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Just trying to enjoy life to the fullest! If there's any issue contact the boss of my boss!
Kwanlitzia 21840150

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Just trying to enjoy life to the fullest! If there's any issue contact the boss of my boss!
Game Comments (23) More

i had such a high expectation for this game, got really disappointed... no wonder why the japan version shut down

this game is speechless...
Graphics: 5/5 its beyond expectations
sound: 4/5 its pretty good
gameplay: 4/5 not much but yeah
storyline: 5/5 its more like a 1 on 1 thing
overall, its fantastic game. You get to improve your character and get to listen to music. the only bad part is the stamina, it takes a while to regen. The gacha rate is also pretty decent, definitely not a p2w game since it requires you to build your team to be good at the game.

this game is the gem
graphics 5/5 some units has high quality animated limit burst and it looks REALLY good
sound: 4/5 not bad at all
gameplay: 5/5 very interesting, allow you to select what skill to use like ff games
storyline: 4/5 somewhat intererting
overall, its a really well made game. all of you should try it out and the gacha system is pretty nice too.

Azur Lane | English


graphics: 5/5 dont even get me started, the design of the ships are good and theres L2D SKINS
sound: 5/5 some event songs are heat!
gameplay: 3/5 boring, just auto unless the map is hard
story: 3/5 not interesting, just fighting against sirens

the game overall is pretty good, this game has the BEST gacha out of all gacha games. its EXTREMELY generous.

graphics: 4/5 its not bad, but can improve the animations
sounds: 3/5 its alright
gameplay: 4/5 abit boring, mostly auto
storyline: 3/5 story is kinda boring, not even capping
gacha rate is like ehh, its not good nor bad. atleast theres a pity system...they should allow 2.0x speed up for everyone for free insteading of paying money.

Shining Beyond


graphics: 4/5 definitely can improve! especially the angle of the camera
sounds: 3/5 nothing special
gameplay: 3/5 nothing special, just auto or click a few buttons
storyline: 3/5 not really interesting
Gacha rate up is so bad, like when a unit gets a rate up, youll most likely getting a different ssr/ur than the one thats on the rate up. BUT this game is generous, so ttheres lot of freebies!

do i even need to explain why this game is good?
just try it out, youll find out!

graphics: 5/5 pretty good for a ff mobile game
sounds: 3/5needs some voice lines!
gameplay: 4/5 gets better, the more weapon = the more skill sets
storyline: 3/5 not interesting

This game is so generous when it comes to rolling, who needs to roll for waifu/husbando when you can get them for free! just gotta grind for gems and roll for their weapon ~



Graphics: 4/5 pretty standard
sound: 3/5 not much voice line
gameplay: 4/5 not much action
storyline: 3/5 eh not much honestly
overall 4/5 theres more action and dialogues

The Graphics in this game isnt the best but the new units are :)
sound: 3/5
not much voice lines
gameplay: 3/5
its okay not the best nor worst
storyline: 5/5
anyone plays/watch/read one piece should agree with this lol
overall: 4/5
really like the unit designs especailly nami/robin, osoba. The one thing bad about this game is probably the gacha rate,sometimes we win big and sometimes we win small but overall iits really good game!

Not the worst game ive played but theres a lot of improvement to be made

Graphics: 3/5 portraits were nice but the character in game is like ehh not so good

sound: 2/5 need more lines

story: 3/5 somewhat boring

overall: 3/5, need more improvement also vip system is a nono so remove that

graphics/gameplay: 4/5 the gameplay .. there's isn't much other than clicking cards and skills/commend spells and the graphics are great, some servants gets reanimation which is very nice.

storyline: 5/5 not gonna lie but even if the game is p2w(depends on your rng) it's still worth playing because of the story.

sound: 5/5 pretty good, the fact that you can goto my room and make your character talk

overall it's a great game to play, just need some gacha luck.
personally I've been pretty lucky with like 19 ssr f2p. There's also alot of event to grind monthly. Alright!
Enough talking, time to start grinding~

Google Translate


it's Google translate, it also has the best voice actors for anime

Arknights | English


Review time!
Graphics:5/5 Very polished! The graphics is pretty good and the character designs are just on point

Sound:4/5 more voicelines needed

Gameplay: 5/5 If you like Balloon tower type of game, you will certainly like this game! Its literally a harder version of BTD but with gacha which makes it 100x better.

Gacha RNG: 4/5 Not too f2p friendly like yostars Azur lane. But you do get a chance of getting a 6* operator through the recruit.

Storyline: Very interesting, - not going to talk too much about it(to prevent spoiling)

Overall: Everything about this is really good, its a very grindy game and your stamina(sanity) runs out very often. its hard for f2p to rush story without spending so Good luck! may the gacha god be with you all.
Thanks for reading!

Time to make another review!
The only bad thing about this game is the vpn part, other than that everything is good.

Gameplay/Graphics:4/5 Honestly theres not much to do other than clicking 3 buttons BUT the animations are beyond expectations. This game is quite Gacha Friendly!

Sound:3/5 if only they added more voice lines to the character

storyline: 4/5 If you seen the anime, you already know some part of it. The bad part about the storyline is the language, many of us arent japanese therefore its going to be hard.

In conclusion, its worth playing the game and the gacha is pretty f2p, for VPN: i recommend ProtonVPN! gameplay can be improved by adding more functions but after all its a turn base game so cant expect too much of it.
Thanks for reading!!
*UPDATE: Since the new update, protonvpn wont work BUT ill show you the way ;). Use SOLOVPN

Honkai Impact 3rd | SEA


I'm going to be honest with this review.

Gameplay: at first its really fascinating but the more you play, the more you kind of get bored of. The gacha ratings arent that bad but could improve.

Sound: Really nice but could improve if more voice lines were added.

Graphics: Graphics has to be 10/10, its very detailed and the fact that you can change your graphics in settings are on point👌

Storyline: It gets really interesting as you move along, trust me. You will enjoy story more than the gameplay.

Overall: Its really a good game for people who are into action,anime,fighting,gacha game. I personally enjoyed this game quite alot since i love the character design and the story. BUT the longer you play, you will soon realize its quite Pay 2 win... You guys can agree or disagree but end game are usually pay 2 win since it gets really challenging and the grind gets really hard. Thanks for reading my review, hope you enjoyed the game as much as i do.😄

I'm going to be honest with this review.

Gameplay: at first its really fascinating but the more you play, the more you kind of get bored of. The gacha ratings arent that bad but could improve.

Sound: Really nice but could improve if more voice lines were added.

Graphics: Graphics has to be 10/10, its very detailed and the fact that you can change your graphics in settings are on point👌

Storyline: It gets really interesting as you move along, trust me. You will enjoy story more than the gameplay.

Overall: Its really a good game for people who are into action,anime,fighting,gacha game. I personally enjoyed this game quite alot since i love the character design and the story. BUT the longer you play, you will soon realize its quite Pay 2 win... You guys can agree or disagree but end game are usually pay 2 win since it gets really challenging and the grind gets really hard. Thanks for reading my review, hope you enjoyed the game as much as i do.😄

not bad at all

Aurora Legend | English


gacha is garbage the rng is too rigged, garbage game to me that's all. a bunch of advertisements..

gameplay can be improve, overall I would reccomend this game to people but first they need to watch the anime before playing this game!

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Notes (268) More
Jan 20 ~ Feb 24 The ambush rotation is the following. Reminder that you have a chance to be ambushed by clearing a clash.
+Ambush Sengoku
- Any Chaos difficulty Coliseum or Arena during the period
+Ambush Linlin
- Jan 20 ~ Jan 27
+Ambush Cavendish
- Jan 27 ~ Feb 3
+Ambush Shanks
- Feb 3 ~ Feb 10
+Ambush Garp
- Feb 17 ~ Feb 24
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