respective Sector.
The tutorial takes maybe 5-10 minutes to get through, and after poking around the game and using Google Translate, it's not too hard to remember what every button does.
Also, gorgeous boys. Yes. The art for the 3+ star cards are, of course, better than the 1-2☆ ones. Those cards (and esp their bloomed/evolved versions) have detail quite similar to the Enstars ones (though the art style is still pretty distinct.)
And you may have seen that other people have said the gacha is kind of strange in the sense that it contains both "heroes" and "frames"—the drop rate for frames, I found, are higher than the ones for heroes (the actual deployable characters). Frames help strengthen the characters in story Quests, but... it's more exciting to get the heroes. I don't know if there's an option to reroll without having to delete the game and restart (clicked too fast to see.)
Hmm, what else? Ah, there's a chibi "Patrol" exercise you can put your characters through. You can also dress up your chibis in their respective uniforms—it was a pleasant surprise that you were given everyone's battle uniform free of any unlocking of any kind.
The game gives you some good resources at the beginning, with rewards and other completion stuff already seen with Enstars: Music. After completing every story stage (both Quests and character story stages) you'll get a red gem/crystal that you can use to pull in the gacha. There's a coin gacha (for lower cards and frames) and four main gachas (for the four sectors). Each card can be boosted with other select cards, and there's a boost path/road with each character card (the idol road in Enstars, basically.)
To boost, you'll need these little bear gem thingies that drop from Quest stages. There's different types of bear gems, each colored to fit a different type of character genre card. (passion, cool, brave, etc). They drop pretty easily, I think? I haven't played very far yet in the game but as of now they drop a lot.)
There might be more that I'm forgetting, but if there is, I'll add it later :D I hope this gives you some insight into the game!
This is actually so cute haha, I really like the outfits and all the details are pretty extensive! I found myself recognizing some outfits and hairstyles and I was like wow, I've really sunken too low--
Regardless, like I said, it's cute, with a LOT of options and most of the video ads you have to watch for a few clothes aren't even that fancy of clothes, so you don't really need to bother? Anyway, recommend!
I have too much stamina... And I keep getting more from daily logins,,,,, I feel bad because I can never use it all because I have SO MUCH lmaooo aside from that I think it's pretty good. Cards are pretty and there are many more songs to play now!
I joined for the iconic artstyle and multitude of characters. Heres's a few things I noticed:
1. There's an English setting that you can toggle on at the beginning, which was unexpected but extremely appreciated. How come it isn't global already?
2. The plot is decent. I really like that they include summaries because I don't,,,, read all the text,,
3. The fighting aspect is rather grindy for leveling up characters/weapons/classes. You can set up autoplay, but it's a little tedious at times. Still, it's not that bad.
My Charming Butler
4.5The artstyle of the boys drew me in, and the bonding with them was really cute! I liked learning about them, their fears, and seeing their relationships improve as family.

I ended up picking Keith bc I love his type of character (lmao) but Reiss the tsun and Sieg have special places in my heart too since they're just so cute!! The plot was to be expected (somewhat simple and predictable) , but it wasn't a bad thing in my opinion. It's just nice to have a simple story to tap along to sometimes, you know?
And they're all so sweet AAAAAAAA I love them a lot. The game lasted 3 days or so because the plot is somewhat short, but I liked it anyways.